
Luisa and the Witcher

...Born into a world where you are either the predator or the prey, a young elf girl had to be exposed to the hardship of life at an early age. Fueled by rage and anger, her quest for revenge led her through a bloody path. ... Excerpt:- Luisa remained in that position for a long time, she was covered in her mother's blood as she cried nonstop. It was almost dawn, her fists clenched as she sworn to avenge her parents and clan. She stood up and wiped her tears leaving blood trails on her face. she looked towards the forest surrounding her clan and began to walk towards it, she didn't know where to go, she just walked ignoring the dangers that lurks in the forest and the outside world. *** She continued walking but deep down she felt she was being followed. When the movements became audible enough, out of fear she began running even without seeing who or what was after her. Suddenly, she fell or actually she felt herself being pushed by a supernatural force. Her eyes widened when a black smoke wrapped around her ankle like a tentacle, the spot felt cold and the creature began to drag her towards it. Luisa let out terrifying screams as she was being dragged by what she couldn't see. She tried to get the the tentacle of a thing off of her but it was useless, her hands just kept passing through the tentacle like the vapor it was. ... Hello, this is my first book on web novel, please support and motivate me.

Goodness_OG · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Protege with benefits

"Stop...stop it," her hands started to push him away, but she was too intoxicated to fight back.

"Don't fight it. Just let me, you'll love it," he urged.

"No, you're not him. You're not Zeke," she replied.

"I'm not, I'm better," he responded and tried to kiss her but she turned her head away subsequently at his every move. He forcefully pinned her hands on the bed.

"Would you stay put?" he yelled. She was even more frustrating when drunk. He clashed his lips with hers and kissed her so savagely. The door shut open, he stopped and turned to see who dared to barged in.


Zeke had just arrived at his house in fernandel. He didn't find Luisa home, he knew she will be attending the party today but the soiree was taking longer than usual. It was almost midnight. He was...worried.

He quickly entered his carriage again heading for the Reigns. When he got there, he found Maximilian also preparing to leave.

"Zeke," he acknowledged.

"Is your daughter back?" Zeke went straight to the point.

"No, I'm actually on my way to the soiree to pick them up. They're taking longer than expected, I told them to be back before midnight," he responded.

With that, they got into their respective carriages and rode off to Senora's. They got there, most of the carriages were gone as the party was coming to an end. They alighted from the carriage and got into the mansion. They paid no attention to the greetings and acknowledgement people were giving to them. Their minds were not settled as they began to search for their girls.

They finally found Lindsey with Senora, worry written all over their faces especially Lindsey's.

'What has she done this time?' Maximilian thought. Zeke would never forgive him if anything happens to Luisa.

"Lindsey," Maximilian called her.

"Father," she replied. Her worries and anxiety increased immediately she saw Zeke.

"Where's Luisa, Lindsey?" Zeke asked her.

"I...I lost her. I can't find her," she stuttered.

"You what? How can you be so careless?" Maximilian scolded her.

"I'm sure she must be in the mansion," Lindsey tried to assure.

"How can you lose a grown young girl?" Max reprimanded his daughter even more. She bowed her head, her fingers pinching on each other.

"I'm sorry," she pleaded.

"Why don't we channel all this energy into searching for her. Max take the south wing of the mansion, Lindsey you search this way. I'll check east," Zeke suggested.

"I will help too," Senora offered and Zeke nodded at her.

"We too," Senora's parents offered as the girl was missing in their mansion, it would be scandalous if the girl was not found and words gets out.

They all began searching for Luisa, the mansion was relatively large, their first attempt was futile.

They came together again;

"Let me perform a locator spell," Max offered and began right away.

The locator spell became stable and started to lead the way.

It led them to a double sided door at the farest end of the mansion, Zeke busted the door open immediately and that was when they caught Goshen trying to force himself on an intoxicated Luisa.

It was as if Zeke went berserk at the sight of it. He didn't care if the elf boy was only just two decades old. He began to punch and beat the living daylight out of him. It took the intervention of the boy's father and Max to separate Zeke from the boy or else he would kill him.

"Zeke stop it!" Max told.

The boy laughed, blood flowed out of his mouth, his handsome face was covered in blood.

"So you're the guy. Aren't you like a decade too older than her?" he stated with much insolence.

"Shut that mouth of yours, boy. Don't you know this is master Zeke, a senior witcher. You never cease to bring disgrace to this family," his father reprimanded.

