
luffy back in time (completed)

It's the final battle at Raftel, Luffy and his pirate crew vs the marines. The battle is going back and forth with many casualties from both sides and at the last moment of the battle, Trafalgar Law dies. Law is determined to make one last move to help Luffy win, so just before his death, he uses his fruits' special ability and sacrifices himself to give Luffy immortality. One thousand years later Luffy manages to find a way to return back in time, so he could help his friends and family make their dreams come true since he already achieved his, and was eaten by the guilt of being the only one that did so. Join Luffy in his journey to help those who helped him, and have a little fun along the way

what_if_3574 · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 29- Katakuri

After my fight with Shanks, I flew back to the Going Merry. I flew over a couple of islands with nothing really happening except a few sea kings in need of extermination. But while flying I noticed a weird ship, it looked as if it was made out of candy, and had a big purple-haired guy with a giant scarf covering his mouth area. 'Why is Katakuri here? What does Big Mom need from paradise that requirers Katakuri to come himself?' I thought but my question was quickly answered when someone from the ship yelled "we found Straw Hat!".

I got ready to fight since the tone of the yell was quite aggressive, but as soon as Katakuri saw me get into a fighting pose he shouted "we are here to talk Straw Hat, no need to fight". I got curious as to what Big Mom wants from me, well I was pretty sure it was an alliance but surely she won't form an alliance with me when she doesn't even know a single thing about me right?... Right?

I landed on the ship and immediately felt that I was being judged, be it my looks or the power they felt from me everything was judged, and looking at their faces I could tell they were disappointed. Did they think I was constantly leaking some power? Why would I? If I did that everyone in my vicinity would be terrified and I don't want that. "You're Straw Hat? I have to say I was expecting you to have a stronger presence. But anyway our captain, Big Mom, saw your actions at Marineford and deemed you worthy enough to attend her tea party" Katakuri didn't seem too impressed with my presence {baciacly like aura}.

'So it's a tea party... She probably wants to lure me into an alliance with her but I won't do that. Actually, I could try and recruit Katakuri right now, he is an honorable and good person so he's perfect in my crew. I will need to push him a little, but I think he will fully join our crew after some adventures, just like Robin'

"I'll think about it if you sail with my crew for a bit"


"What? I don't have any reason to attend it so why should I? but this can change if you sail with me until the tea party. when is it anyway?", "It's about two years from now" Katakuri turned calm surprisingly fast as he answered me. "So, will you sail with me? you should know this is a good offer. You sail with me for just two years, and I go to Big Mom's tea party with no problem. If you refuse, however, I won't go and we both know that your mother isn't smart enough to figure out that she and her crew don't stand a chance, will try to go after me for revenge and we both know what will happen from there". "Don't get cocky, Straw Hat, we could have done the same thing you did", "first of all, that's a lie and you know it. And second of all, do me a favor and look five seconds into the future in ten seconds". Katakuri had a weird look in his eyes but still did what I asked.

The moment Katakuri looked into the future his face turned so pale, a sheet of paper looked like a rainbow in comparison. Katakuri started to sweat like a fountain and he stared at me with a look of pure horror. Well, that was expected considering what I was about to do. "So, your answer?" I asked with a cheery tone, "do I have a choice?" he asked with a depressed expression. "Well yes, but actually no" {someone better understand this}.

"You should talk with Big Mom and tell her, she wouldn't care but just to be safe", I tell Katakuri. Big Mom wouldn't care, obviously, but I don't want to deal with the ships they will send if they thought I kidnapped Katakuri. "Give me a minute", Katakuri said as he called Big Mom. Big Mom didn't care but now that it was over I told Katakuri to get on my back so we can go. he actually showed a confused impression for a second before calming down, "If you're wondering why it's because I don't have a boat to sail back to my ship since I fly, and since it will be way faster, you should just climb and enjoy the ride".

As Katakuri was sitting fabulously on my back, I get why he had so many fan-girls. We flew for some time before I noticed some weird ships on the horizon. 'Wait a minute, is that Germa 66?'