
Reason and Rebirth

The Headmaster of the Academy once told me to transcribe my life. He said that once my descendants are ruling the world basking in my glory the truth about me should be written somewhere, to separate the truth for the tales and the stories bards will sing about by achievements.

I thought he was crazy. I disregarded his advice as the ramblings of an old man. Until a few days ago.

My Name is Thorus Maxima. Everyone that will read this story should have already heard of me. If not awesome.

I am or I was, depending on the time that has passed between the transcription and you reading this, hailed as the greatest Hero of mankind.

I am no Hero. It was never my intention to be a Hero. I am just someone strong enough to break the system. I am sure that the system had once been a good institution. All the knowledge I gathered throughout my life indicates that the First Emperor had good intentions.

Unfortunately the current System is rotten and corrupted.

My Story begins in a place so foreign to the World I live in now that it is indescribable.

I am a Transmigrant. I come from another world.

I am a Reincarnator. I come from another time.

The first world that I lived in was magicless. Any and every form of magic was unknown to the general public. It taught me the depths of human cruelty.

Humans are a predatory species if there is no enemy they fight among themselves.

The humans of my world used Science and Technologie to survive until they achieved space travel. The ability to travel from one world to another.

It could have been the foundation to enable everyone to have a long and happy life.

That wasn't the case. A few people, those with money and power controlled everything. In the world I am now it is similar, the nobles have the wealth and the power.

To demonstrate the significant difference between the two systems is while nobles fight for power, the powerful people in my world had a competition of who is the worst tyrant.

In a world where the family you are born into is everything, I was an orphan. I was the lowest of the lowest and at the bottom of the food chain.

The orphanage I grew up in was hell. It taught you to be as cutthroat as possible. Food that should have been a good of abundance with entire planets full of cornfields, was a rare good for me. I had to fight for my food day in and day out.

The words kindness and compassion were long since deleted out of the dictionary.

The public education system was no institution of knowledge, a more fitting comparison would be an indoctrination camp to produce willing and ignorant slaves, while separating the capable individuals from the incompetent ones.

In my time in the system I was soon found to be capable. A rich family took interest in my skills and bought me like a slave. At first I even felt grateful. A mistake that I corrected soon. There were more slaves my age, I wasn't even allowed to speak to them.

I soon found myself in a private school that had more armed security guards than students. Here I learned basically everything I knew. It was a school for boy slaves like me to get enough education. I had food, clothes and the necessary technical support needed to learn everything that they had to teach.

By the time I turned 18 my specialized education began. My owner decided that I shall become a spaceship pilot. They thought it was the most suitable job for me.

My first real piloting lesson in a space shuttle happened by the time I was 21 and near the end of my education.

It is a bit ironic that the first day I felt alive and 'free' was the last day of my life.

I was with 4 other slaves and the teacher in the shuttle and we took turns to fly.

I do not know why, but the shuttle exploded. I wasn't the one flying at the moment and the cockpit only had space for two people. The pilot and the Instructor.

In these 21 years that I lived on this planet I had never been with a girl, I never kissed one, nor hugged one, nor did I ever experience love or other intimate feelings.

From my current perspective my first life was pathetic.

Let's talk about my current life. It is by all means better than the first.

I will first introduce the general overview of the world I live in.

The Planet we inhabit is generally called Terra. Some groups are desperately trying to convince everyone that this isn't the world's real name, but they are mostly seen as crazy.

The Planet Terra has 5 continents that form a plus sign. No matter who you ask they will tell you that their continent is the central continent. I grew up on the Continent named Parschol. This Continent is mostly inhabited and controlled by humans. The humans have it divided into several Kingdoms and empires. Over 600 of them exist on the Parschol Continent.

The other four continents are Veling in the north of Parschol. It is said that this continent is mostly inhabited by beasts. Only a few human Clans live on this Icy continent. Rumors say that Giants live there too. I can not confirm it as of yet. I have never been to Veling.

In the East is Draboul, it is labeled the Death continent and every expedition headed there was never seen again. It could be that Draboul is the Paradise of Terra. We don't know. And to be honest I am not confident to travel there with my current strength.

In the South is Tarot, the desert continent. It is said that there can be no life on this continent. Expeditions that went there came back either decimated, or rich with ore. The only life that seems to exist in this endless desert are Giant Sandworms.

And finally in the west we have Bucco, the continent of wealth. Why is it called that way? That is because it is another Continent that is dominated by humans, but in comparison to Parschol there are only 5 great empires ruling this continent instead of 600 small nations. They are so far ahead of the Parschol continent that we are barbarians in their eyes. Especially if you come across a noble from one of these great empires.

On Parschol among these 600 Kingdoms and Empires there is a small, basically insignificant Kingdom. It is named Hesmaton after its first King. The Heasmaton Kingdom is small and relatively weak.

It only managed to prevail because its three most important Cities Hesmatia, Grendora and Flottina are located on a peninsula. This peninsula is secured behind a high Mountain range that is impassable for a large army of foot soldiers and inhabited by the mountain folk.

The only true access to the Hesmaton Kingdom is through the north gate. The North gate is a valley that splits the Mountainrange like a cut. Which is the reason the mountain folk named it like that. The Cut.

The cut controls the access to the peninsula. The one who controls the north gate controls the peninsula. The Hesmaton Kingdom is in control, for now. That wasn't always the case.

Hesmatia is the capital of the Hesmaton Kingdom, here you can find the royal palace, and the HQ or at least a major branch of every major Organization.

Flottina is the city where the military is trained, and where the fleet is built.

Grendora is the city where the Academy is located. It is also the City i grew up in.

Grendora had 7 districts. Romania, Keltenio, Markeda, Dueckish, Greak, Isael, and lastly Vanitus.

Romania was the district of the richest and most influential people. The City Hall and the City Lord's Palace are situated in this district.

Keltenio, was the district where the AMCP headquartered as well as the local Army HQ was situated. You only went there if you worked for one of these two or you broke the law. The AMCP is the Association of Magic and Crime Prevention, for those that have never heard of them.

Markeda, the business district of the city. Here you could find anything you want, as long as you can pay for it.

Dueckish was the district where the Academy was located. The rest of it is mostly houses of mages and well of families, the lowest nobles and richest peasants lived here.

Greak district was the industrial sector of the city.

Isael district was where poor people lived. Not yet the slums, but only barely. It was relatively safe here as long as you were able to protect yourself.

Lastly, Vanitus district, the slums, do not go there unarmed. There the people would kill you for the clothes you have on your body. Every crime you could think of was committed down there. It isn't under the jurisdiction of the law. The organization 'Luzifers will' ruled this district.