

The world, its at war. The cruel organization of super terrorists, Saisem, took over the Northern part of the planet. Now the IBI(international bureau of investigation) and their super agents are the only hope to get global freedom back and prevent Saisem's evil dictator, VoidCm, from taking control of the rest of the planet. In the middle of this global war, Leo, a young boy, decides to make his own team inside the IBI and recruit new allies to the fight. Facing the competition of the other teams and putting their lives at risk, the Luminary crew will fight with all their strength to win the war to take back the planet, while also facing their own personal struggles... However, their world might not be the only thing at stake here...

TheLuiz · Action
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Episode 3 - You Rock my World

The next day, after the last episode, The team was cleaning their room. It took some time, but they finished.

Leo: Well, good job everyone!

Paris: This room wasn't used in a very long time, this place was dusty as fuck.

G: Well, we finished, that's all that matters.

Nana: We would finish it sooner if that new kid helped...

Leo: Oh yeah, that's right! Where is Luiz?

G: As the leader, you have a tracker on your teammates cell phones. You should use it...

Nana: Wait, what?

G: Our cellphones were marked with a tracker when we joined the IBI, so if we ever get lost or killed, they can always find us.

Nana: What a big heavy load of...

Leo: Wait! I found where he is... He is in commander Rosweel's room?

G kept silent but he found it really strange that a common agent was in the commander's room.

Nana: So what are you waiting for? Go get him so I can punish him for neglecting his chores.

Leo agreed with his head and left the room. He had to go way deep in the underground of the HQ and, when he arrived at the commander's door, he heard a loud discussion and started to eavesdrop.

Inside the room, Luiz was leaning against the wall next to the door with his arms crossed and just watching Roswell and an IB I general have a serious discussion.

General: The situation is getting out of hand! Saisem it's actually increasing its territory thanks to the Red King, Lusa, efforts!

Commander: I know, Africa HQ is sending their best agents to aid Australia's base.

General: We can't afford to lose more territory! The most important countries in the world were taken by VoidCm's empire!

Commander: I know this very well, I can see this everyday with the population that managed to flee from the northern hemisphere to the south. As long as the IB I stays active, this part of the planet will be a free one and...

Luiz: Gentleman, my sincere apologies for interrupting this conversation that won't get anywhere, but we have an unexpected guest.

Luiz quickly opened the door and Leo fell in the ground. He awkwardly stood up and apologized for his rudeness.

General: What is this?! A Spy?!

The General quickly raised his gun, but Luiz quickly shot his hand at the man's arm and pulled him.

Luiz: Oh, I'm sorry, but this one is part of my team.

General: He was eavesdropping our secret meeting, he is probably a double agent!

Luiz: No, he isn't, and if you mess with him, you are messing with me, and we both know that this isn't a good idea.

Luiz squeezed the man's arm very hard and slowly as he looked at him with a face of someone ready to strike.

General: Fine...

Luiz released the man's arm, he looked at him with an angry face and left the room.

Commander: Sorry about that, Leo, but we are in times of war, any double agent threat can be a deadly move...

Luiz: Rest assured old man, he is clean, legit, I confirmed this yesterday. You know that, if he was a double agent, he would be already dead.

Leo looked at him with a worried expression.

Commander: So what do you want?

Leo: I came to pick up Luiz... You didn't say you had a meeting.

Luiz: That's because this was supposed to be a secret meeting.

Leo: Well, my bad...

Leo stood up while Luiz was looking at him with a pity expression.

Luiz: You are hopeless... Paul, I'll go back to my team's room, if anything happens message me.

Leo was shocked, his team-mate really called the commander by his first name like it was nothing. Luiz picked him up by his shirt collar and left the room, carrying the boy through the hallways.

Leo: Well, I can walk on my own...

Luiz: Oh, I'm sorry, but isn't this what you wanted to do with me?

Leo: What?

Luiz: You said you came to pick me, didn't you?

Leo: You are a moron, know that?

Luiz released Leo, who fell on his ass, and continued to walk forward. Annoyed, he quickly stood up and caught up with his team-mate.

Luiz: So, what is so important that you had to come to me personally?

Leo: Well, we were cleaning the team's room and you weren't there so...

Luiz: Sorry for that.

Leo: Why were you in that meeting in the first place?

Luiz: That is confidential, just like what you heard when you were eavesdropping.

Leo: You don't trust me?

Luiz: Leo, do you know what confidential means?

Leo: I do.

Luiz: So don't think about it.

They returned to their room in an awkward silence, when they arrived Nana started to yell at Luiz for not taking part of the chores, just to be plain ignored as he went straight to the office and closed the door.

Nana: Isn't the office supposed to be the leader's room?

