
Lucifer system: Becoming the Devil in an Apocalypse

An apocalypse that happened in 2024 threatened all of humanity, unifying the Earth to be governed by the same laws and oppressive government. Alien captives from the apocalypse were exploited by humans for their knowledge and power to advance buildings as well as technology. It is the year 2044 and humans don't know is that there is a second apocalypse that I have been dreaming about. Afraid of being classed as an alien for having these dreams, I choose silence. The second apocalypse leaves me prisoner in a land where humans can practice magic. However, learning magic is the least of my concerns for if anyone learns what I am, I will die. I have no idea how it happened or what to do about it. All I know is that I can't trust anyone. [Congratulations, you have unlocked the Lucifer System. You will become the devil. Would you like to accept?] [Yes and live as the devil/ No and die] [You have 48 hours to choose or else you will die] *********** Welcome to the best story ever!! Enjoy it. Cover credit: i.pinimg.com on Pinterest. The cover is not mine.

SoulSnatcher · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

Strong opponent

Levi's opponent was bigger and most probably stronger than he was. When he saw Levi going to the stage, he punched his fist into his other hand to intimidate him. 

Levi was intimidated by the gesture as intended. He almost turned around and ran for the hills. However, this was something he needed. There was no other way to level up. 

Otherwise, he would be stuck on the same level with the same abilities, unable to better himself. That would in turn make him a very easy target for the Mother of Dragons. 

"There are no rules. Fight to win and defend yourself so that you don't die. Start. "

[Quest: Defeat your opponent and consume his soul to level up]

Levi's opponent charged and hit him in the face. Levi stumbled backward and fixed his mask because it was almost coming out. There was a stinging pain on his jaw and he felt his head spinning. 

That punch had been enough to knock him off his feet. When his opponent charged again, Levi got out of the way. The opponent stumbled but caught himself before he fell. 

This made him angrier. 

"We don't have all day mask man. Either attack your opponent or leave." The instructor said to Levi. Being on the defense was making the fight redundant. People would never pay to see that. 

Levi took the instructor's advice and requested a dagger from the system. Two appeared in his hand and he took a fighting stance. His opponent came charging once more and this time, Levi got out of the way and sliced the side of his stomach with the dagger. 

It was enough to hurt his opponent but not enough to get him down on the ground. He took advantage of the moment of weakness and stabbed his back. 

Immediately the knife made contact with his back, it turned to stone and his dagger broke into pieces. His opponent got up, grabbed his neck, and flung him across the room. 

Levi fell with a thud and pain shot throughout his body. He tried to get up but he fell every time. During the fall, the mask had pressed onto his face. He felt like his teeth were loose and could break anytime. 

He hadn't taken the system seriously when it told him that he had to consume a soul within twenty-four hours of using his lethal bite power. Now he couldn't use it. 

His opponent stepped on his back and raised his hands in the air to show that he was the winner. The plan was to flex and then snap Levi's head. 

Levi, on the other hand, was determined not to die. He kept hatching a plan in his mind that involved beating the man who could turn his body into stone. 

"Rest in pieces, you little shit!" 

Just before he could grab Levi and kill him, he turned to black fog and appeared behind his opponent. He stabbed him successfully with the other dagger because he hadn't been anticipating the attack. 

Levi walked through him and appeared in front of him. He stabbed him in the neck two times before dropping the dagger and holding his opponent's head.

Levi opened his mouth and called out to his soul. Everyone watched as a black matter came out of the opponent and went into Levi's mouth. 

The man screamed and tried to fight it but it was too late and he was dying anyway because of the two stab wounds on his neck. His body started withering away until he stopped fighting and fell to the ground. 

Levi hovered above him, waiting for the Circle of David to appear on his forehead. After a few seconds, his wrist started stinging and the mark appeared on the dead man's forehead. 

Everyone was too stunned to speak. They had seen lots of powers in the underground arena but never that many at once especially when the guy made the body of his opponent wither. 

"What's your name, kid? " The instructor asked. All the citizens of Sunaru were required to report if they saw someone using powers that weren't in the bracket of magic. 

What that boy did was no magic. That was black magic or something evil. He could report the kid for having unusual powers and lose all the money he could make from people coming to see that boy fight. 

Or he could keep his secret and make millions out of that kid. He already knew that people were going to love him. The betting stakes were going to be raised tenfold because of him. 

"Havoc and don't call me a kid. I'm not. " Levi answered. 

"You're good. We could use a guy like you. "

Levi nodded his head and stepped off the stage. That was when all the system notifications started coming in. 

[Congratulations on leveling up!]

[2000 exp gained!]

[Dagger expertise level up!]

[Intangibility level up!]

"Can I see my basic information and abilities?'

[User: Levi Jackson]

[Race: Demon]


[Experience: 3600/5000]

[Strength: 10/20]

[Agility: 10/20]

[Stamina: 10/20]

[Energy: 10/20]

[Speed: 10/20]

[Charm: 10/20]


[Confidence: 8/20]

[Regeneration: 10/20]

[Resistance: 10/20]

[Inspect: 8/20]

[Morph: Level 8 fog transformation]

[Dagger expertise: Level 5]

[Intangibility: Level 4]

[Poison bite: Level 1]

At least he had leveled up. He stood by a corner watching as everyone fought one another. The winners of the first round were required to fight one another so Levi's turn was coming soon. 

As he stood there, he wondered if it had been a good idea to expose his powers like that. He had tried to resist it but his fighting skills were non-existent. He would have died had he not used them. 

Everyone was looking at him in a weird manner. They thought he was a freak. He hated all the attention he was getting but soon realized he was going to get more if he was chosen to fight in the underground arena. 

The good thing was that no one knew his true identity. He could do whatever he wanted underground but he had to make sure none of it was linked back to him. 

As long as he kept the mask on at all times, he had nothing to worry about. 

"Havoc, you're up next against your next opponent. " The instructor said. 

He had purposely paired him with the strongest fighting among the group. He was even stronger than Havoc. He was excited to see how everything would play out. 

He wanted to see how the boy would fight. For his sake, he hoped the boy would win a fight. He had been serious when he said that he would be a wonderful addition to the time. 

This was the last fight and the winner would be the next underground fight. 

Levi walked on stage and stood in a corner inspecting his opponent before he fought. He had made the mistake of not inspecting the last person he had fought with.

He didn't want any surprises this time.