

    Chloe, Lucifer and Dan strolled into your work place, a small bar, glancing around as they approached the bar. You smiled but your smile fell when they looked at you seriously, even Lucifer looked grim.

"(Y/N), we need to clear the bar. We think one of your fellow employees is a suspected arsonist and we need everyone out." Chloe said. "Can you say something to them that won't cause too much panic?"

"Yeah sure thing." You nodded your head and walk out from behind the bar. "Attention customers! There has been an accident in the back. Don't worry, we just need everyone to leave the building. There is a bar a block away." You smiled and while the customers left and co-workers, Dan and Chloe followed them out to make sure they got away.

"You should leave, darling." Lucifer commented, his hand on your back. You smiled and nodded, allowing your best friend Luci to walk you out, until you heard an explosion happen in the back, fire started spreading rapidity thanks to all the alcohol.

"Holy shit!" You screamed, watching how quick the flames surrounded the two of you. Lucifer and you didn't even have a chance to get to the door, you both were trapped in a burning building. The Devil pulled you close to his body, trying to protect you from the flames.

"Oh, not like this, the Devil dying by fire?"

"What are we going to do?" You coughed and cover your eyes; the smoke was starting to affect you badly. Your lungs, throat and eyes burned as you clutched onto Lucifer. You hacked and coughed more and your legs felt weak as the flames roared around in your ears.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking." He glanced around, keeping you close to him. He looked down at your face, his heart felt like it was in a tight hold as you looked at him with a pained expression. He suddenly thought of an idea, a way to get you out.

"Luci...Help..." You wheezed.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I'm getting you out of here, if it's the last thing I do." He said fiercely, placing a surprising kiss on your lips. He slipped off his suit and placed it over your head to try and block any more smoke from harming you and then he picked you up in his arms. You clutched onto his shoulders tightly, keeping your face smothered in his jacket and against his chest. Lucifer walked to the door, the flames hardly affecting him, his only concern here was getting you out.

Luci braced himself before he kicked open the doors, allowing the rubble to fall for a second before stepping through the flames. As he jogged down the steps away from the burning building, Dan and Chloe rushed towards you both, guiding Lucifer to the ambulance while you pulled off the devils suit jacket.. The paramedic had you sit inside the ambulance while he made sure there wasn't any injuries that were severe.

"Do you want you suit jacket back?" You held the dark fabric out for him while the EMT placed an oxygen mask over your face, despite you trying to converse with your friend.

"No, you can keep it as a souvenir from me." He smiled, taking the jacket and placing it around your shoulders. "By the way, what happened to the suspect Detective Douche?"

"He died in the fire, one of the waitresses saw him through the doors pour gasoline on himself before igniting." Dan said, leaning against the ambulance. "You scared us, you know. Chloe and I were terrified you both were going to die."

"Luckily I was there to carry (Y/N) out. The Devil is pretty flame resistant." Dan rolled his eyes, leaving you and Luci alone to talk with Chloe.

"Thanks, for saving my life." You say, lifting the oxygen mask to talk.

"I couldn't have my favorite human dying, can I?"

"About that, you... kissed me back there, what was that about?"

"I thought I was quite clear, dear. I am pretty sure I'm in love with you. That kiss was just instinct, I suppose. A 'in the moment' kind of thing."

"Oh... Well it is safe to say I love you too." You smirk and playfully nudge him. He nudged you back before wrapping his arm around you. You lean against him, still breathing in oxygen, closing your eyes and smiling.

"Our love can never be put out, my dear."

"Dude, literally too soon." You laugh, snuggling into his side.