
LUCK Point -1

this story is about a high school boy who suddenly got reincarnated in another world after death. but the world he has come is much more odd than anything he had ever seen before. but he at last will become the great savior of this world. but unknown to him, when he was busy building his harem a big boss appear in the world.and this is the story of a normal high school boy to become the world's most big jerk and hero at the same time

Black_Unicorn_330 · Fantasy
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12 Chs




(Goddess) " How dare you? how dare you call me little girl(shuddering in anger), I have been living here from the very beginning of the world and yet someone dares to call me a little girl"

(Satoshi) "no .. no I … I didn't mean it like that, listen to my plea….(having trouble talking cause of the pressure) I couldn't able to see you before so I just took a guess and called you a little girl, I thought you must be an old woman… cough …cough so if I call you a little girl you would be happy(atlist that's what I thought)"

(Goddess) "you damn brat you even called me old now(Author- you have missed the point there, sigh). How dare you talk about a woman's age. You should be sent to hell."

(Satoshi) "wait,,, I didn't mean to I …I just ….(can't talk any more cause of pressure)"

Satoshi was looking downwards the whole time, now he tried to explain while lifting his head and told.

(Satoshi) "hey please listen.. t..o(still having trouble talking) me that was really an honest mistake as beautiful as you are I would be blind to call you old(he is really blind), and yet you are so beu…BIG….(having a nosebleed, although he doesn't have any nose)… oh no I mean beau..tiful."

(Goddess) "ha ha ha(crazy laugh), you have successfully made me angry brat, I even thought of giving you the SUPER LUCKY SYSTEM, but now I have changed my mind, I curse you with the LUCK POINT-1 SYSTEM you will never have any luck for the rest of your life, ha ha ha, you will live the most miserable life from anyone have ever lived in this whole universe, ha ha ha ha ha."

(Satoshi)- can't talk anymore.

AUTHOR- ahem,,, so you should understand readers never mention a woman's age even if you have to eat sh*t,,,,, ahem I think you have to understand readers. So If you want to know about what happens in the luck point-1 world, then be fast,, like and subscribe, and obviously don't forget to scroll down to the next episode.