
Luminous Marble

Norah is a 20-something woman who hates her mundane day job and seeks more out of life. She desperately wishes for a way to make her mark on the world. Then one day, the apocalypse strikes without warning, destroying everything she's known and leaving chaos behind. During the chaos and destruction, Norah meets Angelus, a mysterious stranger who is seemingly beyond the boundaries of time and space. Angelus tells Norah that he can give her magical powers to get her revenge. Naturally, she takes the offer and becomes and Acolyte of Chaos herself.

Moon_Beam_6477 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Supplementary Notes II

[EARTH]-The Survivalist Planet

After the Masters' assault, the Earth has turned into a desolate wasteland. Landscapes were altered beyond recognition, and ecosystems have been rocked. Oceans waters have turned acidic, and the air quality has significantly worsened. But despite Terrene's best efforts, she could not wipe out all of humanity or other life forms. The surviving humans would later name the Masters' attack "Human Extermination Event".

There are so few true humans left on the face of Earth. As the majority of the population of creatures evolved from humanity, whether it'll be due to adaptability or divine intervention, humanity is indeed on the brink of destruction.

[DEVAS]-The First Superhumans

Pockets of humanity survived on Earth. A certain group of humans was able to find and devour Divine Fruits, granting them superpowers. It was due to these superpowers that many of the surviving humans were able to fight back against Terrene's monster hordes. At this point in time, the dominant life forms no longer resemble their ancestors, instead one can mistake them for the gods they once worshiped.

[ASHURAS]-The Enemy to Man

After losing five of its Masters, Terrene created monsters called Ashuras to kill the life living in her. Ashuras are significantly smaller than Masters so they can kill humans more efficiently. Like the Supers, the Ashuras adapted alongside their arch-enemies, so the eternal war can continue.

[VIKTOR]-Enigmatic Scientist

Viktor is an Avatar of the Ancient Knowledge and Steel, belonging to the Eternal clan. He appeared immediately after the Human Extermination Event. He first appeared at the Eternal Tundra with his Miracle Machine and helped the human population survive its near extinction. The Miracle Machine was named such because it performed feats one could classify as miracles.

Viktor helped evolve humanity by creating new subspecies of humans using technology from his realm, Akashic Records, and guiding other humans to the Divine Fruits.


Hybrids were the first race created by Viktor. They were created by combining the DNA of humans with animals. This spawned two subspecies of Hybribs: Demi-Humans and Lycans.

Demi-Humans are hybrids that are humanoids with animal features and enhanced physical abilities that are one hundred times greater than a human.

Lycans are animalistic in their appearance and are bigger and even stronger than Demi-Humans.

[ETERNAL TUNDRA]-The Winter Desert

Located in the northern region of the planet, it is an ice cape that never melts or breaks and no life can ever grow there. Only the Hybrids and a select few Ashuras can survive in its harsh environments. It is due to the cold that the Hybrid kingdom was never invaded except by the Cybers, who they are currently at war with.

[LEO] King of the Beast

By combining the DNA of every animal DNA into an infant child and feeding it Divine Fruit, Leo was the first Hybrid born. Due to his explosive power and incredible strength, Leo was able to slay the Master, Audumbla. He then used its corpse to feed his people, and his hide to protect them from the cold.

One day, Leo was slain by an Ashura and his body was recovered and mechanized by the Metal Empire. It was due to this act that the Hybrids went to war with the Cybers (in reality it was because they wanted access to the Dragonite Mines).

[CYBERS]-Organic Machines

Another one of Viktor's creations, Cbyers came to be by combining organic flesh with the technology from the Akashic Records. Their bones were replaced by the super metal Silver Dragonite, and their brains were implanted with miniature computers connected to Woden but maintain their self-will. Their hearts were replaced with Infinite Engines, granting them superpowers and unlimited energy, and their eyes were replaced with powerful lenses, capable of observing galaxies lightyears away and the electrons.

They are long-lived and can repair themselves from any damage via nanites found in their bloodstream. Unlike most cybernetic lifeforms, they are capable of producing offspring.

[EMPRESS MARY I]The first Cyber to be created, she founded the Metal Empire nine hundred years ago. Due to the oncoming threat of the master Kabutoss threatening the Metal Empire, the super weapon, the Vega Gun was commissioned by the Queen herself.

The Vega Gun was the super weapon that was connected to Deadworld and brought about the concept of Death to immortal beings. However, for the Empress to use it, she sacrificed herself to defend her people. After her death, her daughter took her name, and ever since the first daughter born in the noble household was always taken the throne after her predecessor.

[METAL EMPIRE]- An empire consisting of Cybernetic Androids (Cybers for short) and whose current ruler is Empress Altera XVI. Using the same alien technology that was used to create them, the Cybers had developed a highly advanced society. Although the Cybers have a monarchy, the real leader is the supercomputer known as Woden, which originated from alien technology.

