
Luck's descent(BL)

In a world where luck is everything, people were born with a certain amount of luck. The course of the world was controlled by the Infey race, whose job was protecting the luck's source. At least that is how it's written in the history of 200 years ago. One day, for unknown reasons, the source of luck was disrupted and the united nation broke into three. People with limited luck, those with almost no luck, and those with almost unlimited luck. The Infey race disappeared. Since the people without luck had to take it from someone else, an agreement was made to exchange inhabitants between the countries. The story revolves around the third prince, Nielle, a sadist without luck, who gets a new lucky servant, Shane, whose pride doesn't allow him to surrender to the prince's methods. Their paths cross with an Infey, a prisoner who has escaped from his country, and his guard, whose mission is to bring him back. **** This story contains BL, sex scenes between men, rape, violence and much more, which may not be suitable for everyone. I apologise for the mistakes as English is not my native language. I hope you enjoy the story.

Eryiyn · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

Luck in the new country 1

In the sumptuous dining room, the only sound was the clinking of cutlery accompanied by the calm breathing of the people at the table. As if everyone was waiting to see what today's luncheon would bring, no one spoke. It didn´t happen very often that the king would dine with all his sons, so it was clear to each of them that this was no ordinary family gathering.

At the head of the table sat a middle-aged man. The long white hair falling below his shoulders would have given the impression of elderly if its colour hadn´t been a feature of all the men at the meal. The three remaining youths waited in silence for the king to finish, so that they could do the same, since none of them felt like eating.

When the king finally puts the cutlery down, the princes followed his lead. The servants immediately took the food, leaving room for royalty to talk. The young men looked at their father, who measured them inquisitively.

"Today you are quieter than usual," he concluded, "do you have something on your conscience?" he wondered.

While the first and third princes remained silent, the second spoke, "You know I'm in the study most of the time, father. I have never had anything on my conscience to incite your worries." the twenty-two-year-old remarked in a calm voice.

His long white hair, tied in a simple braid, resembled an individual from a pharmacy rather than a prince, as evidenced by his gentle face, giving others the impression of a doll. Of all the king's sons, the meekest, most collected, and most charming. No one suspected that his father was at all angry with him.

"I know Brelle, the question isn't just directed at you." he looked at the other two.

The eldest raised his eyes to the king: "Father, when have I ever disappointed you? I came because you invited me, I will never refuse," he explained, "it's not proper to speak while eating unless you invite us. It's normal to be silent." summed up the Crown prince. His equally white hair was longer than the king's. Loosely hanging next to his face, they looked so elegant that no one could tell at first glance how sharp and serious he could be.

The king laughed softly, "Don't worry Louis, I didn't mean you either." he knew his eldest son didn't have time to cause trouble with all the work he was giving him. And even if he did, he wouldn't. In his position of future king had no reason to tarnish his reputation...unlike his third son.

"Don't look at me like that, father," the youngest supported his chin with his hand, "I had enough last time, I'm careful, I didn't do anything." summed up the twenty-year-old young man, whose white hair was the only one in a short cut.

"Nielle, if you did something, confess it to our father right away. We all have jobs to do. Don't delay." Louis scolded him.

"Come on, Lui, have you forgotten that I've been away from the palace for the past month? When would I have time to do anything?" he looked at his brother.

"Calm down, please," Brelle spoke, "Louis, brother´s right. He wasn't even home. Besides, he did a good job with those bandits. When would he have time to anger father?"

Nielle nodded: "At least someone knows how to praise."

"I'm not saying he angered him. I said that if he did something, he should admit it before he kneels in the hall again for the day." he explained.

"It's not that bad, sometimes you should annoy father too, at least you'll have a day off." Nielle laughed.

"Nielle!" Louis raised his voice at how inappropriately his youngest brother behaved.

"That's enough," the king didn't even have to raise his voice for the trio to shut up and lower their gaze back down, "none of you upset me, I called you for another matter." he clarified.

"I'm listening, father," the eldest said.

"Yesterday word came from Lacris, their king was pleased with the new black stones we transferred and decided to send us a gift," he began, "I want you to agree on which of you will take it." he looked at his sons.

"Are you kidding, father?" Nielle looked at him, "Louis works the most, you didn't have to call us. Give it to him...I have enough money for my duties and Brell doesn't care."

"Nielle, let father finish first." Louis frowned at his brother.

"Alright," continued the king, "it's true that if it was money, Louis would get it. However, this time it's a different kind of gift which could create a rift between you if I didn't give you a chance to discuss it," he said, "they are sending us Lacrisan. He served Prince Darwen for a decade and is a valuable piece. His luck is hard to exhaust."

"Lacris gave us an extra Lacrisan?" Louis was surprised, "Suspicious...could be a spy, it's not safe to receive him."

The king nodded: "However, we cannot refuse him. He's on his way here, and since he's coming tomorrow, one of you will take him."

"If Lacris has ulterior motives, it'll be safest to give him to Brell, father." Louis suggested.

Brelle looked at the king, "I know I'm the most incompetent father," he admitted, "but I don't want Lacrisan...it's inhumane, I won't accept one even if you punish me." he clarified.

