
It's Yo boy Satan here with HellFLIX

"Care to Play a game of CHESS?" Sona said as she composed herself

"NO!!" Raizel immediately responded to the SC president

"Why?!" Sona could not understand why would Raizel refuse to play chess. He is a King and to the king, this game reflects his strategic mind and his intelligence.

"I need to go to class. So, tell your purpose to bring us here" Raizel said impatiently as he suddenly remembered that there was No Game No life S2 broadcast in HellFlix.

"Ok ok wait. Let's get to point." Sona said as she fixed her glasses and finally questioned

"So, What are you?!" Sona questioned the duo and student council was also prepared for the answer of the duo.

"Me.?! I am 'THE' Devil and he is my Butler Sebastian also he is my Pawn Piece" Raizel replied as if it was a most obvious thing in the world

The Student Council were surprised by the answer given by Raizel. They didn't expect him to be a Devil. They thought that he must be a low-class devil but their thought was immediately rejected as Devil must be a high class to have his own peerage. So Raizel must be a high-class devil and Sebastian must be below him.

"So what are you doing in kuoh town? It is my territory" Sona asked the duo in authoritative which sounded more like ant whispering to Elephant.

"It's not like you own the Town! It was given to you by Shinto faction and they could easily take back their town. So don't talk to me like you are my superior" Raizel's pride act up because he can't stand someone weaker than him talking in an authoritative voice

The student council flinched and prepared to attack the duo but were unable to move because of Suffocation caused by the aura of Sebastian who was silent all the time. But their tone of voice against His Majesty hit his nerves.

The student council were now scared because the aura presented by Sebastian is that of Ultimate class. They all felt their instinct screaming to run. They stood still in the same position and were unable to move.

"I will not bear your disrespect to Young Master. Right now I am leaving this matter aside but there will be no more next time." Sebastian said in a cold voice. He remembered his Majesty's order to not cause any trouble

"Let's Go, Sebastian" Raizel said and walked out of student council room under the stunned gazes of the student council followed by the Black-Haired butler.

"Kaichou what should we do now?" Tsubaki asked The president as she composed herself

"For now we will observe them-" Sona was interrupted by Tsubaki

"-but they are dangerous"

"If they wanted they could have killed us right here. I think if we will not disturb them they will not disturb us. Also, check out their identity. And ask them to create a student club. Also, do not interrupt me again." Sona said last part while glaring at Tsubaki who just nods in fear.

"So Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Who are You?" Sona muttered while watching the sky from the window. She feels that this next few years will be interesting

After the stunt in Student Council room, the duo walked in the streets while observing the 'normal' people around them. They both knew that their identity will be investigated, but they did not worry because Sebastian Edited the world will and gave them a Genuine 'Fake' Identity.

As the duo of butler and young master was walking, Raizel suddenly stopped and saw that there was a crowd of people near the street. He grew curious about what was going on and went to the source of the crowd. As the crowd paved the path for him because of his presence.

What Raizel saw left him stunned. There was a 13-year-old teenage holding a camera and mic wearing a weird T-Shirt with the logo of his youtube channel. The teenage started talking to the Camera

"Hey, What's up guys. It's yo boy Morgz and today we are cover-" As the YouTuber was speaking to camera a slap came from his right side and camera fell from his hands along with the mic.

Before the teenager was Raizel who appeared to be quite angry. Before the boy could ask why he slapped him he was stunned by the next words of Raizel.

"What is this 'It's yo boy' huh.?! You are not my boy!!" Satan said angrily and continued

"You are not my boy and If I was your father I would be very disappointed. So now don't start the video with 'It's Yo boy' from now on" Satan said while walking away from the stunned crowd and a boy who dumbly nodded at his words

The duo entered their house and immediately went to their respective room. Why?! Because Sebastian wanted to arrange the notes he has taken in classroom and Raizel who had completely different reason from his butler went to his room and watched No Game No Life S2 on HellFLIX.

Also why in the universe there is No Game No Life S2?!! Because after watching No Game No Life S1 Satan was dissatisfied and wanted to watch the next season of anime but there was no new season.

So what does Satan do in this type of situation?? It's quite simple, the next day after Satan watched No Game No Life S1, the crew of No Game No Life suddenly disappeared and some were mysteriously killed. Their soul was personally handheld by Satan who just ordered them to complete No Game No Life Anime. It's quite a simple and easy method, isn't it..??

So while Raizel was watching NGNL S2, he felt that someone was calling him. It's more like praying him. Also, the person who prayed has a very high belief in him. So he decided to go and visit his devout follower.

[Somewhere in Earth-67cB]

"O' Great Satan hear my call." A person wearing a dark black robe chanted.

The person was standing near the sacrificing altar and was continuously chanting "O' Great Satan hear my call." There was a lot of animals waste nearby which showed that they were sacrificed to summon satan.

To summon Satan, One requires very high belief in him and also the person who summons him should not have any belief in GOD. That is why there are very low chances that he is summoned.

"O' Great Satan hear my call." Person chanted until he heard a cold voice

"Why have you summoned me?!" Satan was angry that he was interrupted while watching ep5 of NGNL S2S2. But he decided to control it because there are very few who could summon him. So he decided to check out the Follower's wishes.

"O' my Lord you came!!" The person turned and exclaimed happily

"So tell me What do you Desire..?" Satan said in a husky voice

The person's face looked emotionless suddenly as he was focused on the devil's charm. The person emotionlessly said

"I want to get more handsome and also remove my belly fat and replace it with 6-packs while increasing my IQ" person said while pointing his finger at his belly

"That's it?!" Satan was surprised

There was surprised by the request and asked again

"So you summoned an Omnipotent being who could destroy universes at the whim just to get HANDSOME..!!??" Satan exclaimed

"Yes!! Because my classmates call me yo mama fat while pointing at my belly and I just wanted to say that My mama is not fat but they just laugh at it.." But his rant was interrupted by satan who said

"OK! OK fine here you go" *Snap* with a snap of his finger the boy transformed from Pig to Prince charming

"Thank you!!!" The boy said while checking out his new body

"Also I have one last question. Why are there so many dead animals on your left?" Satan asked the boy

"Ohh, they are sacrifices I offered so that I could summon you" Boy answered

"What!! What the f*ck do I need these dead animals?!! You, humans, offer wine to my Father while with me you only have this blood and dead animals?!!! From where do you think I need these animals?!! If you are offering them at least have it cooked." Satan ranted while disappearing

"That was weird. But anyways from now on, nobody will call me Yo mama Fat!!!!" The boy said while happily nodding his head having an expression that says 'I have Conquered the whole world'

[With Raizel]

Raizel ranted about the offering that is given to him and cursed his father. He entered his room and took a step near his sofa but he heard a sound that scared him so much that he nearly prayed to GOD.

*Crack* *Whizz* *Boom*

Raizel accidentally stepped on his Laptop where he was watching No Game No Life S2. He had ordered the crew to give him No Game No Life S2 five days early than its official release date in Hell So that he could spoil it to the entire Hell. And there was only 1 Laptop in the entire Multiverse that had No Game No Life S2 on it which was destroyed by the feet of Raizel.

Thanks to his luck, the laptop could be repaired by him in a few hours. Because the only screen was damaged. But his luck came to end when he heard



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