
No Teasing

"Hey (Y/N)! Can I ask you a favor?" You heard your step sister's voice through your cellphone.

"Hello Chloe. What do you need?" You smile as you replied.

"Could you babysit Trixie for me again? She is a bit sick and I need to go out for a few hours or so."

"I would love to babysit little Trixie for you, sis. I will be there in like ten minutes, okay?"

"Sounds perfect! Thank you so much, (Y/N)!" Shu hung up and you let out a soft sigh. You go through your contacts and stopped at one of your closest friends number; Lucifer. Yes, you were practically best friends with the ruler of Hell. Well, ex-ruler of hell.

The two of you met in his bar and you didn't seem to fall for his powers, which made him interested in you. You could say you had a crush on the fallen angel but you knew you wouldn't go out with you, you've seen the skinny women that he's been around with and well, you felt like you were much too heavy to be with him.

'Looks like I will have to cancel Luci's and I's outing.' As much as you loved your sister and you liked watching over your little niece, sometimes being her go-to baby sister got annoying. Especially when she'd call on days you were going to hang out with the handsome Lucifer. With another sigh you dial his cell phone and waited for him to answer.

"Oh hello my dear (Y/N)." His posh voiced answered.

"Hey Luci. Look, I need to babysit my niece-"

"Again? This is the third time you have had to cancel on me. Are you avoiding me?" The sarcastic tone in his voice made me giggle.

"I'm sorry, but I'm her babysitter."

"Do I need to manipulate your sister into finding someone else? Because I very much miss your company, (Y/N)." You blush slightly but made sure not to make a fool of yourself.

"There will always be a next time, Lucifer. Don't be so whiney."

"We will go out then tomorrow. No exceptions or cancellations."

"Alright, Lucifer. We will most definitely go out tomorrow."

"It is a date then, my dear!" And with that final note, he hung up. Your face flushed from his comment but you quickly shook it off. 'He was just being himself. He doesn't want to date me.' You simply shake your head and gather all your items to go babysit Trixie.

You gave three sharp knocks on your sisters front door, wanting to get in to escape the chilly breeze. You heard multiple locks being turned before the door swung open, revealing Chloe. She gave you a grin and pulled you into her beautiful home.

"Thank you for coming, (Y/N)." You returned her smile as you both walked to the living room where Trixie sat on the couch.

"Aunt-y (Y/N)!" She squealed and hugged your plump waist.

"Hey, Trixie! I am glad to see-" You were cut off by loud knocking on Chloe's door.

"I wonder who that could be? I'll be right back."

"So Trixie, what do you want to do today?"

"Movies and ice cream!" She had a cute smile on her face. I was about to reply with a enthusiasm until you heard a very familiar, loud voice.

"Why I am here? Well my date for today canceled again, Chloe. I thought you would like for me to visit you at your lovely home."

'Lucifer! What is he doing here?' I cocked my head in confusion. I watched as he came into the home and his face was full of shock.



"You two know each other?" Chloe asked with a slightly irritated tone.

"How do you two you- Oh! You both are sisters. No wonder Chloe is immune to me like you, (Y/N)." His face turned from realizations to a slight pout. "So you're the reason why (Y/N) has been canceling on me!"

"Wait, wait... You two are dating? Sis, this man thinks he is Satan!" You wanted to facepalm at all the conclusion these two were making.

"No we aren't dating, we are just close friends and I believe he is the real Lucifer, Chloe." You sigh as you try to clear things up. "Anyways, aren't you going to be late for something?"

"Oh yeah! Right, okay I will come back later. Lucifer if you are going to stay, behave yourself!" She almost yelled before leaving Trixie, Lucifer, and I alone.

"Well, isn't this interesting." The Handsome fallen angel smirked towards me. "Now we can hang out today, my dear."

"Not exactly. I still need to watch over Trixie." Your lips became a crooked grin before you went to sit next to Trixie on the couch. "So, what move do you want to watch kid?"

"Let's watch Tangled!" Trixie giggled. You go and put the movie in, only to turn back around to see Lucifer sitting on the couch as far away as he could from your little niece.

"Now I will get your favorite ice cream. Luci, would you like some ice cream?"

