
Lucky Ren in ATG

Ren suddenly dies next thing he sees is R.O.B smiling and waving from the other side of the light. (Against the gods fanfiction)

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The names R.O.B

In America in a mid sized city you could see a boy who looks around the age of 16 walking on the pedestrian walkway with a calm face.

He thought 'How am going to lie to the teacher about the homework' as he thought this he suddenly falls on his knees and then faceplants on the hard concrete breaking his nose and scraping his face.

But actually while this was happening he was already dead it's like he just died with no reason whatsoever.


In the void a place that exists and doesn't at the same time you could see a small white light.

This light is actually the soul of Ren the boy who just died he was currently screaming inside his mind.

Although Ren was an avid novel reader and probably knew what the place he currently is at.

He still couldn't get over the fact that he was just walking down the sidewalk and he just died 'Like seriously how dose that even work'.

When suddenly in the void a bright light appeared and as the light dimmed in it's place stood a man.

There was nothing special about the man he appeared normal in every way, he was not beautiful nor was he ugly by every means he was plain.

As the man appeared however Ren suddenly calmed down it was very weird if Ren wasn't so calm right now he would be freaking out.

Suddenly the man spoke "So...I am the one who killed you..." he casually said " ...don't ask stupid questions like why? or how?" he continued "the answer is I was bored and decided to throw one of you mortals in your fantasy world's with one wish"

"Now you can ask me one important question if it's stupid I'll throw you in your world without any cheat"

' Oh. So this is one of those legendary R.O.B situations I'm in.'

'Hmmmm... Important questionnn... Ohhh I got it.'

"What level of wish do I get? Is it a reality breaking one or a mediocre one but still helpful wish or do I get a trash wish."

"Basically I am asking what kind of entertainment do you wish for?"

"Oh and what do I get for entertaining you?"

"Hmmm that was two questions but whatever."

"For your wish I want one that is op but subtly so" he continued "for example you can't wish being the strongest in that universe but you can ask for extreme training speed that will make you grow 1000x times faster."

"But for your payment for good entertainment I haven't decided yet I could allow you to go back with your powers to earth or give you the power to travel the multiverse as an immortal, but if you entertain me good I'll probably allow you to think of one yourself."

"Hmmmmm... Let me think about a good one."

After a few minutes Ren spoke up. " For my wish I would like extreme luck" Ren continued" For example if I want to increase my power it just so happens that I get what I need the very next moment."

"Oh that's a great wish...you know what just for that you get to choose your appearance, but non of that Sasuke Uchiha bullshit otherwise you don't get your d*ck"

At those words Ren shivered even though his emotions were practically nonexistent at the moment.

*cough* *cough*"Anyways come on and choose your appearance, oh and also decide the world you're going to I'm too lazy to decide."

Not even a minute later Ren spoke up again " For my appearance I wish to look like Haku Yuki from Naruto and the world I want to go to is Against the gods"

The man gave him a strange look and spoke" what are you g*y or something maybe you really don't need that d*ck"


At that moment Ren broke out in an extremely loud scream that even the godly entity was surprised.

*cough* *cough* " I just thought it would be entertaining for you to watch me get hit on by random young masters because of my appearance"

"Ok ok you get your girly appearance. But that won't be entertaining for me, I don't got no weird fetishies. Anyway of to your new world, bye bye" the man said while waving goodbye

Ren started disappearing while he yelled at the man "WAIT THEN LET ME CHANGE MY...." he didn't get to finish as he disappeared completely.

The man looked at the place where Ren was standing before disappearing. " What did he say..."

"...nah it's probably nothing important, anyway let's enjoy the show"