
Lucky Harry

Summary: An accident at the age of six turned out to be a lucky thing for Harry Potter. It could get him all the things he had ever dreamed about and many things that he could have never imagined; girls, adventure, a home, and love. Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion). That being said full credit of this work goes to original author

anandnainala · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Chapter 11


[July Twelfth 1994: Monday]

The first month of summer break went by fast and was mostly spent studying. Harry was pleased that the girls were already almost finished fourth year curriculum. He and the girls, besides Hermione, were at Delacour Manor sitting around after finishing dinner as per agreement with Apolline.

"I'm free!" Sirius came running into the sitting room. He held up a copy of the Daily Prophet that held the title 'Sirius Black Innocent: Peter Pettigrew Alive!'.

"About time, it only took them a month to run the story," Harry said sarcastically.

"Be glad they did it at all, the only reason they did is because the story ran all over Europe," Jean pointed out.

"I picked these up like you asked, Harry," Apolline said as she slid an envelope over to him.

"What are those?" Parvati asked curiously.

"Box tickets to the Quidditch World Cup," Harry explained. "I figured it would be interesting to go."

"When is it?" Fleur asked.

"August twenty fifth," Harry said.

"When is Hermione coming?" Daphne asked.

"August first," Harry told her. "Her parents took off work for them to go on vacation." He then turned to the girls in general, "Are you girls ready to leave?"

They all nodded their head at him as they stood up.

"Bye Mum, Dad," Fleur said as she hugged her parents. Harry hugged his parents as well, along with a quick hug for Daphne's mother.

With a flash of neon blue light they were instantly standing in the master bedroom at Harry's castle.

"You know," Parvati said. "We need to either name the castle or the island. Calling it the castle or island is getting annoying after awhile."

"And what do you suggest?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How about Neon Island?" Daphne asked, with a puppy dog expression on her face.

"I like it," Fleur agreed.

"Fine," Harry grumbled.

"Is Harry grumpy at the name?" Parvati teased.

Harry lunged at her, tackling her to the bed. He straddled her while pinning her arms to the bed. "I'll show you grumpy."

Begin Smut Scene

Parvati didn't respond but instead kissed him heatedly. Harry knew exactly what was going to happen right now as he felt Parvati grind herself against his groin. The young man rolled over, vanishing the clothes of everyone in the room in the process, so that Padma was on top.

The girl on top of Harry gasped when she felt Harry pressed up against her. She slowly placed Harry's member flat against his stomach and slowly slid her wetting slit over it.

"Mmm, good girl," Harry murmured. He reached to the front of the girl's chest and lightly pinched her caramel colored nipples. "Padma, get over here."

Said girl crawled over to Harry and sat on her knees by his head. She smirked and threw her leg over Harry's head so that she was straddling it. Harry didn't waste any time before sticking his tongue into Padma's virgin hole, making her gasp.

Parvati bit her lip as she took a hold of Harry's impressive cock and lined it up with her small hole. She smiled gently when she saw the tip of his cock glow softly and she knew that it was a healing spell. Parvati slowly sank down, biting her lip as the tip stretched her wide. With a quick breath, she shoved down, taking half of Harry's length.

"Oh god, so fucking big," Parvati gasped out. Her gasp was silenced when her sister leant forward and kissed her.

"This is so hot," Fleur mumbled off to the side as she watched Harry getting on with the twins. "Little to the right, Rebecca," the quarter Veela said to the girl in between her legs.

Padma moaned loudly as her climax hit her, she squeezed her thighs against Harry's head. When she came down from her high, she slowly extracted herself from Harry's head. She shuddered in arousal when she saw Harry's mouth smeared with her juices.

"Tasty," Harry smirked at Padma. He turned his attention to the bouncing girl on his lap. Harry gripped Padma hips to gain leverage and started thrusting upwards, causing the girl to gasp in pleasure.

"Does it feel good, Par?" Padma asked as she moved so that she was behind her sister.

"Oh god yes, it's so damn big," Parvati gasped. Her gasp turned into a moan when she felt her sister reach down to lightly tease her clit.

"Oh Harry, I'm going to cum," Parvati panted.

"If you come so will I," Harry gritted his teeth.

