
luffy back in time (completed)

It's the final battle at Raftel, Luffy and his pirate crew vs the marines. The battle is going back and forth with many casualties from both sides and at the last moment of the battle, Trafalgar Law dies. Law is determined to make one last move to help Luffy win, so just before his death, he uses his fruits' special ability and sacrifices himself to give Luffy immortality. One thousand years later Luffy manages to find a way to return back in time, so he could help his friends and family make their dreams come true since he already achieved his, and was eaten by the guilt of being the only one that did so. Join Luffy in his journey to help those who helped him, and have a little fun along the way

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

chapter 33- Five hits

"*Sigh* go to Law's ship I'll be done in a few minutes", I said to Katakuri and Law as they got off my back.

"Hahaha, I didn't think you'd be willing to fight me yourself. Here I was planning to force you into a fight". Kaido exclaimed. "Listen Kaido", I said with a rather annoyed tone, "I don't care for your boredom at the moment, get lost or I'll kill you". 'I really want to see the crew's reaction to Law and Katakuri, it'll be priceless. I don't want to delay it with this bored idiot ...' "Oh? and how are you planning to do that? not even the marines could do that and they have far more options then you" Kaido said with a smirk. "If you're so curious I can show you. Actually that won't be fair, I'll give you five free hits. After that, I'll retaliate, but if you run before the fifth hit I won't pursue you"

A vain poped in Kido's forehead, "well I guess you succeeded in one thing brat, I'm no longer bored" Kaido said as he jumped towards me with his left fist covered with haki. I sighed helplessly and continued to float in the same spot. There wasn't even any sound as Kaido's fist just stretched my body, which shot him back like a bullet to his ship but he didn't have a scratch on his body. "This is a surprise, how did you manage to negate my haki's effect?" Kaido asked calmly but I saw him get a little more serious. "First hit", I said while beginning to think of a worthy torture method to put him through after all the things he did, specifically in Wano.

"...Okay brat, now I'll get serious". Kaido is very arrogant, so me completely ignoring him was the best provocation I thought of. Since I wanted to kill him and not for him to escape by the small chance he figured out the difference in our strength before the fifth hit.

Kaido took out a long, metal, kanabo with relatively long spikes. suddenly, purple lightning spared around his kanabo. Kaido jumped towards me once again, "DIVINE THUNDER" he yelled as his weapon hit my left cheek. But this time, although his second attack was far more powerful than his first, the kanabo didn't even slightly bend my skin as I tensed it a little. "Huh?" was all Kaido could say as he fell into the water with me looking at him with disappointment. "KAIDO-SAMA" his crew screamed.

*SPLASH* Kaido jumped from the sea back to his ship and I landed on it to save myself some time{I don't think that the sea would affect Kaido at much since he was cuffed by the marines with sea stones yet that didn't even stop him from moving freely considering all the times he escaped them, plus one of his commanders was underwater for hours and that did basically nothing to him except tire him a little}. "That was two", I said.

Kaido now realized he needed to transform and suddenly a giant, blue, dragon appeared in the sky. "Aww you look so cute, I almost want you as a pet", I said while snickering at his distorted face. I don't have anything against the man, well I do, but a blue dragon with a giant mustache and beard, both floating upwards despite gravity, is extremely funny in my opinion. "I WILL KILL YOU!" Kaido completely lost his cool now as fire started to compress in his mouth. "BLAST BREATH" he yelled as he shot the fire towards me. I just stood in front of it and took it all. "That should have at least done some damage" Kaido mumbled to himself. "Thanks, Buddy, that was very nice of you to warm me up in this chilly wind" my voice was heard. "Since when did I become your buddy?" Kaido asked as he looked at the smoke and started to think about how he would kill me slowly. "Huh? Oh you misunderstood, I decided to make you my pet so from now on your name is Buddy" I said with a wide smile. "That was your third, by the way. You know what? I'm actually starting to enjoy this"

"Y-YOU WHAT?!" Kaido was enraged. After all, how could he, one of the yonko, be compared to a pet? "Pff-hahaha", I started laughing, "Buddy, do a barrel roll!". "..." Kaido was silent since no words could express his anger. Kaido flew and wrapped his body around me, trying to crush me. He stayed like that for about an hour until I stopped squirming around, he looked inside his wrapped body to see my 'dead' body. "HAHAHA NOT SO TOUGH NOW ARE YOU" he laughed. "Wha?" was what he heard as a snot bubble burst and I woke up from my sleep. "YOU'RE ALIVE?" he exclaimed, "yeah, I said I'll let you have five free attacks so I couldn't escape it. Since you continued that attack for so long I got bored and fell asleep, now can I go back to my beautiful dream with my wife{try to guess} or do I need to beat you up? Wait you still have one more attack no? I'm ready so come at me any time, Buddy" I said I fell down and continued my nap at the ship's floor.

"YOU!!! I'LL KILL YOUR WHOLE CREW AND FAMILY AFTER I'M DONE WITH YOU, STRAW HAT!" Ka-Buddy exclaimed. "Fine, fine, but can you at least whisper your empty threats?" I asked in a sleepy tone, one you take a nap It's really hard to shake off the sleepy feeling. "HEH", Buddy let out a laugh as he smashed me through the ship's floor. "That should take care of him", Buddy said as he reverted to his ugly form. *SPLASH* "Wow, Buddy, you really are a good pet helping me wake up like that. Unfortunately, you still need some discipline in you" I said with a bright smile.

R.I.P Buddy!

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