
Luke Adventurous Life in Final Fantasy VII

Reza, a rich middle-aged NEET gets reincarnated into Final Fantasy VII world after filling a questionnaire on the net. How will his life be as Sephiroth Twin brothers?

AliefLucas · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 7 The Fight and The Hunt

As soon as the sign was given, Tifa dashes toward Zangan and starts to attack him with a flurry of Kick.

She starts with Low-Kick on Zangan leg which he evades by raising his leg when she pulled back before kicking again mid kick at the waist while Zangan blocks it with his hand. Tifa continues with a bicycle kick block by Zangan's palm while he steps back. She rotates giving a roundhouse kick at the head. Zangan dodges it by tilting his head back.

Changing tactic, Tifa starts to use punch, Knees, and Elbow. She launched a right hook where Zangan redirects it to his left side, grabbing her wrist and pulled her toward him while right elbow ready to hit her face.

Seeing this, Tifa block it with her palm while her right feet steps behind Zangan's legs. She uses her shoulders to push him back while her legs tackling him making his stance crumbles and as he falls back. She gives him a soccer kick in the head which he managed to block at the last minute before launching him back around three meters.

Not stopping with her assault, Tifa runs after him while pulling her first before giving him a right hook on the face. Launching back a few meters more.

"Whoaaa" shouted one of the students.

"Awsome, she got a hit on Master!" said the other.

"Ouch, That must be hurt. I can hear the sound of the much clear in my ears." said another.

"How can she be this strong?" asked another one.

"I think my confidence got hit. A girl younger than me is this strong. Did I have no talent?" said another with a depressed tone.

"Calm down all of you! Master is still testing the water with her." said Gary sternly while looking at Tifa seriously.

"Hiss, that's a mean hook you got there Tifa. I see that he trains you well." said Zangan as he gets up while holding his jaw ignoring the student's talk at the side. While Tifa is giddy on the inside as she got a hit on Zangan which means the reward is in the bag. Even though she know that Zanga is still not serious just now.

Though she was prancing around on the inside in happiness, outwardly she look serious while waiting for Zangan attack.

"Let see if your defense as good as offense!" Said Zangan as he dashes toward Tifa.

After a few combos of attack, Zangan can see what type of teacher Luke is. With how tough Tifa's defense is. He likely the type that prioritizes his student survivability first before anything else. While her attack is still full of flaws, her defense is perfect and her body strength is good. Showing a good foundation for Martial Artists.

"It seems that I won't be able to breach that defense of yours. You got yourself a Monster of a teacher if you are this strong after two years of training," he said as he steps back before they start another bout.


While Tifa was fighting with Zangan, Aerith was having fun butchering the Monster in the Nibel forest.

After leaving Luke she starts to walk around the forest aimlessly since Luke still hasn't taught her how to track the monster. After walking around for a while she was meet with a pack of three Nibel Wolf.

For the first strike, Aerith uses Blizzard along with All Materia giving them a frozen status. She then follow with a Kabutowari using her Halberd killing the one that was in the middle. She then swings her halberd to the left wolf while her left leg kicks the wolf to her right. She succeeds in killing the one to her left but the one in her right dodge her.

After it dodges, it jumped back to bit her outstretched leg. Aerith let it be and as the wolf bit her its fang broke because she is wearing adamantite boots. Seeing the wolf stunned by its broken teeth, she swings her halberd again killing it.

"Fuih, that's not much." said Aerith looking at the corpses of the wolf.

"Yosh, let's finish the ten quotas and get the reward from Luke!" she said and start to look for more monsters.

Two hours later Aerith finished killing the ten monster quotas. The reason for it being so slow is for searching it. The time she took in killing them all did not exceed three minutes.

"So, you done killing ten mobsters, took you long enough."Said Luke suddenly appearing behind Aerith.

"Kyaa! Luke, why did you appear so suddenly? You surprise me. Wait, are you following me all around?" said Aerith in realization.