"I don't mind," Parvati said, only to cry out at the end when Parvati pinched her clit. Parvati came hard, her inner muscles clenching Harry's cock tightly. Harry grunted when he felt the walls of Parvati's cunt tighten around him. He shoved himself as deep as he could into Parvati and started sputtering his cum into her.

Parvati waited for Harry to finish cumming in her before she rolled off him. She instantly missed the huge object that had been stretching her.

"My turn?" Padma grinned.

"Yes," Harry smiled at the girl. "Parvati, why don't you sit and lean against the head of the bed." The girl did as she was told. "Now Padma, get on your hands and knees and clean your sister," Harry ordered.

Padma grew even more wet at the commanding tone that Harry had in his voice and scrambled to comply. She didn't even hesitate to stick her tongue into Parvati's cum leaking quim and started cleaning Harry's cum and her sister's juices.

"Oh Merlin that feels so good," Parvati hummed out. She ran her hands through her sister's hair as Padma's tongue wiggled around in her not so virgin hole.

Harry positioned himself behind Padma and roughly massaged her arse. The girl moaned out at the rough treatment and smirked. He positioned his still hard member against Padma's leaking hole and slowly pushed in. He channeled enough magic into the healing charm to not make it painful but not enough to stop the very intense feeling of being stretched from virgin tight.

Padma screamed into her twin's cunt and whimpered when she felt Harry give slow but firm strokes. She couldn't believe how full she felt and now knew how the other girls felt. Her grip tightened against Parvati's hips as Harry picked up speed in his thrusting. She wanted to scream faster and harder but her mouth was being pressed into her twin's cunt so she just settled for thrusting back against him.

Parvati seemed to sense what Padma wanted so she spoke up for her. "Fuck her tight little cunt harder, Harry."

Harry smirked and picked up his speed even more but was met with resistance when Padma came and tightened around him. He was able to hold off from cumming when he felt Padma orgasm and he was glad as the tightness that was now Padma's cunt was amazing.

"Smack her ass, Harry," Parvati purred out. Harry did as he was asked and smacked the light brown ass that was jiggling from his thrusting. It only served to make Padma's inner muscles clench even more around him.

"Cum one more time for me, Padma," Harry told the girl. He reached around and quickly found her clit. He roughly pinched the little ball of flesh and grinned when he felt her start to cum. The young man allowed himself to lose control inside of Padma's quim.

"Oh," Harry breathed out as he came down from high.

Parvati let Padma roll away from between her thighs. Harry crawled up between the two and pulled them into his chest.

End Smut Scene

"That was nice," Parvati murmured as she snuggled into Harry's left side.

"Nice? That was mind blowing," Padma murmured from the right.

Harry kissed both girls on the head before walking out to the balcony that looked over most of the island.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind and knew that it was Fleur. The bond between him and the girls had only grown deeper. It had grown so deep that he could tell where they were at all times so it didn't surprise him when he felt the twins take up his sides. He also felt Daphne and Rebecca on the other side of the twins.

"What are the house elves building on the other side of the island?" Daphne asked. While she couldn't see all the way she could see a big building that was being built. It matched the Castle that sat atop the hill that overlooked the island.

"The building that was just built is storage of sorts. I'm making the island completely self sustained," Harry told the girls as he gazed over the island.

"Why?" Parvati asked from his right side.

"Dad was in the French military and their motto was hope for the best, plan for the worst," Harry explained.

"You mean like the solid diamond ward stone that you put in the middle of the island?" Fleur asked. The ward stone was covered with runes which she knew that Harry drew himself.

"You saw that?" Harry asked to which she nodded.

"How big a diamond?" Daphne asked with stars in her eyes.

"It was about ten feet in diameter," Fleur told Daphne.

"Where in the world do you get a diamond that big?" Padma asked incredulously.

"The Goblins," Harry smirked.

"You hate them but you buy from them?" Padma asked.

"Had to," Harry winced. He glanced at Daphne and saw that she was literally drooling just thinking about the diamond ward stone.

"You want a diamond, Daphne?" Harry asked his raven haired girlfriend.

"Would you?" Daphne squealed.

"On one condition," Harry smirked out. "It has to be worn like Fleur."