Leo: Well, you see, I agreed on making the office Luiz' room.

G: Why did you do that?

Leo: Because I agreed to let Luiz do the bureaucracy part of the team. You know, documents, reports and hand stuff that I'm sure none of us want to do.

Nana, G and Paris shook their head, agreeing with Leo.

G: But there is too much work to do in there, we didn't sort any type of report yet, it will take a while for him to finish.

Luiz went out from the office carrying a big pile of paper and headed towards the exit.

Leo: What's that?

Luiz: All documents that you three didn't fill since this team's first day.

G: How did you manage to fill them so fast?!

Luiz: I spent all night in the office doing that.

G: The entire night?!

Luiz looked at him with an annoyed expression and just moved on towards the exit.

Leo: He is saving us a lot of hand work.

Nana: And what did he expect in exchange for that?

Leo: The office for himself and no one to bother him.

Nana squished her eyes and went to the locker room.

Paris: So, what's our next mission?

Paris was on the couch playing on his cellphone, Leo and G looked at him and shook their heads as they didn't know yet what they should do next, but Luiz came back.

Luiz: Pack your stuff, we are going to our next mission.

Leo: We do?

He picked up his phone and showed the image of a silver hair hooker.

Luiz: Her name is Lara, she is one of Dennis' main front line warriors.

Paris: Ooooh, she is pretty.

Nana: And our enemy?

Paris: oh, yeah... What are we gonna do with her?

Luiz: You and Leo will kidnap her, the rest of us have another assignment.

Leo: Wait, we will split up?

Paris: It's better this way!

Leo: And why that?

Paris: You have a magic attack and I am more close combat style, we fit each other.

Luiz: So you are not as dumb as I expected.

Paris left out a smile.

Nana: Still, why are you giving orders to us?

Luiz looked at Leo.

Leo: Oh, I gave him permission to give missions to us if he finds anything.

Nana: And how did you find out about this Lara girl?

Luiz: Filling the reports that you all were supposed to help with, I can pay attention to details and track down important targets.

She looked at him, squishing her eyes, Nana clearly didn't trust the new guy and this was all a lot suspicious.

G: So, what is this other assignment you have for us?

Luiz: Right, this came from an outside source, but Delph was spotted on IB I territory.

G: the guy that wanted to defect Saisem?

Luiz: That's right. You and Nana will pick him and bring to the HQ.

Nana: If it's just to get a guy and bring him, why don't the IB I just send normal lowly agents?

G: Because this can be a trap. Worst case scenario, there could be double agents ready to kill Delph the moment he arrives here.

Luiz: That's why we will offer him a deal.

G: He'll join the Luminary team in exchange for protection.

Leo: I don't have any problem with that. More members are great.

Nana: And what will you do?

Luiz: I still have loads of documents to look into and have to get ready to fill the report of two different missions that the team will, hopefully, succeed.

G gently lay his hand on Nana's shoulder and both left the room.

Later that day, Paris and Leo arrived on one of Dennis' castle territory, the sun was close to set giving a calm orange color to the sky, the boys were on a hill and they could see the Castle down from it.

Leo: So, how will we get in?

Paris: I don't know, I thought you had a plan.

Leo: I do, but it's kinda... Crazy?

Paris: I'm crazy in person.

Leo: So, you see how the garden is full of guards?

Paris: Yeah?

Leo: I can use my magic to summon ground mines around strategic places.

Paris: This will just blow the soldiers up.

Leo: Yeah, that's kinda the plan.

Paris: Isn't this going to make everyone know that something is wrong?

Leo: I'm sick of infiltrating, let's do an aggressive move for a change.

Paris: Your words, but after everyone blows up, what will we do?

Leo: We blow the door and enter, no big deal, the White King it's not even in this castle this time.

Leo raised his hand and began to focus his powers, invisible ground mines appeared in the ground where the soldiers were walking. The first one exploded, making the others run to see what happened and blow up.

Leo: Now Paris, let's go!

The boys ran and invaded the garden, the chaos around them made the approach easier as they dashed through the debris. Of course, the whole place was in high defense mode, but Paris was killing every henchman on sight with Sword.

Meanwhile, back in South America, Nana and G arrived at a grocery store, Delph, a young man with brown short hair, was buying something.

Nana: Is he our guy?

G: Yup.

Nana: He looks so normal.

G: That's because he started to live peacefully after he defected.

Nana: This peaceful life will end soon, there are 5 assassins lurking around.

G: I noticed this too.

Nana: We can't make a scene here, there are too many civilians.

G: You are a Dragon Girl, your mere presence brings attention.

Nana: Excuse me?

G giggled for a second.

