
Lumberjack ?

A young, experienced lumberjack named John experiences a series of horrific events, which then gradually begins to reveal his true identity Who exactly is this person? A lumberjack?…

Lvmberjack · Horror
Not enough ratings
6 Chs



One day, while he was working on a particularly large tree, he saw a family of birds flying out of the branches. It was a beautiful sight, and it made him think about the impact of his work on the wildlife in the forest.

John decided to talk to his boss about his concerns. His boss listened patiently and suggested that John join a team that worked on sustainable forestry practices. John was excited about the opportunity and immediately signed up for the program.

The sustainable forestry team worked to ensure that the trees were harvested responsibly and sustainably. They also worked to preserve the natural habitat of the wildlife in the forest. John was thrilled to be a part of this team and felt like he was making a difference in the world.

He continued to work with the team, John began to feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment that he had never felt before.

He realized that he could still work in the forest and make a living while also protecting the environment and the wildlife that called it home.

John was grateful for the opportunity to work with the sustainable forestry team, and he knew that he had found his calling. He continued to work in the forest, but now he did it with a greater sense of responsibility and purpose. He was no longer just a lumberjack, but a protector of the forest and the animals that lived there.

The sustainable forestry team that John joined worked in a large forested area that was filled with a diverse range of flora and fauna. The forest was located in a mountainous region, with steep hills and valleys covered in dense vegetation.

The team had established a base camp at the edge of the forest, where they stored their equipment and supplies. The camp was equipped with basic amenities such as tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment, and a portable toilet. The team members lived in the camp during their shifts and worked in different parts of the forest depending on the needs of the project.

The forest itself was a mixture of different tree species, including conifers, deciduous trees, and shrubs. The trees were of varying ages, with some being hundreds of years old, while others were relatively young and still growing. The forest floor was covered in a thick layer of leaves and debris, providing a habitat for many small animals and insects.

The sustainable forestry team worked diligently to ensure that the forest was managed responsibly and sustainably. They used a variety of techniques to harvest the trees without damaging the surrounding environment. They also worked to maintain the natural habitats of the animals and birds that lived in the forest.

The team was composed of highly skilled and trained professionals, including foresters, ecologists, and wildlife biologists.

They worked together to ensure that the forest was protected and preserved for future generations.

Days went by, and John became an experienced member of the sustainable forestry team. One day, while on a routine patrol of the forest, John received a distress signal on his radio from one of his friends who was working in a different part of the forest.

John immediately headed to the location of the distress signal and found his friend in a state of panic. His friend had been hiking in the forest with a group of friends when they got separated and lost. John's friend was the only one who had a radio and was able to contact John for help.

John quickly grab his tools and bag, then sprang into action and asked his friend to give him a description of the other hikers and their last known location. He knew the forest well and was confident that he could find them.

John headed out into the forest, following his friend's directions and searching for any signs of the lost hikers. It took him several hours, but he eventually came across a young woman who was frantically searching for her friends.

The woman was grateful to see John and explained that she had become separated from her friends earlier in the day and had been searching for them ever since. John asked her to describe her friends and their last known location, and he set off to find them.

After a few more hours of searching, John finally found the rest of the hiking group. They were tired, hungry, and scared, but otherwise unharmed. John led them back to the main road and called for help to transport them back to their cars.

The group was extremely grateful to John for his help, and the young woman whom

John had first encountered gave him a heartfelt hug. John felt proud and fulfilled that he had not only helped his friends but also some lost hikers who needed his assistance.

The sustainable forestry team that John joined worked in a large forested area that was filled with a diverse range of flora and fauna. The forest was located in a mountainous region, with steep hills and valleys covered in dense vegetation.

The team had established a base camp at the edge of the forest, where they stored their equipment and supplies. The camp was equipped with basic amenities such as tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment, and a portable toilet. The team members lived in the camp during their shifts and worked in different parts of the forest depending on the needs of the project.

The forest itself was a mixture of different tree species, including conifers, deciduous trees, and shrubs. The trees were of varying ages, with some being hundreds of years old, while others were relatively young and still growing. The forest floor was covered in a thick layer of leaves and debris, providing a habitat for many small animals and insects.

The sustainable forestry team worked diligently to ensure that the forest was managed responsibly and sustainably. They used a variety of techniques to harvest the trees without damaging the surrounding environment. They also worked to maintain the natural habitats of the animals and birds that lived in the forest.

The team was composed of highly skilled and trained professionals, including foresters, ecologists, and wildlife biologists.

They worked together to ensure that the forest was protected and preserved for future generations.

John sat on the couch in the common area of the Sustainable Forest Team quarter, known as the SFT, and took a sip of his coffee. He was surrounded by his teammates who were lounging and chatting with each other.

One of his teammates, Allie, approached him and asked, "Hey John, how's it going? You seem deep in thought."

John smiled and replied, "Just thinking about how lucky we are to have a job that not only pays the bills but also makes a positive impact on the environment."

Allie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's amazing to think that we get to work in this beautiful forest and help protect it at the same time. I couldn't imagine doing anything else."

Another teammate, Drizz, chimed in, "And we get to work with some pretty awesome people, too."

They all laughed and clinked their coffee mugs together in agreement…

John felt a sense of camaraderie with his team that he had never experienced before.

They shared a common goal and passion for protecting the environment, and it brought them together as a close-knit group.

As they chatted and joked with each other, John felt a sense of relaxation and contentment wash over him. He was grateful for his job, his team, and the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.

He leaned back on the couch and took another sip of his coffee, enjoying the moment of peace and friendship in the SFT.

