
Lumberjack ?

A young, experienced lumberjack named John experiences a series of horrific events, which then gradually begins to reveal his true identity Who exactly is this person? A lumberjack?…

Lvmberjack · Horror
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6 Chs



A few weeks after his last meeting with the hunter, that night John received shocking news. The hunter was found dead suddenly in his cabin, and the cause of death is still unclear, with a fairly severe blunt force wound to the back of his head.

John was very shocked and saddened by this news. He feels he has lost a mentor and a good friend, and he is also worried about the mystery behind the hunter's death. John decides to do his research and begins to find out more about this mysterious death.

In the morning he talked to several people around the settlement in the forest and heard various stories about hunters who suddenly disappeared or mysteriously died in the surrounding forest. He also found several clues indicating that there was some suspicious activity going on in the area, such as illegal logging and wildlife trading.

With more information and evidence, John begins to devise a plan to uncover the truth behind the hunter's death and prevent illegal activities from destroying the environment around the hunter's cabin. He communicated with several environmental experts and the authorities, and together they worked to gather enough evidence to bring the perpetrators to justice.

After several months of investigation, John and his team still couldn't find who the real killer was, John was suspected because he was the one who often met the hunter, but at that time John was at work so he escaped accusations.

John returns to his job as a woodcutter after investigating the hunter's mysterious death. The loss of that friend and mentor left him feeling sad and demoralized to work, even though their encounter was brief. However, it was very attached to John's heart because he learned many things from the hunter.

At his workplace, John works hard chopping wood and processing it into planks that are used for various purposes, such as building houses and making wooden furniture. The work requires strong physical strength and endurance, as well as good skills and experience in operating logging tools.

John works with colleagues who have different backgrounds and experiences. They work together in teams to complete logging projects given by the company.

At his workplace, John also learned a lot about forest sustainability and the importance of maintaining the balance of ecosystems in the wild. He had the opportunity to see first-hand the effects of illegal logging and other illegal activities that damage the environment, and he realized that his job as a logger had to be done responsibly and with respect for nature.

John also had the opportunity to learn about different types of trees and wood, as well as how to select high-quality wood to be processed into good-quality wood planks. He learns about wood moisture, insect and weather resistance levels, and other factors that affect wood quality.

Even though his job as a woodcutter can sometimes feel monotonous and strenuous, John loves his job and feels proud to be part of the timber industry which produces raw materials essential for everyday life. She also enjoys being able to learn a lot about nature and the environment and looks forward to continuing to learn and grow in her work.

After working hard chopping wood for several hours, John and his co-workers finally decided to take a short break at the edge of the lush project where they usually rest after a tiring day at work. They took out their lunch boxes and started talking.

John's colleague named Bob started chatting first "John, how is your investigation into the death of the hunter? Is there any progress?".

John shook his head, "There hasn't been any progress. The police are still investigating the case and I haven't received any information either."

"Of course, cases like that require more time and effort to solve. Hopefully, the police can find a useful lead," said Bob.

Then, another of John's co-workers, named David, joined in, "John, I heard that you are interested in forest and environmental sustainability issues. What can we do to protect the forests around our workplace?"

John smiled, "That's true, I am very concerned about the condition of the forest and the environment. We as woodworkers must be responsible for maintaining the balance of nature and the ecosystem. One way we can do this is by carrying out responsible logging, namely by selecting trees. - trees that are old or that must be cut down for certain reasons, and avoid illegal or illegal logging".

David added, "That's true, and apart from that we can also pay attention to how we dispose of waste from logging. We have to dispose of this waste in an environmentally friendly way, such as by recycling it or using it for other purposes."

They discussed further ways to preserve the forest and the environment around their workplace. John feels happy to be able to discuss environmental issues with his colleagues and hopes to continue to contribute to preserving nature.

After working hard chopping wood all day, John felt tired and wanted to hurry home to rest. However, before going home he decided to stop by the hunter's house. John wants to see how the condition of the hunter's cabin is after the deadly incident that occurred some time ago.

However, when he arrived in front of the hunter's house, there was still a police line,

John entered through the back, and when he got inside John looked at the condition of the house, but when he passed through the basement suddenly John felt dizzy and dark in his eyes. He tried to hold himself from falling, but soon he passed out right there.

A few hours later, John woke up with a headache still. He was in the room at the hunter's house, with the hunter sitting by John's bed.

The hunter smiled when he saw John waking up, "You've woken up, John. How do you feel now?" asked the hunter.

John felt his head which still felt dizzy, "Still a bit dizzy, but I feel a little better now. What happened to me?" asked John confused.

The hunter explained, "When you arrived at my basement, you immediately fainted. I brought you into the house and checked your condition. I thought you had a heart attack, so I immediately took you to your room.

The hunter took out an ax under his bed "John, do you remember this?" John, who was half confused, nodded slowly. ...."

Suddenly the hunter lifted the ax and pointed it at John's head, John who was shocked immediately woke up and suddenly realized that he was still in the basement and it was already dark, "Ahh… what happened" John immediately ran home "Damn... what the fuck, does he want to kill me, ah…. No, I think I'm just tired."

John always saw strange things when he was tired, at least that's what his friends told him...