Nana: Oh fuck, they noticed us.

G: That's bad...

Nana: We can't fight them.

G: Why?

Nana: We can't protect the civilians and our target at the same time... If I can attract so much attention, why did Luiz want me here? I would be much more useful in enemy territory...

G: You really don't like him, don't you?

Nana: Why does that matter?

G smiled at her and got ready to engage in battle against the assassins, but before he could even move, his head was chopped off. Nana couldn't believe in her eyes while G's body simply lay on the ground bleeding. Her white hair was painted in red with that horrible fatality.

Dan: Well, Well, Well, what we have here...

Nana: Y-You?!

Dan: Your team sure gave me problems before, now I have a simple mission of getting rid of a defective scum and finding you? Must be my lucky day!

She stepped back, still in shock of what just happened in front of her, a scream was heard when a civilian saw the horrible image, people all around started to run.

One of the assassins scolded Dan for blowing their cover just to be ignored, the guy wasn't interested in Delph anymore, he wanted to kill Nana.

She recovered her senses and gave one roundhouse kick to Dan, who was caught off guard, throwing him away for a bit. She spread her wings and took flight, looking for her target, but two light walls opened below her shooting energy on all assassins.

Delph: Hello, Dan, came here to get rid of me?

Dan: We can't risk a loose end.

Delph: I left Saisem, I wanted a normal and peaceful life, I could never have this under the supreme leader reign.

Dan: But your heart is still on our side.

Delph: What?

Dan: You said "supreme leader", someone who denies our side would just say his name.

Delph hesitated for a moment and Dan used this breach to attack him, but was interrupted by an electric shock of Nana.

Nana: What are you looking at? I am your opponent and I'm right here.

Dan looked at her but stepped back a little, it was 2 against 1 fight, he also knows how Delph is strong since they fought side by side in the past. He was defeated in battle against someone from Luminary twice by now, another defeat and he was good as dead.

People in Saisem prefer a tactical retreat instead of losing a battle, so he just ran away with a bitter taste on his mouth. Nana couldn't afford to let him escape, he killed G, her team-mate and friend, so she raised her arm and charged an energy beam. With rage on her eyes and blood on her hair she shot at Dan, it was so strong that it destroyed the buildings around it, but Dan still managed to dodge and escape.

Delph: Wow, he is fast.

Nana: I'm sure I'll run into him again...

Nana landed on the ground and went in G's direction.

Delph: I'm sorry about your friend... To think that, if you two didn't show up, I was going to be headless now...

Nana didn't say a word, she just passed hand on her hair and looked at Delph.

Nana: You must know a lot for the Saisem to afford to send those assassins to enemy territory.

Delph: I was one of the White King's generals... But... I didn't want to fight for Saisem anymore...

Nana: Why?

Delph: For starters, I fought just to be close to her...

Nana: Her?

Delph: You know about her, Saisem's deadly spear, Lara.

Back to the Castle, Paris and Leo were dodging yellow magical spears. Lara, was levitating with hand raised, angrily shooting spears at the two boys.

Lara: So you two thieves think you can just barge into this castle and steal from us? You two are dead!

Paris and Leo, who were hiding behind the furniture, looked at each other, squishing their eyes in confusion.

Paris: Lady, we are not thieves.

Lara: So you two are either thieves, IB I agents or just suicidal freaks.

Paris: We are IB I agents!

Leo: Paris!

She hesitated and stopped her attacks.

Lara: Is this true?

Paris: Yes! God dammit woman!

Lara: So... How's Delphy...?

Leo and Paris rose from their hiding.

Leo: Delphy? Do you mean Delph? The guy who was trying to defect?

Lara started to blush.

Lara: Yes...

Leo: Well, we have some agents trying to recruit him back in our territory.

Paris: Why do you care?

Lara: Delph is my friend... When I heard he defected and King Dennis ordered his execution I was in deep depression...

Leo left out a smile, he could see in her eyes how she deeply cared for her friend.

Leo: We sent our best agents to find him, he will be alright.

Lara looked at him, her gloomy expression suddenly turned cheerfully.

Lara: You mean it?!

Leo: Of course! Why don't you come with us too?

Paris: Leo?! What the fuck?!

Leo: I know you don't want to fight for Saisem anymore.

Lara: And how do you know that?

Leo: First, your close friend defected. Second, your face clearly shows you don't like this place.

He approached her and she stepped back a little, Leo still offered his hand.

Leo: Come with us.

The next day, Leo and Paris still didn't return, Nana went to the IBI's HQ roof. She placed her arms on the security fence and started to cry a bit for the loss of her friend.

