In the quiet life of an ordinary kid named Vali Shiroyoku, a remarkable and life-changing revelation occurs. Vali, living what he believed to be a normal existence, discovers the astounding truth about his heritage - he is not entirely human. Vali is, in fact, half devil, and he possesses one of the most coveted and powerful artifacts in existence, the Longinus Divine Dividing. This sacred gear, created by God, houses a heavenly dragon named Albion within its mystical confines. As Vali embarks on a quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding his unique bloodline and the incredible power he wields, a sudden twist of fate propels him into an entirely different world. Through a fortuitous accident, Vali finds himself teleported to the enigmatic realm of the Bleach universe. In this extraordinary journey, Vali must navigate the challenges of understanding his dual nature as a half devil while wielding the awe-inspiring abilities of the Divine Dividing. Alongside new allies and facing formidable adversaries, he will confront his true destiny and the potential impact of his existence on both the supernatural world he came from and the captivating, dangerous realm of Bleach. "Vali Shiroyoku: The Devil's Legacy in the Bleach World" is an epic tale of self- discovery, magic, and the interweaving of two fantastical worlds. It follows Vali's quest to unlock the secrets of his divine lineage and harness the incredible power that lies within him, as he journeys through the captivating landscapes of both the supernatural and the soul reaper realms. ------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: Update Stability: You can expect a steady release schedule of 3-4 chapters per week to keep the story flowing and your curiosity piqued. Power Stone Donations: Your support through Power Stone donations is immensely appreciated. If we receive a substantial amount, I'm more than willing to reward your enthusiasm by increasing the number of chapters per week, giving you even more of the story you love. Your contribution makes a significant difference in bringing this adventure to life. Thank you for being a part of this journey!