
Chapter 12

I have been anxious for a few days. I was not allowed to work or even leave the house after leaving the hospital for my prisoner who was not given the right to be released.

"Erdem, someone wants to talk to you." Then finally Reign came too but she was only with Peps.

"Who wants to talk to me?" I'm looking from the outside.

"Peps wants to talk to you."

"Tsk, what's going on? Why don't you let me out then I haven't seen Bebsie since I got into the hospital and got out."

At the same time we sat on the sofa stepping seriously the two seemed to have a bad thing to say.

"You go first." Peps said to Reign.

"Why me? It's you and I hope you didn't say the wrong thing at that time?"

"What do you know if that didn't happen then you talked to Rust so ---"

"What are you going to say?" I stop at two. Both pale and stared. "Maybe you can talk I won't guess."

Reign nodded but Peps retaliated as well.