
Lucifer's Twin

Joel_Ezeugo_8505 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 You Can't Win

After fifteen stars of planning, it was time to remove the King and crown Myself ruler of heaven, the first obstacle was to release Pride from his cage without God knowing but on getting to his prison, he was not there. He is not important, I don't need to absorb the achievements of God I will make my own a

chievements. I and Lucifer flew to the barrier of my Domain, my prison gate and placed our hands on it speaking "REMOVE!!" we said it several times and the gate blasted open, we led our troops to the field of Nemea and I took the horn of war and blew it greatly.

A miniscule time passed and Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Michelle, Rakiel, Azrael all appeared before my host of war numbering three billion Five hundred million, host of angels, darklins and choas all answering to me, three archangels including myself namely Lucifer, Jeruiel and I Facifer.

To show her loyalty to my cause, Darkness had sent her son born of Chaos and two of her griffins with one billion one hundred million troops to aid me in my battles, in all this, the fools that appeared before me felt to come alone, I looked at Lucifer and Jeruiel and they stepped forward to meet Azrael, Gabriel and Uriel. "Lucifer stop this madness at once, you can't possibly win" Uriel broke the silence "Why did God create I and my brother was it not to rule when his time is up but he has been there for seven hundred Stars not showing signs of stepping down anytime soon" Lucifer replies, Jeruiel says"I am just hear to support the true heir to heaven as per my mother's instructions, but I feel if he had allowed his son's to rule in the positions that he promised them, this would not have happened" a sword appears on his neck, "Who are you to speak about the holy affairs of heaven" Gabriel asks "I am Jeruiel, son of Chaos, heir to the throne of Chaos and step brother to Lucifer and Facifer" Gabriel steps back in fear but Azrael steps forward and kneels, "My Prince welcome to heaven".

I raise my voice "Michael this war, you cannot win, we know the weakness of Metatron, the information of your troops and we have the blessings of two primordials, the Divine Father of Chaos and Divine Mother of Darkness, join us and let me take what is rightfully mine? or die trying" immediately I finished speaking a loud voice that made the angelic host following me tremble replied "You say you know my weakness, my weakness, do you even truly know who I am? oh son of God" immediately there was a tear in space and once he appeared, Lucifer and Jeruiel appeared by my side but Azrael became immediately bound in golden chains that seared his skin slowly, he screamed loudly but his voice could not be heard as he was forcefully shut by the being who had appeared, a mighty three faced being with twelve wings and six arms all equipped with six weapons, a golden armor on his chest and four legs with his claws covered in gold, the grand commander of the host of heaven, king of the Archangels, Metatron in all his glory and Majesty, a being of indescribable power, a sixty foot tall deity of war "You claim to know my weakness, show me my weakness!!!!" immediately I raised my hands and a veil tore to my right and out came five forty foot tall creatures looking exactly the same as Metatron but covered in Dark armors from head to toe, with twelve wings each all made of dark glass, I clapped my hands and they merged turning into a two hundred foot tall being with a thousand faces and thirty arms all equipped with weapons made out of dark glass but it had two legs with claws and two great wings that could cover my army five times, I smiled and looked over at Metatron but what I noticed made me frown, he was happy, I could read the excitement on his face "Even in the face of certain death, you are happy Metatron, have you finally lost it? kneel and I will show you mercy" he looked at me "So my teacher finally finished the thousand faced chaotic war god but he forgot to tell you my secret, yes this will keep me at bay for quite some time but believe you me I will come out victorious" I laughed "Yes I know but I just needed you to be occupied while I and Lucifer handle father, Ha Ha Ha" Metatron laughed harder and said, "you are too young to defeat him, even the two primordials cannot defeat him, he is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient, ruler of heaven and the Omniverse, the Divine King of the Omniverse, I will tell you what you told Michael, listen very well because I will say this once, YOU CAN'T WIN!!!!!!!!!".