
chapter 6- first fight

(Ace POV)

'How the hell is this possible!?' I thought, staring at that annoying brat with disbelief.

*earlier in the day*

In the last month, we managed to rob Bluejam for a lot of money, not enough for a pirate ship but we are slowly getting there.

We already filled out our secret treasure tree halfway so we won't be here for much longer, but today this brat decided that he wanted to try his luck with me again.

"Hey Ace, where are you going?" he asked "..." I didn't reply, why should I? judging from his last attempt he will give up in two days and leave me alone for a month, why not let him tire himself out? but Sabo will be mad, *sigh* I'm not expecting that.

*3 hours later*

'Well he has been at it for some time now, better start going through some tough environment to shake him off'. Seeing that the brat persisted during my normal route, I started to go through harder paths to get rid of him.

*2 hours later*

'He still hasn't given up, I'll need to try some traps then'. The brat still persisted even when walking on dangerous paths, Unfortunately for him, I prepared traps should I ever be followed to the treasure and I think it's time to check them out.

*1.5 hours later*

H-he dogged all of them, I kicked trees at him but he somehow maneuvers around them, I hid holes in the ground and somehow he always walks over them, I even tied a tree log to another tree with a rope and let it swing, yet he walked through it like it was nothing. 'You leave me no choice brat, I have to attract animals towards you. you brought this on yourself'.

*1 hour later*

"Hey brat, lets fight. If I win you leave me alone and if you win you can come with me. deal?". Somehow, even though I used the best bait I had, no animals came near us not even bears.

I have no choice but to crush him directly at this point since I don't want to give him the illusion that he can come with me now, "sure, but remember to hold up your end of the deal when you lose" the brat said. A vein popped in my head "oh you're on!!"

(Luffy POV)

Hahaha man, it's so much fun messing with Ace. At the start, Ace had his usual annoyed expression, but it was so much fun seeing his expression get more and more urgent as he tried new ways to get rid of me.

the first 5 hours he tried to lose me with a difficult path, after he realized that it didn't work he tried some cute traps on me. The poor kid didn't even hide his shock when I easily dogged them all with my observation haki, but he still didn't give up and decided to try and attract some beasts to me.

Needless to say, I scared them shitless with my conquerors haki. And then the magic words came "Hey brat, lets fight. If I win you leave me alone and if you win you can come with me. deal?", I decided to play with him a little since I spent an entire month to prepare for this. "Sure, but remember to hold up your end of the deal when you lose", and I think I saw a vein pop in his forehead.

{this is the first time I wrote a fight scene so I would apreshiate it if you wrote me feedback in the comments}

we were both standing at opposite ends of a clear area in the jungle. Ace suddenly yelled "Rady, set, GO" and sprinted towards me, he tried to punch me in the face but I sidestepped him.

Surprised, he spun around quickly and attempted to front-kick my head. At the last second, however, I ducked. While I started to dash forward to tackle his standing leg, Ace caught on immediately adjusted himself mid-motion for an ax kick.

'Damn, I remember him being good but he is a little monster' I thought, and with a well-timed roll I avoided his ax kick too. Taking advantage of my lowered head he tried to nail it with a low-kick but was forced to stop his assault when I blocked it with my arm and retreated backward.

"It looks like I underestimated you a little, brat, I'll take you seriously from now on", said Ace and stated a new assault. He tried to punch me in the head again, but as I tilted my head to dodge his fist he turned it into a hold and caught my shoulder, attempting to knee me in the stomach.

But before his knee connected I pushed it down and slapped his arm away from my shoulder. Taking advantage of his unbalanced state, I used the momentum from the slap to perform a side-kick that sent him flying a few meters back. 'Although it has been fun, I do need to wrap this up so I can kick the shit out of Sabo too', I thought, preparing to finish the battle.

This time I started the round as I faked a round-house kick, when ace prepared to block it I pulled my leg back and used the momentum to perform a scrwdriver-motioned jump while kicking straight at his unprotected face.

While Ace was recovering I dashed forward as I tried to punch his face, and using my gum-gum fruit to kick my leg over to a thick tree that was behind Ace.

Ace blocked my punch with his hand, but just as he got ready to counter-attack, my leg spun around the tree and stretched back to hit Ace in the ribs, Ace got knocked to the side but he bounced back as he collided with my stretched hip and I finished him with an uppercut to the chin. Ace was knocked out cold.

'damn, I never knew Ace was this good at hand to hand combat and if it's the same with Sabo then it will be a stupid move not to train them.' as I was building a training program for Ace, he woke up.

"ugh, my head feels like shit, scatch that my whole body feels like shit... What happened?", sightly smirking I replied, "you lost". Suddenly my smirk turned into a sadistic smile, "and now you have to take me with you".

Next chapter