The city is protected by electromagnetic shielding produced by the a.i. units Vili and Ve. No organic lifeforms can enter these barriers and it can even withstand attacks from Masters.

Woden has placed these barriers around the city to protect its natural resources from outsiders, including the super metal Dragon Ore and its derivative Dragonite. But somehow these metals have made their way outside of the city limits.

[NEPHILIM]-Flying Knights

Another subspecies of Hybrids were created by Viktor. These subspecies were created by combining human DNA with birds while also being infused with holy energy. With their powerful wing muscles, they are capable of reaching high altitudes with a single flap of their wings.

Their main source of defense is creating energy-based weapons out of the same holy energy that was used in creating them called Licht Waffe and they are capable of performing powerful holy magic called miracles.

[EL SHADDAI]-The God Who is More Than Enough

The very first Nephilim was responsible for creating more of his race, which can be done by a simple touch by him. As the alpha Nephilim, he was the most powerful and was seen as a religious figure. Although, one could argue that the Nephilim race is nothing but a devout cult.

He saved the world from destruction during the Hundred Year drought by destroying the Master responsible for the drought, Latam at the cost of his own life.

[EDEN]-The Kingdom Hidden in the Trees

While not as technological advance as the Metal Empires, Eden is a kingdom that is rich in natural resources. Due to Nephilim's natural ability to perform miracles, they have terraformed a barren desert into a lush forest filled with drinkable water and animals to hunt.

The Nephilim do not allow any outsiders inside their forest and will kill any and all trespassers if they are caught in their woods. Many normal humans are killed by patrolmen.


Walpurgisnacht was a collective of the most powerful witches with magic comparable to that of the gods. Members of this group were born with a planet sigil on their right shoulder displayed in one of the colors of the light spectrum.

Each member draws power from the planet their sigil corresponds to and performs spells with the assistance of certain metals. Walpurgisnacht members also gained more power on certain days.

Together, the seven members founded the Dark University that taught magecraft to many of the denizens left on the Dead Earth. Sensing their impending doom, each member has created a book with all of the knowledge of the dark arts into a single tome called Rosetta.

Walpurgisnacht sacrificed themselves to kill the Master known as Arcadia. With the body of Arcadia, their student constructed a city on top of its corpse. The seven witches were also able to construct an invincible barrier around the planet to stop other Monarchs from coming to Earth to wipe out the remaining life on the planet.

[DARK UNIVERSITY]-The Unseen College

Created by the members of the Walpurgisnacht, it is a university that teaches humans of any race, magic. Only those who have mana are allowed inside its walls, while only descendants of humans who've eaten Divine Fruit could possess mana.

No one knows what is taught there as students and faculty are sworn to secrecy to not have their secrets exposed. It can only be found through a certain tracking spell due to it constantly moving and never being in the same place twice.

[ASTRAS]-Holy Weapons

Astras are holy weapons created by the Avatar of Earth, Hector of the Endless, by using the super metal Orichalcum. Orichalcum is harvested by stars that went supernova and are only bested by weapons made from Dragonite.

Each Astra was wielded by a Primordial God (which is nobility in the In-Between world) and thus can be summoned by invoking the god who wielded that weapon originally. The deity invoked will bestow the weapon with supernatural powers. No other weapon can counter them, even ones constructed from Dragonite.

Specific conditions exist involving the use of an Astra and violation could be fatal. Due to their overwhelming power, only members of the Silver Knights know of the incantation. The secret incantation is only passed through the master and disciple via word of mouth alone. Certain Astras could be handed to individuals directly from a deity, making the need for the incantation useless.

[SILVER KNIGHTS]-Protectors of the People

The Order Silver Knights are a group of humans with holy power that designated themselves the protectors of the planet. They defend the populace from rampant monster attacks and prevent wars among the other races by acting as a deterrent force. The order has no allegiance to any of the countries and has no interest in politics.

Founded during the beginning of the Human Extinction Event, the very first Silver Knights was a man named Roland who came into possession of the Astra Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, which can bring misfortune upon his foes while bringing him great fortune. Using Diarmuid's ability alongside his tremendously vast levels of holy energy, Roland was able to slay the Master Deathsaur.

After slaying the Deathsaur, Roland would take on thirteen disciples and teach them everything he knows, even how to call forth Astras. These thirteen disciples would later be known as the Original Thirteen and would themselves only have thirteen disciples.

The current generation of Silver Knights is based in the sky fortress Laputa.

[REPUBLIC]-The last city.

Located in the middle of the desert, this gated city is the hub for all of the races found on the planet. Protected by the Order of the Silver Knights, citizens of the Republic will never fear an attack from an Ashura or the last Master.

Off in the distance, you can see a large tower the locals called Dyeus. Anybody who ventures to Dyeus has never returned…