
Lucifer system: Becoming the Devil in an Apocalypse

An apocalypse that happened in 2024 threatened all of humanity, unifying the Earth to be governed by the same laws and oppressive government. Alien captives from the apocalypse were exploited by humans for their knowledge and power to advance buildings as well as technology. It is the year 2044 and humans don't know is that there is a second apocalypse that I have been dreaming about. Afraid of being classed as an alien for having these dreams, I choose silence. The second apocalypse leaves me prisoner in a land where humans can practice magic. However, learning magic is the least of my concerns for if anyone learns what I am, I will die. I have no idea how it happened or what to do about it. All I know is that I can't trust anyone. [Congratulations, you have unlocked the Lucifer System. You will become the devil. Would you like to accept?] [Yes and live as the devil/ No and die] [You have 48 hours to choose or else you will die] *********** Welcome to the best story ever!! Enjoy it. Cover credit: i.pinimg.com on Pinterest. The cover is not mine.

SoulSnatcher · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Back to the beast's den

"I can't believe I'm doing this. "

The sun was almost rising when Levi went back to the dungeon. He knew no one would notice his absence because it was Sunday. Everyone else was more concerned with curing their hangovers and raising money to get drunk again.

 Levi didn't have a hangover thanks to the system. After all the alcohol he had the previous day, his head should have been exploding but it wasn't. This was a good thing. He couldn't imagine fighting while nursing a hangover.

He stood outside the dungeon wondering if he was going to die. It was no guarantee that he was going to win every fight he fought. He figured he would rather die fighting than die a pussy. 

He walked to the door and closed his eyes to concentrate on walking through it. He was scared but he wasn't going to back out now.

He walked through the door and stood in the hallway waiting for the first monster to smell him. Memories of the last time he was there flooded his brain. 

He had almost died here and now he was back for more. This time, he was stronger than he had been. 

"Give me the dagger from my storage. "

The dagger appeared in his hand and he took a fighting stance. The monsters aren't coming out so he was going to have to call them. He would wake them if it was necessary. He needed an outlet for all the anger he was feeling. 

"Come on, freaks! Come for me! "

The monsters didn't waste any time. This time, it was two that attacked him at the same time. They looked like panthers except they were purple and four times bigger. These ones looked more dangerous than the ones he battled previously.

He wanted to turn around and escape but he was not a coward despite everything his father had said to him. 

The first one pounced on him and he turned into a cloud of fog before moving under the panther. He turned to human form and stabbed it from the bottom. 

"Inspect the animals."

[Name: Mars Panther]

[Race: Beast]

[Level: 2

[Experience: 360/400]

[Strength: 10/10]

[Energy: 10/10]

[Agility: 10/10]

[Stamina: 10/10]

[Speed: 10/10]

[Note: This level two beast is equivalent to a level 7 magic ability user]

[Strength: This beast has a moderate level of intelligence which means it can predict your movements if it studies you for long enough. They also have a poisonous bite. Make sure you don't get bit]

[Weakness: Is easily distracted]

As he was reading the system notifications, he was unaware that the Mars Panther he had wounded had gotten up and healed. He and his friend were now headed for Levi to rip him into pieces. 

[Watch out, host]

Levi looked up in time to see the panther charging for him with its paws out ready to scratch him. Since he hadn't seen it before, he had a delayed response to it. The panther managed to scratch Levi's face and neck.

He was left bleeding on the ground trying to recover his lost strength to get up and fight. On the other hand, the two panthers were headed towards him at the same time. He understood what the system meant by being easily distracted.

He had wounded one panther and the other had stayed behind to look after its friend. He needed to think of a way to distract the two panthers for a long time. 

Meanwhile, he would just have to go on dodging their attacks and cutting them open. The panthers separated before they got to Levi and went to attack him from either side. 

Levi stood up and got ready to use his fog power. When the two panthers charged at the same time, he waited until they were close enough and then turned to fog. The two panthers hit one another instead of Levi.

They had been too close to stop in time to avoid hitting one another. They had expected the little boy to be an easy defeat. However, he was proving to be a difficult one. Despite this, the male panther was determined to protect his wife and her eggs.

Unlike the panthers on earth, these ones lay eggs. 

They recovered from the blow and attacked again. This time, the male panther was able to land a kick to Levi's stomach that had him flying across the hallway to the wall at the far end.

"I think my bones are broken, " he said. 

[You're being dramatic. Have you forgotten you're not human anymore? Get up and fight or we will die. I told you you're only half immortal]

Levi smiled because he had just thought of something. If the panthers were easily distracted, couldn't he make strange noises to shift their minds away from the fight? 

So Levi started singing–something he wasn't good at. He had been told that his singing sounded like that of a frog. Luckily for him, his terrible singing might be the one thing to save him.

The previously determined panthers started running towards Levi to get him to stop making that annoying sound. Because they were distracted, their aim was bad and they were slow. They missed Levi a couple of times. 

They tried biting and beating him but every time they got close he would start singing and they would forget what attack they were planning.

 Levi took advantage of this distraction, transformed into fog, and stabbed one of the panther's feet. It let out a large cry before kneeling to the ground and giving the perfect opportunity for Levi to stab its eye and neck. 

He left it bleeding and turned to the other one. It looked frozen when it saw its partner was on the ground bleeding.

"You want to attack me, huh? Come on. " Levi said as he circled it. 

When it finally charged, he used his intangibility power to walk through it and appear on the other side where it stabbed its stomach. When it fell, Levi stabbed its neck almost ten times. 

The only thing that made him stop was the fact that it lay on the ground lifeless and unmoving. Its eyes were wide and hollow. He had already consumed a soul once so he knew the panther's soul had already departed his body. 

He hated to admit it but he was hungry for a soul. He wanted to consume one badly and become powerful. His hunger for a soul was like a disease he couldn't cure.

[Congratulations, host! You have defeated the opponent! You have leveled up and increased your stats. Would you like to see? ]

"No. "

He walked towards the other panther that he had wounded and not killed. It was still crying from the loss of its partner and the pain from its wounds. It had underestimated the boy. No one walked through those doors willingly if they didn't think they could win a fight. 

Levi stood on top of it with an evil smile on his face about to do the one thing he had first refused to do.