

They opposed each other over the things they believed, yet, their hearts were in cadence in the same rhythm. In a world where opposing beliefs collide, Ebony Greane finds herself caught between two worlds. As an adopted daughter of the city's wealthiest businessman, she navigates the complexities of high school, facing both envy and bullying from her peers. But her life takes a dark turn when she discovers a shocking truth about herself - she is the daughter of Lucifer, destined to inherit hell. Amidst the chaos, a new student named Zayn Dubree enters the scene, captivating the hearts of every girl in school. Little does Ebony know, Zain is not just an ordinary student - he is a messenger sent to guide her through her newfound destiny. As Ebony grapples with her responsibilities, she is torn between her duty to become the queen of hell and her desire to close the gates of inferno forever. As Ebony fights against her fate, she must confront her own dark guardian angel and resist the allure of Zayn, Lucifer's assistant. Will she find a way to shut down hell and bring goodness to humanity, or will she succumb to the temptations of power and love? In this gripping tale of self-discovery and forbidden love, Ebony's journey will keep you on the edge of your seat, questioning the boundaries between light and darkness.

Gnaipafe · Fantasy
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24 Chs


The dance studio came alive with the first rays of sunlight, casting a warm glow on the polished wooden floors. Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting the passion and dedication of the dancers as they gathered for their morning practice. The room was filled with the sound of soft music playing in the background, setting the rhythm and mood for the day's session.

The walls were adorned with vibrant posters and photographs, showcasing the artistry and grace of dancers from different genres and eras, inspiring the current generation to strive for greatness.The air was infused with a delicate scent of fresh flowers and a hint of rosin, a reminder of the countless hours of practice and dedication poured into each movement.

Ms. Johnson, the esteemed dance instructor, stood at the front of the studio, radiating confidence and expertise. As the dancers took their designated spots on the studio floor, a sense of camaraderie and excitement filled the air.

The morning dance practice commenced, and Ms. Johnson took charge, assigning partners and determining their designated spots on the studio floor.

Ebony's heart skipped a beat as she was partnered with the guy who had caught her eye during the tryouts. A smile played on his lips as he looked at her and remarked, "Seems like Ms. Johnson has made some excellent decisions."

Confused by his comment, Ebony stammered, "What do you mean?"

Still smiling, the guy introduced himself, saying, "I'm Nathan Brooks, and you must be Ebony Greene." Before Ebony had a chance to reciprocate, he continued, "How could I not know your name? You don't need to be super popular for someone like me to notice you." They both shared a lighthearted giggle, their connection growing.

Within the studio, unbeknownst to Ebony and Nathan, a group of girls, led by Wendy, watched with less-than-pleased expressions as they took note of the pairing. The sight did not sit well with them, fueling a sense of unease and discontent.

During the bustling lunchtime, just days before the highly anticipated prom, Ebony made her way to the canteen, eager to reunite with her friends at their usual spot. However, to her surprise, the table sat empty, devoid of the familiar laughter and camaraderie she had grown accustomed to. It seemed that, for the first time in a while, she would be dining alone.

The weight of her busy schedule weighed heavily on Ebony's shoulders. In addition to her commitments to the dance club, she had been tirelessly perfecting her solo routine for the prom. The hours spent practicing had kept her away from her friends during lunch, and now she felt the void of their absence acutely.

A sense of awkwardness washed over her as she glanced around, desperately searching for her companions, but they were nowhere to be found.

As Ebony tried to immerse herself in eating her meal solo, her heart sank when she noticed the Fabgurls approaching her. Dread filled her as she sensed trouble brewing. Wendy led the group, with her sister Sarah trailing behind, a sight that still pained Ebony, as their bond had been strained leading to a gap between them when they were at school even though they supported each other at home.

Wendy wasted no time, stopping right in front of Ebony's table, and sneered, "Oh, I thought you were hoping to become popular. Have you been working too hard to be the teacher's pet and get partnered with Nathan?"

Wendy's gaze held a hint of disdain, especially during dance practice when Ebony was partnered with Nathan Brooks, Wendy's ex-boyfriend. Ebony tried to focus on her lunch, attempting to ignore the tension that hung in the air. But Wendy had other plans. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she deliberately knocked Ebony's hand, causing her food to spill.