Daphne looked at Fleur and saw the gem on her choker. The gem was a sapphire that was a weird color.

"Sure. I've always been kind of jealous of Fleur's choker," Daphne admitted.

"So Diamond for you," Harry said. He looked at the twins, "Do you want one?"

"Ruby," Parvati answered.

"Blue topaz," Padma said next.

When he didn't hear Rebecca answer he turned towards her. She looked surprised that she was thought of.

"Do you want a choker, Rebecca?" Harry asked gently.

Rebecca smiled shyly at Harry, "I would like an emerald because it reminds me of your eyes which then reminds me that I'm yours."

"Alright," Harry laughed out.

"Do you think Hermione will ever get a choker?" Daphne asked quietly.

Harry sighed, he knew that right now Hermione was leaning towards saying yes but it could still go the other way.

"It could go either way," Harry sighed out.

"She'll choose us," Fleur said confidently.

"You seem sure," Padma asked carefully.

"All she needs is to see that Harry is better than all of the other guys she'll meet," Fleur told her.

"If you're sure," Padma said slowly.

The group sat in silence just taking in the scenery of the beautiful island they lived on.

"So how many house elves do you have now?" Daphne joked.

Harry smirked, "Over four hundred."

"What in the world are you going to do with all of those house elves?" Parvati asked incredulously.

"Well, about three dozen take care of the castle," Harry explained. "The rest do anything and everything. About a hundred elves take care of the farms I started a year ago."

"Farms?" Fleur asked curiously. "What are you doing with all the food that's produced?"

"Selling to the Mundane world," Harry told his Veela mate. "The odd crops are stored in preserved rooms but I grow wheat and corn to sell. The wheat I grow takes about four months and the corn about two to three months but, again, house elves rule."

"Another fact about house elves that no one knows?" Daphne asked amused.

"Yeah," Harry smirked. "Turns out house elves can quicken the growth time. The house elves grow wheat in about a two weeks and corn in about a week so I get numerous cycles out of the season."

"How much money are you making?" Parvati asked curiously.

"Just selling the wheat and corn?" Harry asked to which the girl nodded. "Not as much as you would expect," Harry admitted. "I'm selling to populations that can't afford to pay too much. I do however plan to make a facility soon that will increase production to seven thousand times what it is now."

"And put it where?" Padma asked dryly.

"You haven't noticed yet?" Harry smirked. The girls shook their heads at him. "The island has slowly been expanding since I put the ward stone in."

"How the hell is it expanding?" Fleur asked incredulously.

"House elves," Harry said with a grin. "They're expanding the island about two feet a day. Normally the water would wash away the island as it expanding but the ward stone is stopping it."

"That still doesn't seem like enough space," Padma pointed out.

"It's not," Harry told her. "I plan to go global and the facility won't be seen."

"Explain more?" Fleur rolled her eyes at his vague answer.

"What's the most unused space of any land?" Harry grinned amusedly.

"After what we just did you're speaking in riddles?" Parvati muttered annoyed.

"Underground," Rebecca said quietly.

"Correct," Harry smirked. "The facility will be under the island and as the island expands so will the facility. The facility will be a square mile in the shape of a square."

"Harry," Daphne began slowly, "I know the island is pretty big but it's nothing compared to the muggle world.

"It's not just going to be one layer. The house elves say that they can go far passed the sea level as long as we have enough ward stones," Harry told her. "It's only going to take twenty feet per level. Also, I'm working on space expansion charms on a massive level. I'm shooting for one hundred square miles for every square mile."

"Aren't the ward stones very expensive? It seems counterproductive." Padma asked.

Harry was quiet for a second, "I've been scamming the Goblins since first year."

"How?" Daphne gasped out.

"Galleons are made of gold and gold sells for a lot in the mundane world," Harry explained shortly. "It's getting old though."

"Are you going to stop?" Fleur asked.

"Maybe around Christmas," Harry told her. He paused while thinking, "I'm thinking of robbing Gringotts."

There was silence throughout the balcony at his statement.

"Harry, scamming is one thing but outright robbing the bank?" Fleur asked quietly.

"Honestly? All the goblins could die right this second and I wouldn't care," Harry said softly. "All they care about is money."

