
luck stat :100/100

this is first person novel where mc or you have to face alean invasion in next 30 years but you are one of 10 million people chosen for trail . you are hope of humanity so best of luck . by the way You got high luck value.

Jas_Gill · Games
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50 Chs

Chapter 46: History and shame

[Alkelios' point of view]

There was no reason to restrain myself against this dragon. He was trying to get his filthy hands on Seryanna and chase me away from her, and I was going to make sure that Hell would freeze over before I would let it happen.

My grip on the hilt of my sword tightened. My muscles tensed and my senses were focused only on taking down the target before me, the dragon by the name of Draejan Andrakaryus Doesya. To me, his golden scales meant nothing, so I saw no reason to hesitate, I held no desire to hold back.

With a jump powerful enough to lift the dust off the ground, I moved in close and swung the sharp blade of my sword at his stomach.

Because I trained with Kataryna, who was an Awakened Breakthrough, I was quite confident that I wouldn't miss my mark, however, the bastard dodged at the last moment.

"Whoa! That was close! I nearly fell asleep waiting for that slow hit to reach me." Draejan mocked me with a smug look on his face.

The first strike was a miss, but I wasn't the type to give up with just that, so I slashed at him again. He avoided the hit and then counterattacked.

His attack was aimed at my right shoulder, and it would have hurt quite a lot if I let it hit me, so I dodged. The blade's tip missed by a centimeter. Draejan pulled back his sword and then rushed towards me with the intention of using a shoulder slam against me. I used [Side-Step] and avoided the blow at a hair's length.

We had switched places now. He was standing in the spot I started, and I was standing in his.

"It seems I may have underestimated you by a little." Draejan said in a mocking tone of voice.

"Appearances can be deceiving." I told him before using [Dash].

Right when he entered my strike range, I used [Side-Step] again and [Ten Strikes Attack] from his left.

The consecutive hits were faster than my previous attacks because they were part of a skill that utilized the brute power of my stats. I felt how several of my blows landed a hit on him, but he remained unscratched. Draejan grimaced and jumped back, taking a distance from me.

"Interesting..." he mumbled and then started to chant.

His palm was aimed at me, so I jumped back and quickly cast [Firewall].

It was pure luck, but he what he cast was [Fireball], and as a result, my barrier was highly effective.

"Tch!" he clicked his tongue and side-stepped to go past my magic.

I used [Dash] towards him while at the same time, I activated [Air Barrier] and prepared an [Air Scythe]. The dragon was surprised by my sudden attack and tried to counterattack, but my barrier blocked his strike, granting me the perfect opportunity to launch my spell at him. Unable to block it, he received the attack and was tossed back several meters.

"You managed to hit me... I'm surprised." he said after he regained his balance.

"That's not the first blow, you know." I smirked.

"Up until now, not many were able to land a Spell attack on me. Even so, against this armor, something of this degree is useless." he laughed.

"What?" I furrowed my brow in confusion.

When I looked over to the audience, at Kataryna and Seryanna, they expressed worry on their faces, but I didn't understand why it was so. Unfortunately, it never crossed my mind that their worry was aimed at the overwhelmingly difference in equipment between me and this dragon.

Drowning in my own anger, I was unable to analyze my own situation and think about it more logically. If I did, I may have remembered that both in this world and back on Earth there were battles in which the difference in equipment could mean the difference between life and death.

Even in the games I played, in a PVP match between two Players equal in terms of stats and levels, what made the difference was their unique battle experience and gear they wore. The same thing was applied on the battlefield as well. One thing was to go into battle with spears and stone and another was to go with guns and grenades.

In Dragon Hunt, the game I used to play the most back on Earth, I often joined in battles where my gear was the superior one. This was especially true for lower dungeons, which for the most part I could only solo because I had the right gear for it.

At this moment though, I lived with the impression that this knowledge and experience belonged only in those games and had nothing to do with the tough and grueling battlefields of real life. Thus, those lessons didn't count for me, they amounted to a big fat 0.

Although true that the physical laws from a game didn't apply here, I forgot and also denied the fact that there might be similarities between the two, life lessons which were universally true. My mind simply ignored the fact that even Earth's armies were dependent on their equipment in a battle where the army's skills, tactics, and experience were the same. Yet, instead of this, I was thinking of two martial arts fighters who always used the same armor or weapons in order to challenge each other on the ring.

