
On the breeze what a gentle little Zephyr

There was a time, the first time, the raven still remembered, when the half spark was first tested...

The breeding program for elves got much more dangerous with its experiments, many failures, as it tried to harness the power of elementals. Eventually, the program went further underground as the knowledge of its unscrupulous ethics spread. The volatility of the test subjects resulted in a loss of various specimens who were either euthanized for their noncompliance or committed suicide. A lot was done to cover up the "failures" and the remaining mirror gates were decommissioned. As a result, the program evolved itself into different things that were more easily concealed and controlled.

When the half fire sprite/ half elf was made, training started immediately. Because of certain ways that the mind develops, the young mind is easier to manipulate. When certain neurological developments are made manifest, the project would attempt to use the child to open the mirror gates.

When the young half sprite entered the mirror she found herself in a clearing in the center of a dense forest with a growing mist creeping along the ground. A shadowy coyote approached with black glittering fur that sparkled like the night sky from the shadows. "I see they have you now." It said as it looked her up and down with a gaze that made her feel as transparent as a window pane. "And they've already done many terrible things."

"Who are you and how do you know me?" The half sprite asked.

"It's hardly inconsequential to describe existence in simple terms. I am and I am not, but when it comes to what I know, that is everything. You won't remember me, but the part of you that the mirror will keep will. When you're here again all the divine will offer you something, but they are all gifts towards your vanity which will cheat you in the long run. I will offer you an honest reflection at that time if you come to find me. They will call me a trickster, but you'll have to ask yourself who is actually trying to trick you."

"Why are you offering to help me and why should I trust you?" The half sprite said slightly intimidated.

"I offer help to anyone who seeks me. The mirror transports you through the desires of your heart. You don't have to trust me, trust the honesty you still have with yourself, or don't. I am neither benevolent nor malevolent. I can be difficult, but I am fair. Are you fair, are you curious, are you willing? Then let me teach you your power." The coyote said smoothly as it sat next to the half sprite into her ear.

"To what cost?" The half sprite thought aloud.

"Just your pride." The coyote smiled as he fluidly turned around and walked off fading into the mist.


"No, you have to find a benevolent diety." Medora said rummaging around the dungeon they were trapped in.

"Well that should be easy enough." The priestess thought out loud.

"Not here, here the divine will try to trick you." Medora said drawing a circle on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Medora's companion asked recognizing what ritual preparation looked like.

"I'm summoning Death." Medora said matter-of-factly.

Hysterical laughter errupted from the priestess.

"Seriously though, who are you summoning?" A creeping nervousness tweaked the priestess's voice.

"I'm summoning the goddess of death. This is her sigil." Medora placed the final ingredients in the circle and drew the last lines on the sigil. It lit up magenta on the ground as Medora began chanting.

Upon realizing the gravity of the situation the priestess began to panic. "What are you doing? Trying to Hasten our demise?"

"For the record, the goddess actually can grant protection against harm and violent death. Moreover, Death is also obviously benevolent." Medora said flatly between chanting while continuing with the ritual.

"Benevolent? How?" The priestess was frantically looking for alternative avenues of escape.

"Death is fair. Old, young, rich, poor, healthy or sick, lucky or unlucky, death comes for everyone no exceptions. It's life that's not fair. When life ends, it's death that evens us all up." Medora sealed the ritual with a final chant.


Lucky really was starting to hate her own instability. Moreover, she didn't like her wereform. The dragon always seemed to be up to something. She had the growing suspicion that it also knew many things that it would not made her privy to. Lucky had only vague recollection of certain things when her wereform was out, but could not escape the feeling she had been set up again as Corvis confronted her. However, that frustration was short lived as she was quickly shoved out of her own consciousness when the dragon half took over.

Loex of Hrívë was a name the dragon had not heard in a while. Dragons' names are imbued with intense magic. A name is typically only used to summon lest the subject that uttered the name wanted to fall under its enchantment. Corvis, having a natural resistance to certain magic because of his peculiar eating habits, seemed not only unphased by it, but almost taunting in his tone. The dragon might have wondered even who this bird thought he was, but when she saw him transform into a Sphinx she already had her answer.

Hey everyone. We've reached over 30k views which is really exciting for me considering I haven't updated in more than a month. I apologize for the delay, I'm currently in the process of moving so that has taken up what little free time I might have had. I'll be done moving in a couple of weeks so once I am settled I'll go back to updating weekly. I'm also having issues seeing comments and I haven't had time to troubleshoot that. Thank you all again for continuing to read my story.

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