"I have no intention of punish you, whoever accepts him," the king said, "but think it over carefully. If his luck is indeed of good quality, he will be useful, for whatever reasons he´s here."

"Father, what kind of work did he do in Lacris?" Nielle smiled sadistically.

"I know he worked as Prince Darwen's closest person," repeated the king, "I suppose he did everything he had to."

"I'll take him." the youngest prince said satisfied.

"Again, Nielle?" Louis frowned, "How many has it been for the last six months?" he was interested.

"As if you care about them," he laughed, "Brelle isn't seizing any, so I'm accepting them instead of him, isn't that a good thing?" he elucidated.

"Father, Nielle will destroy him, Lacris won't be pleased if it comes to that." Brelle clarified.

"I agree, when they send him to us, we should mainly keep an eye on him." Louis noded.

The king sighed, "In fact, I was actually planning to give him to Nielle right away, I just wanted you to discuss it," he stated, causing his sons to look at him in surprise, "Louis´s busy. You have Lacrisan and you're satisfied with him, aren't you?" he looked at his son.

"He was a gift from you, of course. He's in good shape." Louis nodded.

"Brelle doesn´t accept any. While I don't know how you can live on stones alone, it's your life and I won't change it for you if it doesn't affect the management of the nation." the king promised.

"Thank you." said Brelle.

"Nielle," the king sighed, "if anywhere a suspicious individual does the least damage, it will be in your hands." he clarified.

Nielle smiled softly: "You know me father, I won't let any Lacrisan jump over my head, no matter what his intention is. He'll have his hand full to stay alive." he laughed.

The king frowned, "Nielle."

Nielle fell silent, "I thought...I'd make sure he didn't get hold of any sensitive information." he changed.

The king nodded: "Any objections?"

A moment of silence was interrupted by Louis: "None."

"In that case, Nielle, prepare what you need and when he arrives, I want to see him." the king clarified.

"Yes, father." Nielle nodded, and after the king rose from the table, he went as well. Walking contentedly down the hall while his two brothers disappeared into other parts of the palace, he couldn´t be more satisfied.

Nielle didn't expect to get a new toy so quickly after returning home, but luck was clearly on his side.

However, it had to be clear to everyone that the decision couldn´t have been otherwise. As crown prince, Louis had no time to concern himself with another Lacrisan. His current one was enough for him, giving him enough luck to hold him on the top and no one was going to suppress him. At least Nielle wasn´t.

He was contentedly minding his own affairs and was glad that kingship had nothing to do with him.

While Louis helped his father with the government duties, had his men in the army and supervised many other things in the country, his remaining two brothers were different.

Brelle was the quietest, sickest and spent whole days in the study room or the library. Alternatively, he wandered around the city where he met famous doctors who taught him their knowledge. He didn't have many servants or noble acquaintances. He didn't communicate much with anyone, but he always helped when Louis or Nielle needed him. The only one of them had no Lacrisan, and his only source of luck, which he had to draw from somewhere daily, were yellow stones.

Yellow stones were a cheaper way to stay alive if one was born in Rinseli. Not everyone could afford to buy a Lacrisan, and not everyone could feed him and take care of him so that his luck would be sufficient to share with them. Therefore, Lacris and Rinse were trading not only people, but stones that almost everyone in the country could afford.

And since they weren´t hurting anyone, were freely available, and Brell had enough money, he only lived on them.

However, their youngest brother was the exact opposite. He didn't see Lacrisans as people, he hated them, and harming them as best he could was the only thing he never got tired of, no matter how many years he did it.

His duties were the dirtiest of all the princes, but no one objected, since someone had to fulfill them. Nielle was in charge of everything from jails and the executioners to the overall maintenance of order in the country. His private group of soldiers, commanded by neither Louis nor the king, specialized in catching criminals. Everyone in Rinsel feared them, everyone shut their doors if they walked down the street and Nielle wouldn't trade his Black Guard for anything.

And so Louis didn't have to worry that his position as heir was in danger, since he only had two harmless brothers. Although Nielle would look suspicious at first glance, his eldest brother knew that Nielle didn't want to be king and wouldn't be. Even if he was interested in the throne, he has already ruined all his chances with his actions.

The crown prince had to have not only influence and soldiers in his power, but an essential part was his father's opinion and relationship with the people. Louis was the king's favorite, fulfilled his duties flawlessly and could solve any problem that was presented to him. He performed many beneficial activities for the people, everyone saw him as a kind-hearted and strong prince who would lead Rinsel rightly in the future.

But Nielle was having none of it, quite the opposite. Because of his sadistic tendencies, unreliability and connection with executioners and violence in the country, people only feared him. No one wanted anything to do with him, and if he was the last prince left, people would prefer to wait until the king had another child.

However, Nielle was satisfied with everything. That's how he arranged it, that's how he wanted it, and if someone offered him the Louis´s position, he'd probably flee to Equil.

His only goal was to live his life in peace, without fear for his own life, without the need to constantly poke the king's ass and prove to the people that he deserves the position. He just wanted to have fun...and the new Lacrisan was the best way for that.

I decided to divide this chapter into 3 shorter ones for a better overview. I will try to add new parts every day. I wish you a pleasant reading. Have a nice weekend.

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