

Oliver was hit by the violet protection shield that she made and flew few inches to the sky, before falling back hard on the ground. The sphere rolled down his hand, to the bushes in the impact causing the green grasses to dry through which it rolled away. Lia's eyes squinted seeing the effect of a sphere which is owned by a mere omega. She couldn't wait to explore what hid in the stones and wands that she took from the palace with her.

Those were the stones which was passed on to her as a part of hereditary so she knows what to expect from it. She could magically create another realm with it if she knew to organize the spells. Lia grinned as she waved her wand to vanish the bubble around her. Oliver sat up while coughing really hard, trying to catch his breath after the terrible fall which almost cracked his bones. Lia crouched down before the boy with the same grin, but it widened more seeing the pain rushing in him.