"Why yes I would, love." You quickly scamper into your sisters kitchen to prepare the cups of ice cream. You contemplated whether to make a cup for yourself decided against.

'Not like I need it anyways.' You mentally sigh. 'Stop thinking like (Y/N). Don't bring the mood down.' You plastered on a smile and took Luci's and Beatrice's cups out to the both of them.

"Here you guys go." You gave them both their cups before sitting yourself down between the two.

"Where's your ice cream aunty? You usually have a cup when we watch movies." Trixie took a bite out of her ice cream.

"I'm not really hungry this time." You smile but the girl did not seem to believe you.

Halfway through the movie you needed to use the restroom, leaving Beatrice and Lucifer alone to watch Tangled.

"You know, Lucifer." The brown hair girl started, catching his attention. "(Y/N) really likes you. Like how Rapunzel and Flynn love each other."

"And how do you know this, little human?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Because of the way she looks at you silly! You feel the same way too from you look at her as well."

"For a child, you got one thing right." The handsome devil paused. "I do indeed love her."

"Then tell her you big dummy." They both heard you exit the bathroom and shuffle down the hall back to them. "I need to use the restroom!" Trixie scampered off while you sat down. You and Lucifer sat in comfortable silence while watching the movie, not noticing the Devil slowly moving himself closer to him.

"So, a little birdie has told me you have a crush on me, (Y/N)." You jumped at his breath against your ear. "So, why haven't you succumb to my devilish looks?"

"I-I don't know who told you that but please stop." You mumbled, your face felt like fire. You were practically praying for him not to be teasing you for liking him. "If your just going to tease me; save it."

"Tease you? Why on earth would I tease you for something like this?" You say something practically inaudible while looking away from him. "Dear, I cannot hear you when you speak quietly nor when you turn your pretty face away from me. So please, tell me why I would tease you for having a crush on me?" His voice was softer than usual.

"Because, Lucifer! You're out of my league, don't you get it! I am too fat to be with you." You tried keeping your voice down and you tried desperately to keep your tears in. "I have seen the girls you mess around with and I try so hard not to get upset! But I keep falling in love with you but I'm-"

He shut you up with a passionate kiss, his and yours bodies toppled over, leaving the Fallen Angel on top of you. His tongue lightly dragged against your lips as he deepened the kiss, one of his hands tangled in your (hair color) locks. A small, quiet moan slipped from your mouth before Lucifer broke away. His eyes were arsh as he stared down at your flushed face.

"Don't you ever say anything like that about yourself, (Y/N). You are wonderful, beautiful woman and I love every aspect of you. You, in my eyes, are perfection." Lucifer's words sounded so sincere and full of emotions; they made tears flow from your eyes. "Shit, did I say something wrong?"

"N-No, I'm just so h-happy."

"Good, you deserve to be happy, my dear." He smiles before his usual smirk reforms on his face. "Seeing as I confessed my love for you, will we be having hot sexy time in the bedroom?"

"God, did you really have to word it like that?" You laugh loudly.

"And did you really feel the need to bring my father into this?" He chuckled before placing a quick peck on your warm cheeks. "Now lets get back to sitting before the little human spawn catches us." He quickly got up off me and sat close to me with his arm casually around my shoulder. In under ten seconds, Trixie skips back into the front room with a grin on her face. She casually sits next to Lucifer and practically snuggled into his side. His face contorted to disgust as he tried to move away, only for him to let her continue her snuggling.

You laughed at the picture your sister sent you. Last night when she got home, the three of you were asleep, all in a cuddle pile. It was a cute picture with yourself and Lucifer cuddling with Trixie lying comfortably on his lap. Seems like Mr. Doesnt'-Like-Children has a soft spot for your niece. Speaking of the literal devil, he just walked in to your home.

"What's got you all giggle-y my dear?" He asked while approaching you.

"Oh nothing, Luci." You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. "Just that you have a soft spot for Beatrice."

"What? You know I hate children-" You cut him off by showing him the picture. "Oh my Father."

"I think it is adorable you let her sleep on your lap."

"You think the scary Lucifer is adorable?"

"When you have a soft spot for my niece, yes."

"Please stop talking."

"Make me."

"Oh I will." He gave 'the look' before practically pouncing on you. And that was how you spent the rest of the day.