In the night, as John was patrolling the forest at night, the rain started pouring down heavily. He could barely see anything in front of him, but he continued his patrol, knowing that he had a job to do.

He was walking, he suddenly heard a woman's scream coming from somewhere deep in the forest. The sound was bone-chilling, and John's heart started racing. He quickly pulled out his flashlight and started moving toward the direction of the scream.

The rain made it difficult for John to navigate, and he could barely hear anything over the sound of the downpour. But he knew that he had to keep going.

He got closer to the source of the scream, John noticed that the trees around him were starting to twist and contort in strange, unnatural ways. He had never seen anything like it before, and it sent shivers down his spine.

Despite his fear, John continued moving forward until he finally saw a figure in the distance. It was a woman, standing in the middle of a clearing, soaked to the bone and crying uncontrollably.

John approached the woman slowly, trying not to startle her. When he reached her, he asked if she needed any help.

But to his surprise, the woman simply disappeared into thin air, leaving John standing in the middle of the clearing, alone and confused.

He tried to make sense of what had just happened, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled over him. John quickly finished his patrol and headed back to the SFT quarters, eager to put the strange encounter behind him.

John couldn't shake off the memory of the screaming woman in the forest. He had trouble sleeping that night and kept tossing and turning in his bed.

The rain continued to pour outside, adding to the eerie atmosphere. John felt like he was being watched, and every sound made him jump. He tried to convince himself that it was just his imagination, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

When the other team was sleeping Allie came out of her bed and saw John

Allie notices John's anxiety, She's coming closer and Drizz comes out of the toilet. Allie asked, "What are you worried about John?"

John starts to tell what just happen, Drizz and Allie listening closely.

"Are you sure it wasn't just an animal or something?" Allie asked.

John shook his head. "I know what I heard. It was a woman screaming. And it sounded like it was coming from deep in the forest."

Drizz looked out at the rain, which was still coming down heavily. "It's not safe to go out in this weather. We should wait until it clears up before we investigate."

John nodded reluctantly. He knew that Drizz was right, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that he needed to do something.

The rest of the day went by slowly, with John feeling restless and unable to focus on his work. When it was finally time to call it a night, he tried to get some rest, but the memory of the screaming woman kept him up.

As the rain continued to pour outside, John lay in his bunk, listening to the sound of it hitting the roof. He couldn't help but wonder who the woman was and what had happened to her.

And they all slept that night...

The next day, John and his team went to the location where he had heard the screaming. They combed the area thoroughly, but they didn't find anything unusual.

Allie, one of John's teammates, suggested that it might have been an animal or maybe someone playing a prank. But John was convinced that he had heard a woman's voice.

Drizz, another member of the team, suggested that they set up some cameras to monitor the area and see if anything unusual happened at night. John agreed, and they spent the day setting up the cameras and testing them.

That night, John and his team huddled around the monitor, watching the footage from the cameras. They saw a few animals passing by, but nothing out of the ordinary.

John say they might needed to upgrade their base camp and facilities to better equip themselves for future incidents. He suggested to his team that they needed more space, resources, and facilities for any emergencies that might arise.

The team agreed with John's suggestion, but they needed to cut down a few trees to create space for their upgraded base camp. John felt conflicted about cutting down trees after all he had learned about sustainable forestry practices.

However, he knew that it was necessary for the safety of the team and the success of their mission.

With a heavy heart, John picked up his chainsaw and began cutting down the trees. The sound of the chainsaw echoed through the forest, and John couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and remorse.

After several days of hard work, John and his team had successfully created a new, upgraded base camp. The new camp had better facilities, more resources, and was designed to minimize the impact on the environment. John felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in what they had achieved.

He realized that sometimes, compromises had to be made to achieve a greater good, but it was important to always keep the environment in mind and work towards sustainable practices. From that day forward, John made it his mission to continue to find ways to protect the forest and its inhabitants while carrying out their work.

John and his team continued to upgrade the basecamp, they realized that having a tower would give them a better view of the forest. They decided to build one, using the logs they had cut down earlier.

It took them several days of hard work, but eventually, the tower was complete. John climbed up to the top to test the view and was amazed by how much he could see. From up there, he could see deep into the forest and spot any potential dangers.

The team decided to take turns keeping watch from the tower at night, just in case something strange happened again. John volunteered for the first shift, eager to see if he could spot anything unusual.

Over the next few days, John and his team continued to patrol the forest, checking for any signs of trouble. They also started to conduct research on the local wildlife, trying to better understand the ecosystem they were tasked with protecting.

Despite the strange incident that had happened earlier, John felt confident that they were doing a good job. The tower had given them a much-needed advantage, and they were better equipped to deal with any challenges that came their way.

John's journey began when he first applied to join the SFT. He had to go through a rigorous selection process that involved a series of physical and mental tests to ensure that he was fit and capable of working in the demanding environment of the forest.

Once he was accepted into the team, John underwent extensive training to prepare him for the challenges of the job. He learned how to navigate through the forest, how to identify different tree species, how to use tools such as chainsaws and axes, and how to work safely in hazardous conditions.

John's first few weeks on the job were tough. He had to get used to the physical demands of the job, which often involved long hours of hiking and carrying heavy equipment. He also had to get used to the isolation of working in the forest, as the team often spent days at a time without any contact with the outside world.

John quickly fell in love with his work. He found the peace and tranquility of the forest to be rejuvenating, and he enjoyed the sense of accomplishment that came with doing his part to protect the environment.

John and his team remained dedicated to their mission of protecting the forest and preserving it for future generations. They worked tirelessly to maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem, ensuring that the forest remained healthy and vibrant.