
Lucky: Boltori and The Prince

20 years ago demons, angels, and all supernatural made way of coming out and taking over the world. Since demons were first, so they ran the council. The council had 5 of every type of supernatural, the elders, but only 1 demon who was the head of the council. Rovens High was founded by the council as the first school that both humans and supernatural went to in peace. Arya Mazeson was your typical shy popular girl at Rovens High. Everyone thinks she is a witch because she has eyes that glow. But she was not who she seemed to be. Jacetin Jasper hasn't been to the Other Plain in hundreds of years. His father is sending him there to offically move the capital to Roven, but only after he attends Rovens High for one year. When these two meet will sparks fly or will they hate eachother? Not even a year at Roven, Aryan looses interest in Jacetin as she meets someone new. Someone more powerful. Will Jacetin be able to let Aryan go on his own or will he die in the process? In this book, you will experience tales of magic, romance, and loss.

Navy10v3 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chaper 3

My locker was one of the first down a hall that had a wall of windows at the end. I opened it up and put my belongings in it. I had a sinking feeling that someone was watching me. I slammed it shut then looked around at my surroundings.

Only a handful of other students were milling around in the hall when all of a sudden I was slammed into the lockers then flipped around to see who attacked me. I froze when I seen that it was Matt. How did I not see him when I was looking around? I'm going to need to practice that some more or else Maverick is gonna be disappointed.

"Why did you hurt my beta? That wasn't very nice of you." he said as he looked over my outfit.

"Maybe you should teach him some manners or put a leash on your dog if you don't want him to get hurt." I explain calmly as I cross my arms. He ignored my statement as his eyes traveled over my body again.

"I miss you Aryan. Why did you leave me? I love you so much." he said quietly as he blocked me in. I tired to push him away as I started to panic.

"I hate you!" I hissed as he continued to block me in.

"No I don't think you do." he replied with a smirk.

"Let me go I have to get to class." I said looking around and noticing a crowd was forming.

"But why would I let go of what is mine? You used to love this remember." he whispered in my ear. I slapped him after he finished that.

"I haven't been yours all summer long. Don't you remember what you did to me? You almost killed me!" I all but screamed shoving him away from me," Now let me go!"

"Don't act like that! You should show more respect! I will always get what I want! Including you, you ungrateful bitch! I am the next Alpha, you weak human!" he shouted looking very angry as he charged me.

I didn't have time to dodge him as I stood stunned by what he said but I quickly got over it. The next thing I know, I'm being thrown out the window. I braced to hit the ground and use it as a launch pad of sorts. But the ground didn't come. I was caught in a pair of arms. The person who caught me gently set me on the ground on my feet.

"Are you ok?" the stranger asked, "Who threw you out the window?"

"I'm fine." I gritted out seconds before he shot up into the air with beautiful black and red wings that looked familiar. They were stunning.

Snapping out of it, I headed for to the broken window on my own pair of snow white and opal colored wings. I heard gaps as people seen me land. The first thing I see was the stranger, back facing me.

"Who dares to throw a woman out a window?" The stranger asks menacingly.

Everyone points to Matt as he tries to look act all tough. "Who are you anyway?" Matt asked cockily.

"I'm just gonna make you pay for what you did." the stranger says stalking towards Matt.

"You can't touch me. I'm the A-Alpha's son. Y-You will regret it if-if you do." Matt stammers as the man walks behind him.

All of a sudden the man grabs Matt in a choke hold and whispers in his ear. Our eyes lock as I watch as Matt turns as white as a sheet. I wonder what he told him to make him so scared. Before I know it Matt is begging for his life but the man wasn't listening to it. So he walked back in front of Matt, keeping his face hidden from me. I watched as he tears Matt's head from his shoulders without effort. Who was this guy?

He turned around and honestly my breath was taken away. He was 6'4" with dark blue eyes, brown almost black hair that was shoulder length and slightly curly, a finely sculpted face, and an aura that radiated power. He wore a casual button down gray shirt, black jeans, and black combat boots. I knew instantly that he was royalty or at least pretty high up in the kings guard since I seen him training in the Other Plain.

No one dared to move or speak. I started to shrink into myself under his gaze.

"Who are you? Why did he throw you out that window?" the stranger asked in a deep voice, making goosebumps rise all over my skin.

"M-my-my name is A-Aryan Mazeson." I stuttered too scared to fluently say that before two thuds were heard from the window behind me.

"What the hell is going in here?" boomed the one voice, that I was relieved but scared to hear, from behind me.

"Aryan are you ok? We arrived as we seen you flying through the window." said my mother quietly. I turned around to face my parents.

"Long story short Matt threw me out the window. He caught me then came up here and when I arrived he tore off Matt's head." I recalled as if I was being interrogated. I threw a pointed look towards the stranger indicating that he was the one who killed Matt.

"Who are you young man?" my father addressed the stranger behind me.

"Oh sorry we weren't supposed to meet till tomorrow. You must be Councilmen Michel. I'm Jacetin Jasper. King Raimond Ilves's son. I didn't know that she was your daughter. By the look on everyone's faces they didn't know either." the stranger said walking beside me, "You know legend says that you my dear, are very powerful. A boltori to be exact. You have wings of an angel, powers of both witch and demon, teeth of both vampire and werewolf, the doubt of a valkyr, unparalleled beauty, eyes that change to the most riveting colors, the strength that can put even the royal family to shame, and above all the loyalty of the truest hunters. It is an honor to meet another boltori." He said walking around me admiring me, "I heard that you were in the Other Plain training. This year is going to be quite fun."