Ebony's eyes darted towards her sister, desperately seeking support, but Sarah averted her gaze, leaving Ebony to fend for herself. It became clear that she could no longer rely on her sister to shield her from Wendy's bullying. With a deep breath, Ebony summoned her inner strength and confronted Wendy, determined to stand up for herself.

Ebony asked, her voice laced with composure, "What do you want from me, Wendy?"

Wendy chuckled, relishing in the opportunity to exert power. "Why? Do you think you can challenge me? You're nothing but a desperate wannabe." She continued to taunt, "Look around you, Ebony. You're all alone because nobody likes you. You're a pathetic loner, a joke. Even your so-called friends talk and laugh behind your back."

"That's not true." Ebony struggled to maintain her composure, her patience waning as Wendy's words struck a nerve. Where were her friends when she needed them the most? Why weren't they here to support her?

But Wendy's words cut deep, piercing through Ebony's poise. The pain of her words reverberated within Ebony's heart. She glanced around, searching for her friends, wondering why they weren't there when she needed them most. Doubt and loneliness threatened to consume her.

Feeling overwhelmed, Ebony abruptly stood up from her table and promptly made her way towards the back of the building where she heard familiar voices. She followed the sound of recognizable laughter, which led her to the Coliseum, where the prom was to be held. To her surprise and relief, she discovered her friends, gathered closely together, happily enjoying their lunch. Their laughter filling the grand structure.

She paused, an unexpected pang tugging at her heart. How could she have not realized how much she missed these simple moments of camaraderie?

Mustering her courage, she was about to stride across the coliseum to join them when Luna's voice stopped her in her tracks. "I wish Ebony was here with us."

Seized with anticipation, Ebony held her breath, poised to reveal herself when Mia's next words shattered her excitement. "Leave her, Luna. She seems to be focusing more on her fame, becoming self-centered. It seems like we are losing the old Ebony."

Stunned into silence, Ebony withdrew into the shadows, her heart heavy with the weight of Mia's words. She felt a growing fissure in her group of friends, particularly between her and Mia.

Overwhelmed by a flurry of emotions, Ebony retreated to a quieter corner of the coliseum, reflecting on her behavior. Slowly, Mia's words began to take shape, forming a mirror in which she was forced to see herself. Was she really becoming self-centered? Had her pursuit of personal recognition caused her to drift away from her friends?

Resolute to make amends, she decided to put her fame on hold and prioritize her friends over her dance practice for the prom. She had practiced enough, and it was time to focus on mending the overpowering distance that had grown between her and her dear friends.

Returning to the coliseum, she saw her friends still there, engrossed in their lunchtime chatter. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into their circle.

"Hey, guys, can I join you?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly. An awkward silence descended upon the group as they looked at her, surprise flashing across their faces.

Luna broke the silence first, a hopeful glint appearing in her eyes. "Of course, Ebony! We were just talking about you."

Ebony winced at the statement, anticipating another derogatory remark from Mia. However, she was determined to address the issue head-on. "I overheard what you guys were discussing about me," she confessed, "especially what Mia said. I want you to know that I'm truly sorry if I came across as self-centered."

A murmur of surprise swept through the group, but Ebony forged ahead, eager to clear the air. "My focus on the prom performance and the potential fame perhaps made me lose sight of our bond. But I want to make amends. From today onwards"

Their surprised gasps filled the otherwise quiet coliseum. Luna was the first to break their stunned silence. "Are you serious, Ebony? You're ditching rehearsal to help with decorations?"

Ebony nodded, her resolute eyes meeting Luna's. "Yes. After all, I'm part of this too, and I should contribute more than just the dance. And most importantly, I've missed hanging out with all of you."

Her words hung heavy in the air, and the silence that followed was nerve-wracking. Finally, the tension eased as Mia's stern expression softened, and a small, albeit reluctant, smile tweaked at the corners of her lips.

"All right, Drama Queen. We could use an extra pair of hands. Grab a paintbrush and let's see your decoration skills," Mia teased, her words lightening the mood.

Excitement bubbled within Ebony as her friends welcomed her into the fold. She savored the experience, decorating, laughing, and engaging in playful banter.