"That's no reason to rob an entire race," Padma said.

Harry glanced at her before sighing, "I've been spying on anything and everything. You have no clue what kind of stuff the various governments of the world are doing. I've explored literally every inch of the planet. That includes Gringotts."

"What have the goblins done?" Fleur asked quietly.

"They put on a good show for the Wizarding World but in reality they're a despicable race," Harry grimaced. "They take muggle slaves to work they're mines then when the humans are to sick or old to work they eat them."

"No," Fleur said in horror, the expression on her face that was mirrored by the other girls.

"They are brilliant architects, as shown by the castle," Harry nodded to the castle behind him. "But that's where their good traits end."

"No one notices the missing people?" Daphne asked.

"They take homeless and no one misses them," Harry grimaced. He paused before entering the minds of the girls and showing them the mild memories that he had seen while in Gringotts.

They were silent before the air started heating up. Harry glanced at Fleur and saw that she was quickly turning into her avian form. Fire danced around her hands and hair as soft feathers started sprouting from her skin.

"Calm down, Fleur," Harry commanded softly.

Fleur took a deep breath and her avian form slowly went away, along with the flames.

"I'm sorry," Fleur apologized to them. "Veela have a bad history with slavery and it infuriates me."

Harry raised his eyebrow and nudged Fleur into the direction of Rebecca.

"Rebecca attacked Hermione, that's different. The goblins are taking innocent people," Fleur explained.

"Robbing them seems so..." Daphne tried to find the right word but couldn't.

"Inadequate," Fleur finished. She turned to Harry, "I suggest we take a vote."

"What kind of vote?" Padma asked warily.

"A vote whether or not to exterminate the goblins," Fleur said firmly.

There was a grim silence at Fleur's statement.

"Do we really have the right to kill an entire race?" Parvati asked quietly.

"If we don't stop them then who will?" Fleur asked in return.

There was silence as they decided what they thought needed to be done. One by one, the girls all softly said yes and then all that was left was Harry.

"When?" Harry asked simply.

"Christmas break," Fleur said. "According to Papa, there's going to be some kind of tournament between Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. Part of the tournament will be a Ball on Christmas day."

"What tournament?" Parvati asked the Veela.

"Something called the Triwizard Tournament," Fleur shrugged. "It's going to be hosted by Hogwarts."

"Can anyone enter?" Daphne asked curiously.

"Non," Fleur shook her head, "You have to be seventeen years old."

"So you're going to be coming to Hogwarts this year?" Padma asked.

"Yes," Fleur answered.

"How come you don't seem annoyed that Fleur didn't tell us that she was going to be at Hogwarts this year?" Daphne asked Harry.

"I already knew," Harry shrugged.

"Did Papa tell you?" Fleur asked with a furrowed brow.

"Have you forgotten what I told you about Tunnel?" Harry asked rhetorically. "While in Tunnel I see everywhere I've ever been and since I've explored everywhere..."

"Oh," Fleur said simply.

"Does that mean you have all of the dirt on the political figures in the world?" Daphne asked.

Harry turned at her and smirked, "Yes."

Daphne's eyes glazed over at the thought of being able to blackmail so many powerful people.

"You can only see things when you're in Tunnel right? How do you process all of that information?" Padma asked.

"My Occlumency has been taken to a whole new level," Harry explained. "When I enter Tunnel, all the information is filtered through programs on my mind's supercomputer. Took what seemed like years to make the programs mesh together."

"Harry," Fleur began slowly. "Just how long do you think you've spent in Tunnel?"

Harry smiled grimly, "Decades."

Fleur gasped and tightened her arms around him.

"It's not as bad as it seems, Flower," Harry assured. "I would explore for what seemed like a week or two then come back and spend an hour or so with you."

"I have a question, Master," Rebecca spoke up softly in her hissed voice. As Harry gave her a nod she continued, "Why have you not aged if you've been gone years?"

"No clue. I just know that you don't age while in Tunnel," Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"Anything else you've been working on?" Fleur asked with some laughter in her voice.

Harry thought for a few seconds before speaking, "I've been working on a way to reproduce my runic array."

"The exact same one?" Daphne asked curiously.

