

"Lumina Everglade. So that's my new name, huh." She has reincarnated for the 99th time in a span of thousands of years. A Hero? A villain? A Dentist? She's been all of them. But is an never-ending cycle of life really that great? Lumina Everglade is the troubled daughter of the Duke Everglade of the Aldrich Kingdom. In the magical continent of Ethos, the nobles and commoners are all entangled in one simple puzzle. Survival. What exactly is going on in Ethos? What is the King of Aldrich up to? Who is the Fourth Prince of the Royal Family of Aldrich? "And why does this body not grown faster?" Find the answer to all these questions in the book, Lumina. By LightWriter. Excerpt Prose: The rose is a beautiful flower. See its petals curving elegantly inwards? Protecting its crown jewel from vagrant eyes. Rip through those petals and you'll find nothing but a ruined flower. I think that the rose is a beautiful flower. For it could define beauty better than most poets and bards. And those internet philosophers meandering the path of wisdom. - The Diaries of Meer Rabian: Vol II

LightWriter · Fantasy
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  The rose is a beautiful flower. See its petals curving elegantly inwards? Protecting its crown jewel from vagrant eyes. Rip through those petals and you'll find nothing but a ruined flower. I think that the rose is a beautiful flower. For it could define beauty better than most poets and bards. And those internet philosophers meandering the path of wisdom.

- The Diaries of Meer Rabian: Vol II



 My eyelids feel heavy. There's a resistance to them that feels undesirable. My breath is shallow, but even. And there's a peace to my thoughts.

 Ah. The gentle early moments of a new incarnation. Re-incarnation. What is the number again? 98? 99? Right, 99th. One shy from my 100th life. A sombre, resigning sigh left my lips. A soft, delicate mewl accompanied it.

 There is a pressure on my chest. Have I been reincarnated as a slave again? Or a mine worker? Maybe even a beggar. Not the best of starts, I'd say.

 I open my eyes. There is some blur to my sight, but I don't think I can mistake the silhouette of a light satin. I blink in an effort to clear my vision. The velvet brown ceiling is now visible right through the crinkled, white sheet.

 The pressure, I realize, is from the heavy bedsheet pulled over my body. I push the heavy fabric off me. A small silk night gown adorns my frail, little body. I'd guess my age to be around 2 or 3. Not more than that.

 The limbs are lean, and I can see the faint outline of ribs poking through the chest. Lightly malnourished. I'm not surprised though. I've seen malnourished, mistreated babies. The sight is not pretty.

 I pull on the hems of the gown. Pure silk slips through my slender, bony fingers. Expensive material for a little girl that is not fed properly. I prop myself up. It's a king-sized bed. If I sold this bed alone, I'd have enough to eat and drink for a month.

 This tiny body just doesn't fit on this huge bed. I wade through the plump terrain of my mattress and reach the ends. My legs dangle over the cliff of my bed. The hard, white marble flooring appears unwelcomingly neat.

 The room I'm currently in, is huge. If a commoner ever saw this, she'd assume it to be fit to house at least a family of four. The ceiling top alone would require four stout men, each towering the other's shoulder to reach it. The squared walls are glorified with a baby pink spread. I can still see the strokes of a painter's brush glazed over the light coating of colour.

 The bright sunlight peeking through the navy-blue curtains beckons to me. I jump down to the tiling. It's as cold as I expected, curling my toes into a tiny ball.

 The bed is taller than me. I can't see across the bed, let alone the thick mattress resting atop it. Nevertheless, my mission is clear. As I near the curtains, I realize the obstacle in my path.

 The curtains tower over me. I tug on their voluminous folds, but I can't move them with the strength I possess right now. I'd sprain my muscles faster than I could move this bound of fabric.

 A loud rattle echoes behind me. Someone's entered the chambers. A woman in a black maid's garb enters through the wide open doors.

There's little to no doubt in my mind that this little girl, whose body I've overtaken, is the daughter of a noble.

 The brown-haired maid whistles an odd tune as she walks over to my bedside. Completely missing the object of her work standing off near the curtains. Freckles adorn her lightly tanned skin, just above her cheeks. She's wearing a red lipstick and blush. Her puffy cheeks and a slightly broad figure irked me slightly.

 She peered over the bed and confusion swayed over her features. "Miss?" She called rudely. "This is no time to play games. You're expected in the dining room within the hour." Her eyes roamed around the chamber before landing on me.

 "There you are." Annoyance etches across her face. She walks over to me but stops with a modicum of surprise. Ah. I have remained unmoving since her entry. My facial muscles haven't twitched, and I realize that I am glaring at her.