"I don't care!" Goshen spat.

"The girl you were just trying to rape, is his protege, she is also a witcher," Lindsey retorted. Goshen grinned;

"Does that make her taken? Does it mean she's not privileged to another man? I think there's something more to this relationship. Protege with benefits," he replied.

"You insolent bastard," Lindsey punched him in the face, so unladylike. The punch made him to land on his butt, he never expected this girl's punch to give this much impact.

"Lindsey?!" Max responded.

"No Mr. Reign. He deserved it," Senora supported Lindsey.

"We're sincerely sorry, master Zeke," Senora's father apologized.

"Yes master Zeke. Please master Zeke, don't mind my son's insolence. Please don't charge for his arrest for rape. I beg of you," Senora's mother pleaded.

"Ask for anything, anything!" she added.

Zeke glared at her.

"Would you be able to give me your son's head?" he asked.


"I thought so. Then you can't give me anything," he added and walked to the bed. He carried the drunk Luisa in a bridal style.

"Zeke?" she mumbled.

"Zeke!" she beamed and wrapped her hands across his neck in a hug.

"Or is this a dream?" she added, staring at his face.

"No it's not. let's go home," he replied and they walked out of the room and out of the mansion.



Luisa began to wake up from her deep slumber. Her head was throbbing. She wished the pain would go away. She was in her room in Zeke's house.

'How did i get here?' she thought.

She remembered having a drink with Goshen then she began to get all tipsy but she couldn't stop drinking. Her head ached the more she thought about it. Oh god, she hoped she didn't do anything stupid.

The door opened and Zeke walked in, a tray in his hands as he shuts the door back with his foot. He sat on her bed;

"Good morning," she said in a low voice, preparing herself for a scolding or something.

"Drink this," he gave her a mug which was on the tray. It was a hot tea.

She collected it from him, her eyes glanced at him searching for any emotion, any would do but unfortunately there was none. What exactly did she do last night?

The tea smelled okay, but it was bitter. She tried to drop it after one sip.

"Drink up to three sips. You can drink more alcohol, right?" he chastised her.

"It's too bitter," she whined.

"It will help you with your headache. Your head must be aching right now, isn't it? Why did you even drink that much?" he asked as he forces her to drink more of the tea.

"I can hold my liquor, I have drank before and I know it. I think that boy cast a spell on my shots," she replied.

"Hmm, I think I should change your nickname to handful or my little troublemaker. There's always trouble wherever you are," he sighed.

'He didn't ask her about the boy,' she thought. Did he know something about yesterday or...

"Lindsey's here to see you," he announced and stood up.

"Drink more of that. I'll leave it here," he added and walked out. Lindsey walked in almost immediately as if she was waiting just by the door.

Luisa was glad to see her, she didn't remember leaving the party with her or seeing her before leaving the party. Maybe her memories about it will come back slowly.

Lindsey sat at the edge of her bed.

"Luisa I'm so sorry," she started.

Luisa's brows creased;

"About what? I hope I didn't say anything offensive or do anything stupid yesterday?" she asked.

'She seems not to remember,' Lindsey thought. Should she tell her? She deserves to know.

"No. But because of my carelessness, you almost got raped," Lindsey replied.

There was silence;

"Let me guess. It was Goshen," Luisa speculated and Lindsey nodded.

"That prick really had the guts," Luisa scoffed. Her hands itched to punch him. Lindsey saw as her hands clenched.

"I already did it for you," she responded. Luisa forced a small smile. Lindsey held her hand,

"My father is so mad at me right now, I don't want you to be as well. I should have stayed with you and all these wouldn't have happened," Lindsey continued.

"Was Zeke there?" Luisa asked and she nodded. 'That's why he was like that,' Luisa thought. She felt bad.

"You don't have to apologize, it is my fault for not listening to your advice and drinking too much," Luisa replied.

"Thank you, Luisa," Lindsey smiled at her.

"I promise a thing like this would never happen again," Lindsey assured.

"It won't," Luisa seconded.

"I just wish I could teach that fool a lesson, he messed with the wrong witcher," Luisa raged. Her eyes met that of Lindsey's. For a short moment they held each other's gaze. Their lips pulled up in a dubious and mischievous grin.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Luisa asked.

"Way ahead of you," Lindsey replied.





~Do check out my new book, married to the loveless CEO, available only on webnovel. I promise you won't be disappointed, hehe.

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