She brought Delph to the HQ, he accepted to be part of team Luminary and shared everything he knew, but still, G was killed in front of her, she cleaned her hair on a long and deep shower, but she still could feel it.

The moment that his head was flying in the air, his confident face with a smile that he had, as he still didn't realize what happened.

Still, she heard voices on the other side of the roof, proud as she was she wouldn't allow anyone to see her crying. She quickly dried her eyes and went to the stairs, but took a quick look to see who was there.

She couldn't believe it, that blue coat, it was definitely Luiz and he was there with Sora?! Sora, Dennis' personal maid?! She quickly used the moment that they didn't know she was there to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Sora: So you managed to get Delph on your team.

Luiz: Yeah, but we paid the price. Dan killed G.

Sora: That's kinda your fault.

Luiz: Excuse me?

Sora: You saved Dan's life in Canada, remember that?

Luiz: I'm an agent, not a monster...

Sora: You are naïve as you are strong... You're the only IB I agent I know that show mercy to enemies.

Luiz: How did you know that I was there?

Sora: 3 IB I agents invade a highly guarded base and get out? It was too easy and simple, don't you think? I know you killed every henchman that noticed the intruders.

Luiz: You did?

Sora: Well I knew some agent killed the minions with a claw like weapon, but when they said that someone saved Dan's life, you came to mind.

Luiz left out a sigh.

Luiz: The mission was done, protecting the Luminary team until they complete their mission, but when I saw Dan bleeding on the snow, I didn't see an enemy, I saw a person dying.

Sora: And now look what happened, at least this is the first time that an enemy you spare backfired.

Luiz lowered his head in disappointment and depression, Sora quickly gave him a warm hug.

Sora: Hey, you couldn't know this was going to happen, so don't blame yourself.

Luiz: Thanks, Sora...

Sora: Hey, you are my best friend, this is nothing.

She gave him a smile and simply disappeared, it was actually an illusion that the real Sora summoned to talk with someone far away. Luiz returned to Luminary's room, only to be welcomed by Nana, who was on the couch, with crossed arms and a very angry expression.

Delph was in commander Rosweel's room, giving out information, so the room was empty.

Luiz: Good morning, Nana.

Nana: Sit.

Luiz: What?

Nana: Sit.

Luiz was confused with her tone, but he sit down anyway,

Luiz: So?

Nana quickly punched his face. He was shocked, but he looked at her, with his hand on his face.

Luiz: What's the meaning of this?!

Nana: I saw you with Sora, now I must ask, which one of you is the double agent?

Luiz: She, this is highly confidential and I'd like to ask you to keep this as a secret. Any question on this subject, you must talk with the commander.

Nana: So that's settled. Now, to my real question, why did you join this team?

Luiz: Why you ask?

Nana: I did my research. Luiz Bright, you joined IB I at the age of 14, always the Commander's protegê. You became one of the best solo agents in Brazil, even before you got your powers. But then, after years refusing to act in a team, you suddenly joined us.

Luiz looked at her, he was very annoyed with that.

Luiz: I decided to make a change.

She gave another powerful punch on his face.

Nana: Don't lie to me.

Luiz: I don't know what you expect with this, but I can assure you that if you attack me one more time, I won't be gentle anymore.

Nana: So answer me.

Luiz: What if I don't?

Nana: I'll make you do.

Luiz was even more annoyed, she was being a big inconvenience to him, and he hates inconveniences.

Luiz: I joined because of you.

Nana: Me?

Luiz stood up.

Luiz: That's all I have to say.

Nana: Don't turn your back on me!

Luiz: Or else?

Nana summoned a thunderbolt but Luiz made a blue energy shield with his hand. They started to fight in the room.

Paris: Seriously, why don't you two make out already?

They stopped the fight and saw Leo, Paris and Lara on the door.

Luiz: I guess, your mission was a success.

Leo: Yeah! Lara is our newest member!

Luiz: What you guys did?

Paris: Well...

Paris, Leo and Lara were on the hill, watching the castle burn and crumble. Lara looked at the sky and took a deep breath, then she looked at the boys and started to laugh.

Paris: It's best that you don't know.

Leo: So, did you guys get Delph?

Nana: Yes, he joined the team too...

Leo: That's great! Now we have 7 members!

Luiz and Nana looked down as they didn't know what to say.

Leo: What's the matter?

Nana: Leo, we have to talk...

Leo: Wait, where is G? He is always the first to arrive!

Luiz: Leo...

Leo looked at them, Luiz and Nana both were with a seriously sad expression.

Leo: Luiz... Nana... Where is G? Where is my friend?

Paris and Lara understood what happened and decided to keep quiet, Leo looked at everyone and began to cry.

Leo: No... No...