Those battles and rules were specifically designed to value the experience and skills of the individuals over the quality of their items, but the reality I was in, the duel rules in which I currently fought dictated that what mattered most was winning and surviving, not honor and fairness.

Right now, Draejan was wearing a General Draconian Armor. I didn't know if it was General as in the rank or as in a category, but unlike me, he was wearing something capable of protecting him from my attacks. His weapon too was sharper and sturdier than mine. On the other hand, I was wearing what could only be described as an average adventurer armor and weapon. More so, it wasn't even something someone of my combat power would wear unless forced to.

Once again, it was the situation where a Level 1 was challenging a Boss character. The difference in gear and experience was visible, but because I was in the heat of the battle and completely distracted by what happened today with Seryanna, I failed to realize this.

If I did, maybe I would have postponed the duel or declined it completely. Or at the very least, I would have changed my battle style...

Unfortunately, it didn't happen like that. I didn't act smart.

As the battle continued, we resumed ourselves mostly to exchanging sword blows, which were more or less blocked or parried by our skills or barrier spells. I was the one that kept using magic, and it was slowly draining my strength. If I didn't have Kleo as a friend, I might have had a bit of trouble there.

Still, exhaustion and gear ware were starting to show on me. My sword, which was of an inferior quality and not handled by the hand of a master, was starting to show signs of damage. My armor wasn't doing too peachy either. Repetitive strikes and blows kept pushing it to its limit.

On the other hand, Draejan showed neither signs of weakness nor gear ware. I was the only one dangling on the losing end, and it didn't feel very good. It was almost as if Luck had run dry on me. Or rather like it wasn't even on my side from the very beginning, or it was just barely there; not enough for me to win, but enough to keep me alive.

I have to end this quickly, or else... I thought as fear began to make its way into my heart.

Clenching the hilt of my sword, I prepared to launch another attack while preparing to cast [Lightning Chicken!], through which I would summon Jophiel Thunderash. With her help, I would be more than able to defeat this joke of a knight called Draejan.

"You know, while I am a bit surprised of how powerful you seem to be despite your level... There is a great difference between us." the knight said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

He used [Dash], I tried to move away, but instead of aiming his sword at me, he sent a punch. It was fast, and I was unable to avoid it. I took the blow directly to my stomach and was tossed back several meters. All the spells I was trying to use in my head were canceled and the flow of Magic Energy was interrupted.

"While you barely have any experience at all when it comes to real combat, I was forged through it from an early age. Just because I am a knight does not mean that I won't ever use my fists." he smirked.

"Ugh..." I groaned and coughed.

My insides hurt, and my head was spinning.

"That little attack is called [Shockwave] in Martial Arts. It basically sends out a pulse of energy through the opponent's body as soon as the fist connects. Although it's not very easy to pull off in the middle of combat, it can easily cause a dragon to lose his stance for a moment and a human to fall unconscious. I'll congratulate you on staying conscious, human." he smirked.

Damn you... I thought while holding my stomach and trying to get up.

He used another [Dash] towards me and struck me with his right knee in the face. I barely avoided a broken nose, but I was sent flying back another two meters. The whole world was spinning around me, and it didn't feel like I would be able to stand up again.

Damn it! Don't tell me this it! I cursed in my mind.

Such a simple attack, and yet so effective against me. If I had a better armor or a shield, I wouldn't have even felt it. If I had been prepared, I would have stood a better chance. While thinking so, I became aware of my own weakness when it came to such battles.

"To be honest, when I first heard that you were brought here by Sir Seryanna as a friend, I was surprised and confused at the same time. I couldn't believe that someone with her past would be able to befriend a... human." Draejan almost spat out the last word and then shook his head.

"What are you talking about?" I groaned as I rolled over and tried to push myself up.

"Oh my, don't tell me she never told you? Hm, I see... She didn't tell you about what happened to her in the past, did she?" he asked.

"What?" I was confused and looked up at him with a furrowed brow, then my eyes fell on the dragoness in question.

Seryanna was clenching her fists and holding her head down as if she was regretting it.