"Of course, even though I know you can handle yourself. I still need to observe your fight. Next time I will teach you how to track monsters so it will not take this long. Let's go back!" he said before opening a portal back to Nibelheim.


Back in the Mansion, Tifa is already there waiting for us.

"We are back! Tifa, how is your fight?" said Aerith as we got back and immediately run toward Tifa and hug her.

"Welcome back, of course I get a hit once on his face! How about you?" asked Tifa.

"Its easy, just take too long searching for the monsters." answer Aerith.

"I see, then that's mean!" Tifa said with a twinkle in her eyes which follow by a nodded from Aerith who had the same expression.

""Luke! Our Gift!"" they said the same time while outstretching their hand.

"Yes yes, here it is," I said giving them a console.

"This is? A phone?" ask Aerith confused.

"Nope, it was a game console. You can play the game with it." I said while giving them the game console I created. Inside it, there is just a few game namely Street Fighter, Super Mario cart, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, and a few RPG games. While the console I make it alone, the game was created with the help of Alice.

"Whoaa, can we play it now?" said Aerith.

"Nope, you two go take a bath first," I told them and they pout before nodding at me. "I will go check on Cloud first," I said and left them.

Arrived at Arcadia I see Cloud was doing a pushup in the field.

"Alice, how is he doing?" I said

<Answering to master! after you left, Cloud wakes up and starts to do the few exercises you left for him without complaint and do it according to your instruction. After this, there is only one more exercise to do.>

"Good, this means he is determined enough and is not reckless to do more than he is instructed. After he finished, give him nutritional food and a few supplements then told him to go home and rest." I said and went back to the Mansion.

Walking inside the Mansion I see Claudia folding the laundry that is already dry. I smirk and walk to her back.

"Hello Claudia, you look more beautiful today." I said to her ears. She was surprised at first before her face goes red.

"L-Luke, how is Cloud?" she said with a red face.

"Changing the subject again. He is good, determined enough to achieve his goal. Now onto you, it looks like groom yourself more today." I said while holding her shoulder and she squirms from embarrassment in my hold.

"I like how you look now." I said while holding her chin and she looks at me with glassy eyes letting me lead her around. I get close for a kiss and she closes her eyes giving me a go-ahead sign.

I kiss her while my hand slither to her front and start to grope her breast. Seeing that she doesn't mind about it gives me the courage to do more and start to undress leaving her only with underwear since she wears a sundress.

"Ahh~~ Luke! What about your Mom and Ifalna?" she said as I stop with the kiss.

"You already know I do it with them right?" is said and she nodded.

"I watch you doing it with them a few time." she answered shyly.

"Hooh, so you watch us? We got a voyeur here. What a naughty woman." I said as turn her around and play with her nipple before starts to suck it while my hand goes down to play with her pussy. She climax after a while and I goes down and lick her pussy until she gets a second climax for the day.

"Mnhhh~~Is it okay? Won't they be angry?" she asked and I smile.

"Its okay, they already know I target you. Maybe right now they already watching us doing it." I said with a smirk and she goes red and looks around to see if they are here.

"You are teasing me!" she said looking at me with a pout after seeing that the door is closed.

"No he is not. We are watching." said Ifalna as she walk in with Mom before closing the door again.

"Glad you joined us Claudia. Being watched by when we doing it is thrilling so we want to try to be the one who watches now. Now we know why you like to peek us so much, hehe." Mom said with a smirk making Claudia embarrassed.

"Ohhh, you mother and son is too much! Is it fun teasing me?" she said hiding her face.

"It was in, hehe," I answer. "Anyway, let's stop here before the girls finish their bath and Cloud finish his training," I said while picking up Claudia's dress giving it to her.

"You won't go all the way?" she asked confused.

"Lets wait for two more years." I answer her as she start to get dressed while Mom and Ifalna continue teasing her saying that they should try a foursome later.