Harry shook his head, "I've been working on a different one. When I've finished it I'll show it to you."

The girls nodded and stood there watching the island's scenery.

Fleur shifted herself so that she was in front of him and slowly knelt down in front of him.

"I love how horny mated Veela are," Harry sighed out in pleasure.


[August Twenty-Fifth 1994: Monday]

It was less than a week before school and Harry, along with his girls, found themselves at Delacour Manor. They were waiting for Hermione and her parents to arrive so that they could travel to the Quidditch World Cup by portkey. The Cup didn't start for hours so they had plenty of time to get there.

A few minutes later, Hermione and her parents were dumped on the ground in entrance hall of the Manor.

"I see you're still landing on your butt," Harry joked.

"Maybe you should teach her how to land on her feet so she doesn't damage that cute bum?" Fleur teased the brunette girl.

Hermione flushed at the tease and stuck her tongue out at the Veela.

"Alright everyone, grab a hold of the portkey," Jean said as he held out of a piece of silk rope that signified the expensiveness of the portkey.

Once everyone had a hand on the portkey jean said the activation phrase. A quick trip and they were at the Quidditch World Cup. They landed on green grass and surrounding them were tents.

"Alright, the portkey was charmed to land where we'll stay tonight," Jean said. He drew a small box out of his jacket pocket. "Everyone back." Once everyone was backed up enough Jean placed the box down on the ground.

Jean waved his wand and the box expanded until it was a family sized tent.

"We're staying in that?" Dan Granger blinked in shock.

"It's magically expanded," Jean explained. He walked into the tent followed by Apolline.

Emma shrugged at Dan before walking into the tent. Once everyone was in the Grangers were spinning around trying to look at everything.

The tent's inside was the size of a modest house with enough bedrooms for everyone. It was a simple setup of a hallway with doors going down it.

"Alright, Jean and I are here," Apolline pointed to a door. "Dan and Emma here," she then pointed to the door opposite of the one before. She pointed out Harry's room, which was bigger than the others only because he had Fleur, Daphne and the twins to share with. Rebecca would be staying with Hermione.

Harry entered his bedroom followed by the girls.

"Alright," Hermione said once the door was closed. She turned to Daphne and the twins, "What's with the chokers?" The three girls wore a choker and gem that looked just like Fleur's except for the color.

Rebecca slithered from Harry's arm and morphed into her human form showing that she too was wearing a choker.

"It's to show that we're Harry's," Daphne explained as she fingered the gem on her choker. While Fleur's could never be taken off, only Harry could remove theirs.

"You could have one if you wanted one," Fleur told the brunette. Hermione turned to Fleur so she explained the condition, "When you commit yourself to Harry one hundred percent."

"Fleur," Harry lightly scolded his mate, "Don't pressure her."

"It's alright, Harry," Hermione told her male best friends.

Harry nodded at her, he looked down at his watch and noticed the time. "Alright, we need to get going."

After gathering everyone the group set off towards the giant stadium in the distance.

About half an hour later they were seated in a private box that Harry had paid handsomely for. They were at a height that was even with the goal hoops, where most of the action took place.

"These are really good seats," Daphne commented having been to a few Quidditch games before.

"I like my privacy," Harry shrugged.

"I never asked, who's playing?" Apolline asked.

"Bulgaria and Ireland," Harry told his mother.

"Ah isn't that newcomer Krum on the Bulgaria team?" Jean asked his son.

"Yeah, it was all over the papers yesterday," Harry told him.

It was another hour before the before-game shows began and the first one was a dancing routine from the Bulgarian side.

"Are those Veela?" Hermione asked as she watched the blonde women dance.

"Dan?" everyone heard Emma ask. They turned to see Dan with a slack jawed expression on his face staring at the dancing women.

Harry got up and walked behind the male Granger. He drew his hand back and smacked him on the back of the head.

"Owww," Dan said as he grabbed the back of his head. He looked around and saw everyone staring at him. "What?"

"You were staring at the dancers very hard," Emma said with some heat in her voice.

"Don't blame him," Harry spoke up as he sat back down. Emma turned to him and her expression demanded an explanation. "The dancers are Veela and they have their allures on full blast. I would have been surprised if he wasn't affected."

