

"Mom! It's almost morning and brother isn't out yet" Faith said with teary eyes

"I knew it, he just recently became a player. Even high ranking guilds needs a six man high leveled players to conquer a white dungeon when the earth have recently changed" Mark said

"The highest level player today is still level 52 am i right Mark?" One of the staff's said

Daryl's family haven't rested yet and even Apple and the others are slowly losing hope as well

"Is their anything the government can do?" Daryl's mom asked

"Daryl was still Herald 1 mam if Daryl have reach Guardian rank the government will personally move. But for now we can't do anything about it" Mark replied

After thirty minutes of talking and waiting again one of the staff's shouted "The portal! is slowly vanishing!"

People were stepping backwards while Mark mumbled to himself (Impossible!, Don't tell me he..)

When Daryl's mom saw Mark's face expression she said "What is happening! Tell me!" even Apple asked him too but Mark's mind was full of mysteries to what is happening in front of him

after thirty seconds what appeared in front of them was a man that looks like a death God while imbued with light. He was covered well but one girl approached him then took of his hood and mask and kissed him. Yes, it was Apple.

(This girl) Aelinor that was concealed cursed

Mark and the others were dumbfounded again and the other staf's knows that Apple was Mark's sister.

Daryl still doesn't know what really is the identity of Mark and Apple but he didn't care to much.

Daryl's family rush towards him and hugging him as well while the sound of cries can be heared. Daryl just came back and he was at Deaths door again lately.

Video cameras was rolled live and broadcast around

Reporter 1: The man that was still inside the Dungeon has survived! and the most important is he solo conquered the dungeon!

People that were watching live screamed with happiness even thou they don't know Daryl inperson.

When the cameras was focused on Daryl People saw a Handsome man that can make every girls blush and inlove in an instant

> > > > > > >Scene change< < < < < < <

Grace De La Tore was drinking coffee and when she switched the channel to the news she relesead the cup of coffee from her hand unintentionally with a dumbfounded face. She knows obviously who the young man in the Television

"This man, he will be one of the students in this school and now? his causing an uproar" Grace worriedly smiled

> > > > > > >Scene change< < < < < < <

"You idiot!" Apple said while hugging him even thou his family was around him. Daryl's mom thought to herself (This chick magnet, surrounded by girls)

His step sisters hugged him of course and Mark approached him. Mark was going to say something but he did not proceed and called a service.

"Call a car!" Mark shouted

"Mark thank you for understanding" Daryl said while smiling

"You need to rest for now" Mark replied

"Mom, sorry but you don't have to worry anymore" Daryl said

"You have a lot of explaining to do when we get home" His mother said

"Daryl it's okay if we will not go for a date today. You need to rest" Apple said

"Sorry I-) When Daryl wants to said something Apple interrupted his words (Let's meet at school) She said while smiling

"So mom told you huh" Daryl replied

"Yes!" She replied while smiling

After five minutes the car arrived they bid farewells at each other and left the newscasters.

> > > > > > >Scene change< < < < < < <

(Forgotten Winter Guild)

"We need that Guy!, ask about his contact information i will personally visit him!" The Guild leader said

"Yes sir! right away!" an assistant replied

> > > > > > >Scene change< < < < < < <

(Twisted Destiny Guild)

"Ma`am? have you seen the news?" a vice guild asked

"Yes, we need that man but i know it's hard to approach him. He is surrounded by beauties as well" The Guild leader replied

"Ma`am? why are you blushing?" the vice guild leader asked

"W-what are you saying? I need to rest get out!" The guild leader shouted

"Fufufufu" the vice guild leader laughed

> > > > > > >Scene change< < < < < < <

Some Guilds discussed about taking him as well. But they know the competition of getting him is hard.

When Daryl and his family arrived at home they started to talk "Mom, Sorry again. But i know what to do and I`m strong enough. I can take care of myself and i know what's my limit" Daryl said

"You have grown and changed so much son" She replied

"By the way mom and sisters don't freak out okay? Aelinor, show your self" Daryl said

What appeared in front of them was a beautiful woman. It has slender body, snow white skin, elegant looking eyes, the color of her hair was gray and the length of it reach her waist and a face that was incomparably beautiful than humans.

"Mom? as what you hear her name is Aelinor, i rescued her inside the dungeon"

"Can i ask how?" his mom replied

"I`ll make it short mom, she was lost in there world and saw a portal. She said she was curious so she approached near to the portal and she was forced and draw inside the portal, we called it dungeon in earth'

"So what you mean is.."

"Yes mom that`s what i mean and mom can she stay here? for a while maybe?"

"Okay son she can stay here, I don`t mind having an elf daughter in law" his mother teased him while smiling

"Mom? what are you saying? you saw me and Apple lately right?"

"I don`t mind having two beautiful daughter in laws too" his mom said while slightly laughing

"MOM!" his three sisters shouted"

"Daryl I can let Aelinor borrow some clothes but i`m not sure if it fits her" Riana said

"Thank you sis it`s just temporary. I`ll buy her new clothes"

They talked for a while then doing their daily house routines. Aelinor slept with faith. Daryl did not sleep because it`s still almost morning and decided to meet Apple.

( ( ( ( (Daryl stats for this chapter including the 20 free stats each level to be distributed) ) ) ) ) )

Level: 26

Class: Spirit Mancer

EXP: 22%


Strength - 323

Agility - 315

Intelligence - 361

Control - 338

Charm: 18

Luck: 24

HP: 3230

MP: 3610

Skills: God`s Howl, Knighthood, Spirit Strengthening, Touch of Seduction and Start and End, Spirit soldier summon, Spirit Soldier Calvary



"Scythe of light"

"Hood Of Illumination"

"Robe of radiance"

"Belt of luminescence"

"Leggings of sunlight"

"Gleaming boots"

Money earned : 6,746,235 Php