 She smiles at me with barely veiled anger. "Are you feeling unwell, Miss?" She straightens her black uniform and stares down at me. I don't feel like lightening my glare. I shake my head in denial. 

 "I'm fine." I announce. The maid seems taken aback by my behaviour. Leah. The little girl's memories helpfully supply. "Leah."

 Leah flares her nostrils at me. "I see. Then, let us begin your morning routine." She treads to the heavy curtains and pulls them astride in a single movement. The chambers suddenly lighten up. I squint through the brightness. A snide smile blooms over the chamber-maid's face as she looks down on me.

 She bends over quickly and lifts up my frail body. Any struggles I could manifest would be futile in her vice-like grip. I am carried to the other side to a brown door. Leah opens the door to a larger-than-life bathroom.

 In the next two hours, I am cleaned, dolled up and presentable. I am dressed in two layers of innerwear and four dresses, I think. The Victorian-esque green dress with frills of white sewn over has so many folds that I'm pretty sure I would get lost in them if not for Leah.

 There is a square cut near my neck, probably the only part of the dress that I liked. It looks cute and all, but I prefer the simple flowing gowns any day. Leah sighs in relent at the sight. She walks over to the bathroom and brings a small mirror.

 I wonder for a moment if the mirror is too small. But my doubts are proven useless as the woman walks over to me and even with me standing atop a chair, I'd fail to match her stature.

 She holds the mirror in front of my face, and I finally see my new self for the first time. Blonde hair flowed down my shoulders, combed finely into neat bundles. Feeble eyebrows hung over innocent bluish green eyes that seemed more blue than green. The small puffy nose and dry, rosy lips fit between lean cheeks and a small round chin.

 I could see my collarbones peek through the soft silk. I blinked and the reflection blinked back. This is me. For a while at least.

 I haven't said a word to Leah since announcing that I was feeling fine. I turn to her with a blank face. "Let us go."

 Leah smiles deviously. "Where Miss? The breakfast is probably over by now." Her tone is barely able to contain her glee as she announces this. I can feel a vengeful anger rushing through my frail arms.

 "Is that so?" I pucker my lips in emphasis and my tone is flat. Leah squints at me in unfettered disgust. "Yes, Miss."

 "Leah? Could you lean down for a second? I must tell you a secret." I beckon to her with an innocent smile. Her face flashes with distrust but nevertheless, she bends over.

 Her sweaty face nears mine and I can see the impatience in her eyes. "What is it?" She asks.

 The target has presented itself to me. I slap her across the face with as much force as this body could muster. Leah remains unmoved by the light tap of a three-year-old malnourished girl, but her eyes are wide in surprise.

 The surprise quickly turns to rage as she lifts herself up and glares at me. Before she could spout her nonsense, I begin.

 "Is it not the cook's job to make food?" I question her. Leah furrows her glaring eyebrows. "It is." "Then, are you saying that the chef will refuse to serve me, the fourth daughter of Duke Everglade, food?"

 The forceful mention of my title caused Leah to straighten up. "She will not." She mumbles back. "Then," I continue confidently. "Are you saying that you refuse to take me to the dining room?" This time Leah visibly stepped back.

 "I do not, Miss." Her poisonous tone is now forgotten. Her eyes bound across the room guiltily. "Good." I stress the word.

 "Now escort me to the dining room." I order the maid. Leah finally focuses her brown eyes on me and nods. The heavy gulp she downed did not go unnoticed. 

 She beckons me in her arms, but I refuse. "I am perfectly capable of walking." Leah nods fearfully and walks over to the chamber doors. I follow behind her.

 Leah opens the door and I notice the large lamps adorned opposite my room. The white marbled walls are blindingly bright. They're adorned with gold outlines at each corner. The lamp posts are crystallized red stones and the lamps fashioned from brass. I squint at the light source shining inside the diffusing glass.

 "This way Miss." Leah's voice calls out. I sigh irately but follow her, nevertheless. We walk through the long hallway, and I quickly realize that the flooring through the castle is carpeted. Except in my room.

 We arrive in an open hallway, and I catch a glimpse of the foyer. A small village can fit in this foyer. The red-carpet spans across its entire floor and a wide staircase begins upwards from one end. The flight of stairs are studded with gold outlines similar to the walls. I have no doubt that those too are marble.

 I look up and realize that I've made an error in my judgement. This foyer can not only fit a small village but also a skyscraper if planned correctly. I do not know what world I reside in, but if there are titans or giants here, they'd find this most welcoming. A large chandelier hangs from the ceiling. From what I can see from the foothills of this mountain, it is made completely of gold. Numerous curving candelabras are studded over its hemispherical expanse. Small light sources shine atop them, each brighter than the next.