"Why weren't you or Jean affected?" Emma asked in return.

"Dad is immune naturally and so am I to an extent," Harry told her. "Not to brag but my Occlumency is probably the most advanced in the world so that protects me fully."

"He's wasn't like that around Apolline or Fleur," Emma pointed out.

"Mated Veela can control their allure almost perfectly. If I hadn't mated Fleur by the time you visited he would have had a less severe reaction," Harry answered her implied question.

"I've felt Fleur's allure full blast and it was nowhere near as strong as theirs," Daphne admitted as she pointed out to the dancers who were still dancing.

"That's because they're unmated," Fleur explained. At the confused looks she was getting she explained. "An unmated Veela's allure is many times stronger than a mated Veela's allure."

"Why is that?" Hermione asked with that cute 'give me knowledge' look on her face.

"It's to wean out the weak minded," Apolline said giving Dan an apologetic look. "With your allure flaring all of the time you can tell who is immune instantly. A Veela will rarely take on a mate that isn't immune."

"Why not?" Emma asked.

Apolline got a light flush on her face, "When in the throes of passion a Veela loses whatever control she has on her allure."

"And that's bad?" Dan asked.

"If the person wasn't at least partially immune to the allure they would be instantly enthralled by it and would just stop everything they were doing," Fleur explained.

"Oh," Emma said before her eyes widened in realization, "OH!"

The conversation dropped off and everyone just watched the Veela dancing.

Harry blinked hard when he caught a stray thought from Fleur.

'A harem of Veela, Flower?' Harry asked privately to his Veela mate.

Fleur turned to Harry and blushed hard at her thought being overheard. She gave him a small mischievous smile, 'Would you not like a Veela harem?'

Harry blinked because he sensed the seriousness of her question, 'If it didn't bother you or the other girls then who am I to say no?'

Harry felt Fleur enter a group conversation with the other girls and he turned his attention back to the dancing Veela that were walking off the field.


[August Twenty-Fifth 1994: Monday]

The game was over with a surprising victory to Ireland even though Bulgaria had caught the snitch.

The elder Grangers and Delacours had gone to one of the bars that had been set up so they left their children to the trek back to the tent by themselves, not that the group needed an adult escort.

The group reached the tent in double the time because of the fact they had to push their way through the crowd of rowdy fans celebrating.

"As boring as Hogwarts Quidditch matches are, that one was surprisingly fun to watch," Daphne admitted to everyone as they entered the tent.

"Oh," Hermione spoke out. She turned to Harry, "I wanted to buy something I saw at a vender. I'll be right back."

"Take Rebecca with you," Harry told Hermione as she was about to leave. The black snake slithered down Harry's arm and wrapped itself around Hermione's wrist.

Hermione left and the others occupied themselves discussing the upcoming tournament.

"What's our plan for when Fleur arrives at Hogwarts?" Padma asked everyone in general.

"I've been wondering the same thing. What are we going to tell everyone about her choker because no offense to Fleur, she can't keep her hands off Harry so everyone is going to know he's her mate," Daphne added.

"I will just tell them that my parents did not adopt Harry and just gained custody, therefore he is not my brother," Fleur answered the question.

Parvati groaned as a sudden thought occurred to her, "Can you just imagine how annoying everyone is going to get when they find out you're mated to a Veela on top of being betrothed to us?"

"The girls will either be angry at Harry for being a pig or jealous that they aren't included," Daphne smirked. "The boys will either hate Harry for having a harem or worship the ground he walks on. Either way it's going to be an annoying year."

"Which is why I'm glad that it's our last," Padma admitted.

"I'm pleasantly surprised at everyone's progress," Harry praised the girls after he heard Padma's comment. "You're almost through with theory up to NEWT level. Most of fourth year will be you mastering the spells."

"We have a very good incentive," Daphne pointed out dryly as she thought about the yearlong cruise Harry had promised them.

Harry was about to retort when Hermione came stomping into the tent and right up to Harry. She looked directly into Harry's eyes and uttered something he never thought he would hear, "I hate you."

A normal guy would freak out at a girl he liked saying that but fortunately for Harry he had the bond with Hermione. He felt that she really didn't hate him and in fact all he could feel was love.

