
luffy back in time (completed)

It's the final battle at Raftel, Luffy and his pirate crew vs the marines. The battle is going back and forth with many casualties from both sides and at the last moment of the battle, Trafalgar Law dies. Law is determined to make one last move to help Luffy win, so just before his death, he uses his fruits' special ability and sacrifices himself to give Luffy immortality. One thousand years later Luffy manages to find a way to return back in time, so he could help his friends and family make their dreams come true since he already achieved his, and was eaten by the guilt of being the only one that did so. Join Luffy in his journey to help those who helped him, and have a little fun along the way

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

chapter 32- Germa 66 part 3

"Damn it! Yonji, capture him". Judge shouted and the young man with green hair jumped towards me with a smile. *BAM* a loud sound was heard as two punched collided. The only difference is that it was Katakuri who punched Yonji and not me. "Don't kill them, they may be scum but Sanji would still want them to stay alive" I yelled to Katakuri. Katakuri nodded his head slightly as he lifted Yonji up by his throat, and threw him through a window.

"CAPTURE HIM!" Judge yelled and the two other men, as well as all of the nearby shoulders, came at us. "Katakuri, you take the two men with red and blue color and I'll take care of Judge and the cannon fodders", I said as I activated a little conquerors haki. I didn't go all out since I wanted to have a nice bonding fight with Katakuri. Judge stared at me with his eyes wide open as all of his soldiers fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Y-you monst-" he didn't even finish speaking before I punched him in the gut. "Niji! Ichiji! Reiju! help me!" Judge yelled but Ichiji and Niji were no match to Katakuri, and they got defeated in an instant. As for Reiju, she just sat at her seat with no intention to intervene. "Let me set things straight", I said as I grabbed Judge by the head and lifted him up. "I knew you were an asshole, and as long as you wouldn't have targeted my crew I wouldn't have intervened", I said with a serious expression, "but now you will get what you deserve".

"I-I'm s-sorry! I-I won't b-bother Sanji!" Judge broke down crying almost immediately. "Do you think crying will save you? Sanji wants you alive, but he won't know about anything that will happen today now would he?". I started to slowly tighten my grip on Judge's head until he screamed in pain, but I wasn't done. I caught his flailing arms by the wrist and slowly broke them, I then moved on to the legs, and finally, I broke almost all of his ribs. I would have torched him mentally, but then Sanji will know something happened when they eventually meet instead of now where he is too scared to say a thing.

"Remember this Judge, don't mess with my family again. This time the punishment was light, but if you or anyone else will try something like this again you will die a horrible and painful death". I turned around to Reiju, "Reiju is in charge from now on, and now that you are in charge I want to recruit you to my grand fleet". "It will be our honor to join", Reiju said with a rare smile. "Then this matter is settled, now let's go Katakuri. I have another pirate to recruit".

*Somewhere in the grand line*

"Uhhhh I this is going to be annoying", I said as I located Law's submarine with my observation haki. "Interesting" Katakuri said as he sat on my back. "Well, let's get this over with", I used gear three to enlarge my arm to about the size of the Going Merry and used 'King Kong Gun' to basically part the ocean apart with the air pressure.

The heart pirated recovered almost immediately and exited the submarine-ship hybrid. "Prepare for ba-" Law was about to get ready for battle, but he stopped immediately when he saw me and Katakuri. "Straw Hat Luffy and Charlotte katakuri, why are you here? I didn't offend you did I?" Law asked with a little smile but I could tell he was nervous. "I came here to recruit you, Law. And if your crew wishes to follow you they can join my Grand Fleet. I'll even help you kill Doflamigo"

"Sure, I agree" Law didn't even hesitate. "C-CAPTAIN" the heart pirates yelled in shock. "What? I just got us into a Yonko level force" Law said jokingly, but I knew he was convinced by my offer to help him kill Doflamingo and that he can't really refuse anyway with our difference in power. "So, what are we going to do now captain?" Law asked me, "well, for now, we'll go back to the ship. I want to introduce you all to the crew and I don't want to carry any more people on my back".

"Straw Hat Luffy!" a shout was heard. "Oh god damn it", "that voice..." Katakuri said and his eyes widened a bit. "Yeah, looks like I'll have to kick Kido's ass before we go... this is a pain".