
Lucky Damon

He Is Damon a devil in the flesh .

Debby_Sabitue · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Let me introduce myself.

Arriving at their new home, which could be aptly described as a mansion due to its grandeur and opulence, Abigail took the lead in deciding against seeking medical attention.

Despite Lucky's initial concerns, she reassured him that she felt fine and didn't need to go to the hospital or see a doctor. Reluctantly, he acquiesced, trusting in Abigail's judgment and eager to put the traumatic events behind them.

As they stepped into the lavish foyer of the mansion, Abigail couldn't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the air. Her attempts to broach the topic of what had transpired at their previous residence were met with evasive responses from Lucky.

Whenever she pressed him for answers, he would either deflect the conversation or insist that she go rest, leaving Abigail with the unsettling realization that he didn't want to discuss the events of what happened.

And for that whole week lucky didn't go to work because he knows how creepy Ziyad is.

One Week Later.

As the days passed without any sign of Ziyad, Lucky couldn't shake off the nagging sense of unease that settled within him. It wasn't like his brother to simply vanish without a trace, especially after their intense confrontation.

While he didn't exactly anticipate Ziyad showing up to cause trouble, his absence felt unnerving, leaving Lucky to wonder about the possible reasons behind it.Deep down, he couldn't help but worry about Ziyad's well-being.

Despite their tumultuous relationship, Ziyad was still his brother, and the thought of him being in danger or harmed weighed heavily on Lucky's mind. Questions swirled in his thoughts: Did something happen to him? Was he injured or in trouble?

After all he's his brother.


In the eerie expanse of the dark, cloudy landscape, a solitary figure roamed, his long black cloak billowing behind him in the chill night air. With each step, he savored the tranquility of the night, his senses attuned to the mysterious beauty that surrounded him. The soft rustle of the wind through the clouds and the distant echo of nocturnal creatures added to the enchanting atmosphere.

Suddenly, without warning, an unseen force lashed out, thick and powerful, entwining around him like a vise. The sensation was jarring, unexpected, and the cloaked figure found himself ensnared from multiple angles, his movements abruptly halted.

Surprise flashed across his features, momentarily replacing the calm demeanor he typically exuded. His mind raced with questions, wondering who possessed the audacity to challenge him in this manner.

"You wretched fool, daring to disrupt our painstaking efforts! We shall ensure your punishment is swift and severe, ensuring you never impede our path again!" From just inches away, a voice resonated, carrying its weight in the dark, echoing menacingly around him."

As the voice reverberated and he caught sight of their attire, he immediately discerned their origin. They hailed from the infamous Black Dragon, and his lack of surprise at their appearance spoke volumes. He had knowingly been interfering with their designs to sabotage Lucky.

"Yeah, I heard he's that good-for-nothing younger brother," another voice chimed in with a snicker.

"Oohh! Now I see, that's why he's trying to protect him, they're brothers. Now I see the chemistry," another added, igniting a round of laughter that echoed through the space, indicating their numbers.

"What about physics? Did you see that too?" the guy they tied up asked, laughter evident in his voice.

"He dares to laugh, is he mad?" another asked incredulously, their voices laced with disdain as they increased the size of the whip, readying themselves for whatever comes next.

"Yeah, I heard he's crazy, he laughs in a creepy way and does mad stuff," another replied to the person who asked.

"Oh, you guys actually know a lot about me, that's great," the guy they tied up remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

"He really is crazy," another added, their voices betraying a mix of fear and disbelief.

"Would you like to know me better? Let me introduce myself. My name is Ziyad, I am Damon's brother, who you just called good for nothing, and I'm a bit crazy. Would you like to see?" he asked, pulling one of the ropes and causing a guy to be dragged towards him.

"Oh, you look cute. Would you like to be my boyfriend? I'll treat you very well," his voice took on a demonic tone as he leaned in, as if he wanted to kiss the guy, making him open he sucks out his soul

"Oh no! I forgot 'Love' is not in my dictionary," he added, laughing out loud like a crazy guy.

"How did he do that? No one can ever move if they are tied with the whip," one of the guys whispered to another, their voices filled with disbelief and a hint of fear.

" I also didn't expect that" he whispered back

"Why whisper? Speak out loud. Are guys are surprised?. I haven't fully introduced myself. My name is Ziyad, as I have said before. I'm the god of flames and smoke," he introduced, pulling another whip that brought another guy toward him and also sucked out his soul.

"I'm the god of hypnotism," he added, pulling another whip and also sucking out his soul.

"I'm the god of confusion," he added as he pulled another and sucked out his soul.

"I'm the god of destruction. If you try to mess with me, you'll be doomed," he added, and another soul followed.

"I was merely minding my own business when you lot decided to stir up trouble," Ziyad's voice echoed his voice , laced with a potent mix of annoyance and disdain. With a flick of his wrist, the assailant collapsed to the ground, life extinguished by an unseen force.

"If by some stroke of fate you find yourselves reincarnated, convey to your superior that Ziyad is not to be trifled with. I abhor disturbances," his words carried an ominous weight, underscored by the deepening golden glow in his eyes.

In a deafening crescendo, the area erupted in chaos as bodies disintegrated into nothingness, consumed by a swirling vortex of flames.

"How utterly foolish to provoke me. Black Dragon clearly seeks conflict, yet they underestimate my power," Ziyad's gaze pierced through the darkness, a silent warning to any who dared challenge him. With a final glance at the turbulent sky, he vanished into the ether, leaving behind only whispers of his formidable presence.