

Unknown POV. I sat in my office watching the evil seed I'd planted grow, I knew they'd be here at their own times. I let out a laugh, if magically she appears blur and I can't see her anymore, I'll use those I can see to get to her. Who does she think she is, little brat. I decided to call my niece, she's the only one who can cast this spell to let us see her. "Eve dear" I bellowed. She came in looking uninterested, of course she's always uninterested and sharp tongued. I kept quiet for few minutes just to piss her. " Are you suddenly dumb?" She asked arrogantly. The only way to get her to speak is to waste her time, but I was feeling so insulted right now. I raised my hands and she did too, I can never catch her unaware, I wanted to lift her up in the air. I realized she was getting more powerful by the day. I tried everything to make her like me till I can get what I want. " Have you tried reaching out again?" I asked with a fake smile plastered on my face. " You don't have to try so hard to be nice, we both know what you want from me, it's so sad that my sister was easily brainwashed by you" she said with disgust. Truly, her sister was naive, just like her parents were and they trust too much, foolish people. Who trusts people at this age?? I kept quiet and my attention turned to the mirror, I saw my first evil seed coming towards my magnificent mansion. Suddenly it went blank and I turned around to see Evelyn with a smirk on her face. This girl is really trying to tempt my patience, if I had what I needed I would've ended her long ago. " I'll give you drama, it's been so boring here" she said stubbornly. She's become bold since I lost the magic contest to her, in my defense I was really sick. " Put it on" I commanded, the anger in me has reached its peak. " Do it yourself, you still haven't given me any tangible reason why you called me , I'd take my leave" she said curtly, I knew she was faking it. I couldn't even trust her. " You wouldn't dare leave without my consent" I bellowed. " Nice, watch me leave" she turned on the mirror and walked to the door. " Your new slave is here, a very desperate person" she hissed and walked out. Of course if there was anything that gladdened me was the fact that my evil seed was here, she walked in and prostrated before me. I felt so powerful at this point and I loved moments like this. " How has it been?" I asked proudly. " Very well master, I appreciate all you do, it keeps getting better and better" she said with a smile. " Very well then, what brought you here today?" " I came to render my thanks, but there's something else" she said mischievously. I beckoned to her to come closer and she whispered it into my ears. I was over joyous but decided to act normal. " That's great then, you may leave" I said She thanked me again and walked out joyously. I let out an evil laugh. Another fool. _________________ __________ Nathaniel's POV As expected, Lily was in love with the gift. I got a huge hug and a kiss, before she buried herself in one of the books I bought. Early the next day, we headed to New York. It was a very tedious search as almost everyone we contacted didn't know the person. We walked all through surveying the areas and getting contacts of those who were alive at the time and are still alive now. I mean that happened twenty_ eight years ago, they should know about it. We decided to get the contacts and put a call across to visit them one by one. That was going to be very tedious but I'd do anything for her. I was very grateful to Roman for always going with me and Lake for always staying with Liliana. When we felt we'd gotten enough we decided to go back, I didn't want to raise any suspicions and I needed to check how the workers were doing. "I'm really exhausted" Roman whined "Sorry, I'll root for you when you find a mate finally" I said laughing. " We'd look into that, but I wouldn't want a mate that'll stress me like yours" he said. " Let me buy you food," I offered. " Don't stress, you'd cook for me when we get to Rhode island" he said with a smirk. I really wanted to talk back but I owed him one. We took a flight to Rhode Island and in no time we'd arrived. I was glad, we went to the site where the people were working on and they really did a good job. It was getting late, I had to dismiss them for the day. I had other things to attend to. Roman and I went to his house, where I made dinner. After eating and doing the dishes, we started sorting and calling the numbers we got. It took a really long time and we were exhausted, most of them were rude but we had to continue and not be discouraged. We'll try again tomorrow. We said our good nights and I headed back home. Lake was long gone and Lilliana was asleep, she looked so gentle and at peace. I showered and got into bed. 'Not yet' As I tried to sleep the words kept echoing in my ears, I was disturbed. I couldn't find sleep, so I had to pick up one of the books I bought for Lily to read. " What are you doing? Reading an erotica?" She said with a laugh. I dropped the book, mortified that she caught me trying to read an erotica. I laughed. "I thought you were asleep?" I asked instead. "I was, but you keep tossing and making shuffling sounds" she said. "Sorry I didn't mean to be loud" I said "It's fine, come cuddle me" she said with a pout. I obeyed, and I drifted to sleep immediately.