 Leah leads me away from the foyer and through a broader hallway. Most of the paths through the castle look equally identical. It'd be impossible for me to navigate them even if I was not a 3-year-old. I suddenly find myself grateful for the presence of Leah. However, the woman seems to be on edge ever since my little tantrum.

 She quickly stands beside a grand rose door and bows slightly. The corridor extends into oblivion ahead, but Leah knocks softly on the polished wood. "Who is it?" An old man's voice filters through the door.

 "It's the young miss." She answers quickly. The knob turns unceremoniously, and I'm beckoned into the dining room. The first thing I notice is the line of white-clothed chefs standing to the side. Each of them shifted uncomfortably with their gazes fixed on a single man.

 At the head of the table, sat a lone man. He carefully regarded the soup in front of him, completely ignoring my entrance. A tuft of neat white hair lay atop his scalp and spectacles adorned over his slant eyes. His chiselled cheeks and a sharp chin presented the man as otherworldly handsome.

 'Father.' Both the little girl and my own mind sounded out. The man's sitting posture, the elegance with which he regarded a spoonful of food screamed 'Duke' to me.

 This was Duke Florian Everglade, my uninterested father. His 3-year-old toddler is being mistreated but the man has yet to acknowledge my presence in the dining room.

 Footsteps began by my side, and I looked up at the old man wearing the butler's uniform. He smiled at me with large green eyes. I wish this guy was my father. I'd take a warm smile any day over wilful ignorance.

 "Lady Everglade. Please take a seat. My lord will be occupied for some time." His kind, humble tone melt my heart. How sweet. I nodded and walked over to the chair.

 The chair's cushion was above my head. I sighed at the sight before looking back at the Butler. The old man bowed slightly and walked over to me. He swiftly picked me up and delicately placed me over the green cushion. "Please bring in Lady Everglade's dining pillows." He ordered the nearest maid.

 The brown-haired teenager blanched at the order before bowing and running through the other door. "I have dining pillows?" I murmured under my breath. The Butler heard my absurd query and smiled. "Of course, my lady." He bowed slightly and stood by side.

 The maid returns with a handful of colourful pillows. The Butler takes the cushions from her hands and places them under my chair. I prop myself over the small hill and finally come level to the marble-topped table.

 A wide range of food sits atop the dining table. From venison meat to full roasted chicken, salads of numerous kinds and desserts. Pastries, pies, fruits, etc. line a single shelf of the dessert's serving stand.

 As expected of the dining table of Duke Florian Everglade. With a long exhale, the silver-haired man finally drank the spoonful of soup. I eyed the man with a blank face. The Duke bat me an eye before turning to the line of chefs.

 "The food is acceptable." A rush of relief ran through their faces. All seven of the chefs bowed before leaving the dining room.

 The man turned towards me and eyed my form. I sat completely still under his watchful gaze. I have stared back at Demon Kings and supposed Gods, but I couldn't stare back at this simple man. It seems the little girl is more afraid of her father than I realized.

 "Lumina." A single word. He greets his mistreated daughter with a single word. Unsurprising but unexpected, nevertheless. I was looking forward to some drama. I sighed and focused on the lavish meal spread in front of my face. I was served golden dining plates and the butler looked ever ready to serve me some food.

 I was hungry and so was my soul. My last reincarnation had me toiling relentlessly for the better part of my first half. I began eating with as much elegance I could muster. But occasional smears and dropping of food still served to embarrass me. I am still not accustomed to this body as much as I'd like.

 With the meal nearing its end, Duke Florian raised his head in my direction. The two of us stared at each other blankly before the man turned towards the maid.

 "Bring it in." He beckoned to the mature brunette standing to the side. The woman bowed reverently and gestured to a second set of maids. The maids hurried inside another room and brought out a rather hefty pouch set atop another golden plate.

 The brunette maid swiped the plate from them and brought over the plate to my side. She bowed once more before retreating back to the side. Duke Florian eyed me once more and gestured to the dark brown pouch by my side.

 "This is your monthly allowance. Spend it wisely." He announced blankly. The chair he sat on, screeched loudly as he got up. With a napkin, he dabbed lightly over his lips and made his way out. The faint scent of wood hit my senses as the man paraded past me.

 I have been reincarnated for over a thousand years now. Each life teaches me something new. But after 98 of them, I thought I had seen it all. Well, this was my first time watching a father hand his 3-year-old daughter, her monthly allowance. 

I wonder what this life will be like.

Thanks for reading.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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