Fleur was about to heatedly reply to Hermione's statement when Harry sent her a mental command to be quiet. Harry cupped Hermione's face and ran his thumb over her cheek.

"I tried so hard not to fall for you," Hermione said quietly. Everyone waited in silence for Hermione to continue because they now knew that this was something big. "I ran into someone on the way back from the vender. Literally ran into someone, knocking them over."

"Who?" Harry asked quietly.

"Victor Krum," Hermione answered. She closed her eyes as she leant into Harry's hand. "We started talking for a few minutes and I could tell that he was attracted to me. He asked me to hang out with him at an after party and the only thing I could think about was you."

Harry stayed silent and let Hermione continue explaining.

"I asked myself why I was thinking about you even when an attractive Quidditch star was asking me to a party and my brain just suddenly clicked." Hermione took a deep breath and opened her eyes to look into Harry's emerald ones. "I love you. I've finally come to the conclusion that I can't be without you, so I'm yours. Completely one hundred percent yours."

Harry smiled softly at the brunette that just agreed to be his. "I love you also, Mine," Harry said. He drew her flush against his body.

The other girls walked up and joined in the hug and gave their congratulations of her finally going with the group.

"I never had any doubt you wouldn't be ours, Hermione," Fleur whispered into the younger girl's ear. "As an official member of Harry's harem, what color choker gem do you want?"

Hermione blushed at the thought of wearing a choker to show that she was Harry's. Nevertheless she answered, "Citrine. It reminds me of my hair."

With a flourish the choker appeared on Hermione in less than a second and even Fleur was surprised at the quickness.

Hermione fingered the fabric around her neck and somehow felt that it was meant to be there.

For the rest of the night, Fleur let Hermione have free reign over Harry as Fleur knew that Hermione joining them was a big decision on her part.

Their peaceful snuggling was interrupted by the loud stumbling of what could only be their parents.

"Hey everybody," Jean waved, a little bit tipsy.

Apolline had only drunk one alcoholic drink so she was perfectly sober and immediately noticed the choker around Hermione's neck that wasn't present earlier in the day.

"I'm glad you finally committed, Hermione," Apolline spoke as she gave the young girl a hug.

"Oh," Emma said as she finally pieced together everything. "I'm so happy for you, honey." The mother of Hermione drew her into a tight hug. Emma knew that Hermione had been really torn on whether or not she was actually going to join Harry's harem.

"Thanks mum," Hermione mumbled gratefully, knowing that she had the support of her mother in her decision.

"Why is Hermione wearing a choker like the other girls?" Dan asked confusedly and anyone could tell that he had had more than one drink that night.

"Because our daughter has decided to join Harry and Fleur's little group," Emma explained to her husband.

"She's in a harem?" Dan blinked. He then shrugged his shoulders, much to the surprise of the room. "As long as she's happy. Come on, Em," he said he grabbed his wife and led her to their room.

"That went surprisingly well," Harry said slowly.

"I think he was more than a little tipsy," Apolline laughed. The half Veela then grabbed her husband and Astoria's hands. "Let's go to bed. I'm feeling energized." Apolline led the two out of the room and the group that was still in the sitting room heard a door shut seconds later.

"I so don't need to know what my mother does at night," Daphne pulled a face. Everyone knew that it was just for show and that Daphne was very happy that her mother had found someone, or rather someones, to make her happy.

"Hopefully Mum will keep Daddy in line tomorrow morning," Hermione said out loud.

"She will," Fleur said confidently. At Hermione's skeptical look she elaborated, "Your mother will most likely threaten your father with sleeping on the couch."

Hermione nodded then paused, "Why don't you do that with, Harry?" The brunette watched Fleur flush and turned when she heard Harry laughing loudly.

When Harry caught his breath he explained, "She has tried to."

"Tried?" Daphne asked, picking up on that key word.

"She lasted all of eighteen hours before she jumped me in the shower," Harry said, his voice think with amusement. "We didn't leave the shower for a good four hours. Thank you for warming charms."

The girls had to giggle at the scene of Fleur trying to punish Harry for something only for it to turn up with her jumping him.

Harry gave another laugh before he stood up. "Come on, girls. Let's go to bed."