
A New Look

["What? You want to stay like this? A poor kid without ambitions, a nobody, all in all a complete loser. Surrendering without trying, dying without being satisfied even if an opportunity was given. What a waste of life."]

"Who said..." I'm not satisfied being like this?

That was what he wanted to say but it got stuck on the tip of his tongue. He knew if he said that, it was as if he personally betrayed himself.

It was right. The system was right all along. It was only him who still lacked trust on himself. He was just spouting some lame excuses due to his cowardice. He couldn't see himself succeeding, though he wasn't even trying yet.

Of course, he had a dream. Who didn't have a dream for themselves? He pressed his lips as he remembered that once in his life, he also have his hopes and ambitions.

Pierce once wanted to be successful and become someone great one day. For sometime in his life, he wanted to get his foster family pay back of the pain they caused him too. For once in his life, he wanted to prove his peers wrong and make them realize that he was neither born to be bullied nor to be looked down.

But all the hopes he had, vanished as time passed with his condition becoming worse everyday. With bad luck as his tail, it was close to impossible those days. That was why he surrendered, forgot it all, as the thought that 'he couldn't change anything' filled up his mind.

Yes, he didn't have the control of his life. That was true but... those were in past. Those days were over as he was already free in the present.

Guess, he just failed to understand everything. Starting afresh did not mean he needed to be contented with his present situation wherein he could eat and live peacefully. Starting afresh could also mean integrating those positive thoughts of the past and aim for a better future when an opportunity arise.

He remembered his promise after changing his name. He wouldn't let it be in vain. Of course, he didn't like himself being like this. Pathetic, who couldn't even man up and keep his words. He needed to change for sure. Not only in name, but change and forget all these unnecessary habits.

After a long silence, he took a deep breath before saying,

'Hey old man, I just decided to try, not just try but to try my best. Even if I failed, I'll keep on trying and trying again. I know it's hard to build up my confidence but it's not close to impossible right?'

Pierce wanted to cheer on himself, trying to bury the doubts six feet under. He would not endure and compromise and admit defeat without fighting. This time, he was not alone, he had the system that he could trust. Even if it was not a human like him, but it was more human than any other human for him.

He waited if the system would say something but there was only silence, so he decided to continue speaking.

'I am clueless where to start. Can anyone guide me?' He said indirectly while portraying an innocent look. Even if they were together it not too long, he already felt a little close to the system.

["I just said that you must change for good kid, but not to become sly."] It sounded a chuckle.

When Pierce heard it, he just felt so happy and relieved that his lips reached to both his ears.

'I'll take it as a yes again old man.'

["Then start now. Don't dare to look down the floor even if a bunch of curious eyes are now looking at you. With pity and disdain at that."]

'You... It's a different situation.' Even though he was very embarrassed, Pierce still tried to lift his head, trying to look at the people around him for a while, meeting their various kind of gazes before walking away at the place.

'I admit that doing that feels like having an achievement. What a warm feeling. I will try doing it again and again until I get used to this. Yes!'


When he arrived at his place, he took a good look at his face that he had failed to do at the barber shop. He never left his eyes on the mirror as he was still amazed with his new look.

Even after almost an hour, he still couldn't get enough of it as everything felt so pleasing and new. Although he failed to appreciate it days before but he would make it up this time.

The man in the mirror had a clean cut hair style. Unlike before, his forehead was already visible and was very attractive without the presence of a long scar from his childhood. He had a pair of captivating hazel eyes with dark and long eyelashes. He had a pointed and refined nose, a thin pair of lips with a slight pinkish color, and a fair complexion akin to a pampered girl's skin.

Overall, he had this angelic and charming look, easy to approach when smiling but dangerous if without, especially for women. He was surprisingly very good looking, sadly, he just knew it. With this look, he could confidently walk outside even without wearing hood or lowering his head while walking. In short, he didn't even have the reason left to do that anymore.

He had a tall frame, he could pass for a forward position on basketball. The only lacking aspect was his body. He was on the malnourished side. If it would be improved, then he can be said as perfect to become a great lady killer. But it had its own charm as it make him look seductive having that hint of feminism.

"Thank you." He said as tears slowly gush out of his eyes. Truly, he was very grateful to the system, without it, this miracle would not happen.

The system just choose not to sound seriously. ["You somehow looked like a man now. Not bad."]

"Hmp. It's just hard for you to admit that I am handsome." He even said while forming a charming smile.

["Looks like you're really born to be arrogant and overconfident. It's just that it was on slumber for years and is just awakened now."] He imagined the system like a old man sneering.

"Ugh, it's really hard talking to you. Why don't you just agree? It will make everything easy." He shook his head and chuckled. Truly, the system never planned to leave on its high horse. Well, whatever. He would still be forever thankful to it.

["I don't want to make things easy since it will only inflate your head. Look at you now, you only got the most basic reward but you already learned to brag."]

He sighed jokingly, "It's hard to understand you old man. Maybe it's true that as a man gets older it gets more complicated too."


Pierce was up early as he didn't want to be woken up by an old alarm clock. Not only due to that but also because he forgot to do something important as he was occupied with his name and new look this past few days. That was testing out his Stat points' effect on him.

He decided that he would do that today while he was going for a little grocery as he already ran out of supplies. It wouldn't be wrong to say that his money won't last for long. After paying his rent for last month and this month, he only got a little penny left to feed his mouth. With this situation, it would be better for him to find a job. However, the system assured him not to worry at all. Put all of his trust on it and he could survive for the rest of his life.

Pierce could clearly recall its bragging tone when it said, 'Did you forget I'm a luck-based system? Don't worry with money, money will voluntarily come at you.'

For such a miraculous system, Pierce chose not to doubt it anymore. Also, he was reminded by it to have a good meal as their work would start at this very day.

After buying some of his necessities at the convenience store near his place, he decided to make a run. He was testing if he really had some noticeable improvement.

While running, he had observed that he was twice as fast as before. To think that he was very lame at running back then made him appreciate the change more. To test his stamina, he decided to run as long as he can. There he found out he could last twice longer than before. It was truly a wonderful transformation. Even his reflexes seemed to have improved too.

Making his way to the gym at the neighborhood, he gathered up his courage and asked a favor to the owner if he could punch the punching machine.

"Good morning sir." He said to the man on the counter.

The tall and bulky middle-aged man greeted him back. "Yes, good morning. You seem to be new here lad. Do you want to apply for the gym membership?"

He scratched his head to deal with his embarrassment. "Ah, no sir. I-If it's only okay, I would just like t-to... ah... try your punching machine?"

Sweat was forming on his forehead as he was a bit nervous with his request.

The man nodded. "Sure, such a small thing for a youthful young man. Go ahead."

"Tha-Thank you sir." He was delighted that he did grabbed the man's hand. Even he, was surprised with his action.

He inhaled and exhaled before positioning himself before the punching and punch with all his best.

When the result was out, his eyes widened, looking very surprised. He may be second to the lowest of the scores recorded there, but even a little bit of dismay couldn't be seen in his eyes. On his pretty face, a smile was formed and even stretched to both his ears. And before he went out of the gym, he eagerly thanked the old owner exhausting all the confidence he had in him.

Even while heading home, despite somewhat being stiff on his posture of keeping his body straight and chin a little up, he was humming an old song. He was also swaying the goods he had bought when he was heading home.

Such a good morning. His face said it all. He couldn't ask for more, as everything just turned out fine. He was just filled with elation.