"Well, it's not like you're going anywhere, so I might as well enlighten you on the matter. It will be more fun this way, don't you think?" he laughed.

"What?" I didn't understand what this dragon was talking about.

"Don't you dare, Draejan!" shouted Seryanna.

"Why not? I do believe that as someone who claimed to be your lover, he is entitled to know about your family's past, isn't he?" he smirked.

"I don't understand... What past?" I asked as I tried to get up, but the dizziness wasn't going away like it did in the movies.

"The one known by all dragons and humans, but a mystery to those like you." he said and once more pointed out the fact that he knew I was summoned hero.

I could only glare up at him.

"This happened 38 years ago when the last big battle between the humans and dragons took place. In the land now known as Scar Battlefield laid the once prosperous domain of the Draketerus ducal family. Oh yes, at her origin, Sir Seryanna holds the same status as me, a duke's son!" he made a bow.

The Draketerus were once dukes? I wondered surprised.

"In their domain, they controlled three mighty fortresses: Sendra, Callus, and Thorn. Then, 38 years ago, the human army invaded. Led by a Breakthrough-er of their own, they conquered most of the Draketerus domain and laid siege to those three ancient fortresses. In three days, the humans managed to topple them over." he smiled.

He paused for a moment and looked into my eyes to make sure that I was paying attention to him. This meant he was reaching an important part in his story.

"At the time of the invasion, Sir Brekkar Draketerus was visiting Drakaria together with his two nieces: Seryanna Draketerus and Thraherkleyoseya Draketerus. One of them was brought here to take her Royal Knight examination. You can pretty much guess that she passed it, right?" he smiled and looked over at Seryanna.

"What happened in the Draketerus Domain?" I asked.

"Well, you may be a human, but even you may have noticed the lack of members in their household, right?" he asked.

I blinked surprised. Now that he mentioned it, I never heard Brekkar talk about his wife or children. Kleo and Seryanna never spoke about their family either.

Was it because of me? I wondered.

"Those three fortresses I mentioned earlier were led by the entire Draketerus family. Sir Brekkar's wife was in Sendra, which carried her name, while Sir Seryanna's parents were in Thorn." he explained.

"What?" I blinked surprised.

"Not only that, but Sir Seryanna's cousins, uncles, and aunts were all there as well. Among them, there was even Prince Coshun. Although an adopted son of the Royal Family, he was nonetheless a part of the Royal Family and a legitimate Prince. His highness together with every single member of the Draketerus family were BRUTALLY MURDERED by the invading humans. Their bodies were HUNG by the neck on the walls of the fortress as proof of the human... MIGHT." Draejan put a lot of pressure on some of the key words to make his explanation more dramatic.

I gulped in horror as I heard this, but there was no one here who would dare deny these painful facts. Some of the dragons who heard him were now even showing signs of their hate and disgust towards those who did these acts. Feelings and emotions which were furthermore cast down upon me, the only human here.

"When Sir Brekkar heard this, he requested the King's permission to take his army to the battlefield. His Majesty agreed and Brekkar went forth at the break of dawn of the following day. His army marched without rest until they reached the battlefield. There, Sir Brekkar himself took up his weapon and retaliated with all of his might. In just one month, he took back his domain, but in doing so, he also scorched it to the ground. Now, among the enemy humans, there was also one who reached a Breakthrough. He battled against Sir Brekkar, but the brave general won in the end at the costs of his own body. Although he returned victorious, he had lost all those he could celebrate it with and even the power to return to the battlefield. He retired to Tomeron, but this heroic battle of his was without a doubt one of revenge." Draejan said in a tone of voice that glorified the once former General.

I could only sit there and listen in a daze. Everything this dragon was telling me sounded like the absolute truth and not even Seryanna denied it. To think that crazy old dragon had such a past, I could only wonder what he went through on the inside when I came into his home and then asked to be his friend.

To be the friend of the enemy who took your wife and children from you... who took everything... Why didn't he say anything? I wondered.

"That's why I don't understand why Sir Seryanna decided to spare your life. I can't even begin to comprehend how she could come to hold any sort of feelings for you besides hate and disgust. After all, your species... your kind was what brought ruin to her family, her happiness, and can be considered the main culprit for the Third Princess' loss of power right now." he said.

