
Lucky Symbol

“A best friend is like a four leaf clover hard but lucky to find” A detective club was created in Ace International School (AIS) by four students. To their unluckiness, the group found their club in the brink of closure because their club was not an official one. When the three Chinese boys transferred to AIS, the club members were determined to make the boys official members of their club no matter what. The group would then find themselves tangled with a lot of mysteries and dark cases that needed their hard work to solve.

Byeolbit · Celebrities
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17 Chs


"It's so heavy," Seri whined as she lazily carried the plastic bags on both hands. Her pigtails were bobbing up and down as she walked. Her school uniform were not helping in making her comfortable either. Annoyed by the fact that her mother asked her to buy tons of things, she huffed as she walked. "I should head to Iseul's house after this." She muttered to herself. She looked straight ahead and saw a middle aged man running towards her direction. Out of instinct, Seri was about to step aside.

"Hold him!" She heard three voices yelled so even without knowing what was happening, Seri did not move out of the man's way. Instead, she made him trip using her left foot. The man fell down and was soon caught by three much younger men who were wearing a very familiar school uniform.

"You should have thought twice before deciding to steal from us," one of the three boys spat. He was the tallest one and he seemed like he was the leader. Seri was not sure how she knew but judging how the boy spoke, he certainly was someone in command. "Give it," the boy added.

The middle aged man was about to do something funny, Seri knew that. Before he or the female could react to it, one of the younger boys held the man down. "I wouldn't try to escape if I were you. Give back what you stole," one of the boys sneered.

"Ah! So, you're my schoolmates!" Seri exclaimed when she finally realized the reason why the boys' uniform were very familiar to her. She knew that what she noticed was not a big deal yet she could not help blurting out the words in her mind.

"Eh? Oh, yes." The first one to reply was the shortest among the three boys. "And him… he's a thief." He pointed at the poor man who was still on the floor.

Nodding her head slowly, Seri decided to not get involved to their business any longer. Although the three students looked innocent to her, their strength was not a joke—at least that was how Seri perceived them. "I see. Bring him to the police station and you'll be fine. I'll go now." After bowing politely and dismissing the fact that the boys thanked her, she continued to walk with the heavy plastic bags on her hands.