
Valentines Day Cuddles

Ah Valentines day...

Last year you would of dismissed it and spent it with your cat, watching movies. Now that you were dating Lucifer Morningstar, the literal biblical Devil. You and him discussed plans for this holiday...

You both were going to cuddle on your couch, watching movies with your cat in tow.

So here you were at your house, preparing snacks and plenty of blankets and pillows. You cat, (Cat Name), was napping peacefully in a patch of sunlight streaming in from cracked open blinds. Although you and your love weren't doing much, you were pretty excited.

You jumped slightly at sudden knocking on your day.

"Oh (Y/N)~" You heard Lucifer through the door. You giggled, placing the last bowl of snacks on the coffee table before shuffling to the door. You swung it open, revealing a bouquet of (favorite flowers). Lucifer's face popped from behind the flowers, a cute smile on his handsome face. "Hello darling."

"Aw Lucifer. I thought we said no gifts?" You smiled nonetheless, taking the bouquet from him.

"I know but I couldn't help it." Lucifer leaned in and pecked your cheek before planting a kiss on your lips. "Happy Valentines."

You returned a kiss, "Happy Valentines. Now, I'll put these in a vase while you set up the movie, alright?"

"Of course."

After giving the flowers a vase, you hopped onto to the couch, and snuggled right into your boyfriend. He already had a movie selected and (Cat Name) in his lap, kneeding his leg adorably.

"I love you, (Y/N). I am glad to spend these months with you." Lucifer wrapped his arm around you, practically smothering your face into his chest.

"Lucifer I love you too, but you're smothering me." You laugh.

"With all my love, love." He laughed to, and released his grip just a bit, but still kept you in his hold. You managed to worm your arms around his torso and you gave him a mighty squeeze.

"And I'll squeeze you with all my love, ya demon."

"Oh yeah? I will tickle you then."

You and Lucifer spent the whole day a giggly mess, snacking on treats, you holding onto him during a scary movie, and little make up sessions throughout the day. What a sweet day with your beloved.

----A/N: happy valentines day yall! I got so caught upwith school and work i forgot Valentines was coming up so i wrote this dtabnle up for you guy! ♥♥