"That doesn't mean a thing! I'm not one of those who participated in that battle!" I shouted back at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me, and his face contorted with disgust.

"I don't think you understand... but I'll say it again. Humans were those who mercilessly slaughtered her family, her friends, and everyone she cared about back on the former Draketerus domain. Your species brought ruin to her family, to her life... and your very appearance is a symbol and reminder of that suffering." he stated these words clearly and put a heavy pressure on them.

I found myself at a loss.

My will to fight was shattered, and then... I was struck.

Draejan used [Dash] and didn't punch me but slapped me so hard, I rolled in the air and landed outside of the ring.

"I declare this official duel to be over. Sir Draejan wins." Teolas said as he raised his hand up.

"I lost? No way... but my luck shouldn't have let me... I... No, it's impossible." I said in shock.

When I looked back, I saw the sad gaze in Seryanna's eyes.

Does this mean... I've lost her for good? I thought and my heart tightened.

"Of course, you lost. Who do you think you are facing? If I lost against a pathetic human like you, I would have been buried in shame." Draejan said as he took off his helmet and walked out of the ring.

Anger flowed inside me, and clenching my fist, I got up. I rushed at him, wanting to punch him at least once, but Seryanna stepped in front of me with her arms spread out. She was there to stop me, and on her cheeks, I could see... tears.

"Stop it, Alkelios... There's nothing else you can do... You lost... You fell for his trap. This duel wouldn't have been able to dissolve my engagement to him either way because the King himself ordered it." she said and clenched her fists.

"Indeed. Ah! You don't know. Well, I'll tell you. Her Majesty, the Queen, was poisoned 12 years ago by a human right after she gave birth. The human was an ambassador of peace who was sent here to discuss the possibility of ending this war. The King allowed it and... you can see what happened. Thus, I highly doubt his Majesty would have EVER listened to you in the first place." he laughed.

I clenched my teeth and looked down. I was mad, furious, and I was well aware that I had lost on all fronts.

"Is this true?" I asked through my gritted teeth.

"Yes..." Seryanna replied.

I lost... eh? I thought.

"Goodbye..." I said... broken on the inside.

With rage, anger, and a feeling of complete loss swirling in my chest, I ran away from her. I didn't even want to look into her eyes. I didn't even want to see Draejan's face. I didn't even stop to listen to Seryanna's last call... All I did was run away as fast as I could, to flee from that place where I was taken for a fool, where I was hated and looked down upon for being... human.

So, I ran... I ran as fast as I could, ignoring everyone who called out to me, who tried to stop me, who looked at me in a strange way. All I cared about was finding the exit and leaving this place, this whole experience behind me. I wanted to forget about Seryanna and everyone else. I wanted to be left alone... After all, there was nothing left for me here... nothing.

Just as I reached the gates, two children stepped in front of me. It was a little girl and a little boy, both with golden slit eyes and shoulder length pale-blond hair. They looked like two porcelain dolls, eerily beautiful.

"W-what?" I asked surprised.

"Please save our mother." they both told me at the same time.

I clenched my fist and jaw for a moment.

What a joke... I thought.

"I'm sorry, but I'm a loser... I'm not a savior or a hero. I don't even know who you are or who your mother is. I'm sorry." I said and then ran away past them.

The guards at the entrance didn't stop me and let me pass, while the two children looked at me as I went. It was weird, but I had the feeling they didn't believe my words.

This place has nothing to do with me anymore... Nothing... Seryanna and everyone else... I'm nothing to them... I thought as I ran through the busy streets of Drakaria.

[Kataryna's point of view]

"Aren't you glad you got rid of that pest?" Draejan asked Seryanna.

"You won today. You may have won the right to marry me. You may have won the right to claim my body as yours... but my heart still belongs and will always belong to Alkelios." she declared, but... the light in her eyes was gone.

The dragoness left the training ground to return to her room, but she was nothing more than a former shell of her true self. The energy around her had vanished. The endless fire I felt when I fought against her and together with her was now gone... as if it had been washed away by all the tears she shed on the inside.

I let out a sigh and approached Draejan and Teolas.

"I'm going to give you a warning, you brat. IF you dare touch Alkelios again, you will find out why the history of Albeyater never mentions me. Ask the old man about it, he should know." I spoke with a calm demeanor, but for the first time in centuries, I released a terrifying wave of killing intent.

They both gulped as they looked at me.

With this said, I walked away from them and returned to Kleo, who was currently guarding the Third Princess. Tomorrow, I planned on visiting Seryanna and then Alkelios at the inn. That was the place he had most likely returned to, but before I did so, I shouted something to the many other potential noble fools and idiots here.

"Kataryna Greorg, a Breakthrough Awakened, officially declares her TEMPORARY allegiance to the Third Princess and the human Alkelios Yatagai."

That was the last thing I needed to do. In this game of theirs, these fools would all now know not to touch either of them until I declared otherwise, which would be when this whole mess had come to a more... definite conclusion.

[Teolas Draegu's point of view]

In all of my long life, I never thought I would come to see the day when that old fossil would rise up again or even declare something as frightening as that. To think that SHE made a move was simply... terrifying.

That was why, I decided to heed her warning and also impart it on this foolish youngster who was stirring a sheep herd with a stick.

"Who does that dragoness think she is?" Sir Draejan spoke in a mocking tone of voice.

I walked up to him and looked into his eyes. My piercing gaze made him flinch.

"Were you blind boy? Did you not feel her strength and power?" I questioned him.

"Well, she did appear to be strong, but... I'm certain Knight Master Teolas could easily handle her." he said with a political smile.

"Don't be a fool. I would need a thousand lives before I could even land a single hit on her!" I declared.

"What?" he looked at me as though I said something outrageous.

"Listen up and listen well. About 500 years ago, on a battlefield far away from here, Albeyater's armies clashed with Zerudan's. From all points of view, we shouldn't have stood a chance against them... However, in the middle of the battle, a single dragoness came forth and although she was of the enemy's side, she began to mercilessly attack her allies. Without care and with a crazed smile on her face, she danced with those swords in her hands." I closed my eyes as I remembered that scene from when I was a just a young whelp who barely knew how to put on his armor, yet I was one of the youngest commanders who stood by our King's side.

The clash of swords and shouts of fury all faded away as this dragoness danced among her foes and allies alike. All those who stood too close were cut down by her swords. The enemy commanders tried to bring her down, but they were sliced to pieces by her in the blink of an eye. One after another, she cut them down and cleaved her way through the flesh of her allies until she reached their General.

"In that battle, the one we feared the most was their Breakthrough Awakened General, yet that terrible dragon was struck down by none other than Kataryna Greorg. Our side, by the orders of the King, didn't move an inch until this internal dispute of theirs was over. Their army, at the beginning of the battle, was almost twice as big as ours, yet from the moment that dragoness stepped on the battlefield until the moment she cut off the General's head, she reduced it to a number far below ours." I gulped.

"That's impossible." Draejan claimed.

"Boy... DON'T dare to insult me." I glared at him, and he froze.

"I apologize, Sir Teolas." he bowed his head.

"Sigh, well it's normal for you to think that way. Unless you see her in battle, you won't believe it either... Yet, that's the truth... More so, Kataryna Greorg is the ONLY dragoness I heard of so far who was ABLE to defeat a Breakthrough Awakened while she herself WASN'T one yet." I said and then looked back at the dragoness who left.

"If she is someone so great, why doesn't our history mention her?" he asked.

"Because after she won, she brought the head of the general to our King's feet and then pointed his sword at him. In exchange for his life and that of all those in his army, she demanded for Albeyater to leave her alone and erase her name from history. IF she ever desired to return as an ally or foe, she wanted it to be of her own accord." I let out a sigh.

"Someone like that... The King agreed?" he asked.

"Yes." I nodded. "We did as requested, and she left peacefully."

"Then..." Draejan looked confused.

"Boy, if that human was able to bring that old fossil out of her cave... He might also be the one who will either bring this dragoness to our side or make her fight against us. I fear that this duel was a foolish one and as such, if she EVER requests it, I will make it VOID." I declared in a sharp tone of voice.

"You can't be serious, Sir! This was an official duel! More so, my opponent was a human!" he retorted.

"I rather have you lose face than this kingdom several towns and countless lives." I replied then left him to think it over.