
Lucifer's Hearthstone

When the devil gets attracted to one particular Woman, he would do anything to claim her as his own. The devil gets what he wants, even if it means killing everyone on his path. What happens when Lucifer leaves his throne to earth just for one woman named Skylar Green? What will happen when Skyler meets the famous billionaire Lucas ? What will happen when she finds out that Lucas was actually Lucifer from hell in disguise and not a human? Will she accept him or be scared of him ? How would Lucifer make her fall for him ? Find out in Lucifer's hearthstone

AuthorZamsii321 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

My Other Half

" yes, my other half, my woman " Lucifer said proudly, as he walked closer to the bed where Skyler was sleeping.

" hmm " Jared hummed " what happened to her "

" she was whipped before I could get there to save her " Lucifer said as he removed a strand of hair from Skyler's face.

" shit, they must have beaten her till she fainted " Jared said, his voice rose a little bit high and Lucifer glared at him.

" sorry hehe " he waved his hand. " I'll just go to my room " he said getting up from the chair.

" you should have done that before " Lucifer said and Jared grinned before leaving the room while closing the door behind him.

When Jared finally left the room for the couples, Lucifer went to sit beside Skyler staring at her peaceful face. The maids had changed her clothes to a sleeping night gown.

Her black long hair was scattered all over the pillow, her lips were pale. His eyes landed on the mark on her left cheek, his eyes darkened again but then he had punished those humans who had dared to touch her.

He raised his hand ever so carefully as he touched her soft cheek, rubbing it gently with his thumb till the mark disappeared without a trace.

" my angel, I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me " he said softly.

Glancing at the time, it was 3:00 in the morning. He got up from the bed kissing her forehead softly " have a good rest, you'll be fine " he said and was about to go when he felt his hand was grabbed by Skyler's tiny ones.

He stopped on his tracks and stared at thier connected hands, he stared back at her and saw her furrowed brows, walking back to the bed, he sat back on it.

" my angel, you want me to stay with you " he said.

" don't go " Skyler let out a small voice even as she was still unconcious, she tightened her hold on his hand more.

" ok I'll stay with you alright " he said and smoothed her brows.




When it was morning, Skyler still hadn't woken up but she held Lucifer's hand. He sat all night just staring at her peaceful face and thier connected hands.

She was a really a pretty girl, there was a knock the door and Lucifer knew it was the servants who had come to prepare his bath as usual.

He tried to remove his hand as gentle as he could but Skyler hold was tight even for a woman. He finally gave up " come in " he said.

Three maid servants entered the room with their heads bowed " good morning Master Lucas " they greeted in unison.

" hmm " Lucifer hummed to their greetings.

They dared not raise their heads up " Master, should we set your bath now or come back later " Maria, one of the maid said.

" do set my bath and leave immediately " he said without looking at them.

They bowed their heads again and left for the bathroom, on reaching the bathroom, they finally let out a sigh of relief.

" omg, I find it hard to breathe when facing master Lucas " Maria said whispering.

" me too, master Lucas is really scary " Joan whispered back as they began to set Lucifer's bath.

" could it be that the girl who is sleeping on master Lucas's bed is a special person " Natasha said.

" hm-mh " Joan shrugged her shoulders " is it because he brought her to his room "

" of course, you know he has never brought in any woman in this room before, I'm just saying " Natasha said pouting her lips.

" yes we all know that, she is lucky and pretty too " Maria said.

They kept on whispering not knowing the Master of the house was listening to all they were saying. He didn't bother himself as all his attention was on the person sleeping in front of him.

When the maids were done, they came out of the bath bowing their heads " Master, your bath is ready " Natasha said.

" hmm " Lucifer hummed again.

But the servant were still standing on thier spot not moving an inch. " what are you still standing there for " he asked them in calm voice without looking at them.

" uh, would master want us to bath him " Joan asked.

" No, you can go out now " Lucifer said.

The three servants bow their heads and left the room closing the door behind them. Joan let out a huff sound walking down the stairs, they dare not use the elevator.

" what's wrong with you " Maria asked.

" I really want to run my hands over his smooth skin again " Joan said pouting her lips.

" oh, you pervert that's why you bravely asked such question to master Lucas, even Natasha who is this brave one among us didn't ask anything " Maria said.

" you know how beautifully endowed master Lucas body is, I just can't get enough of him and his sweet voice " Joan said.

" you better stop dreaming, master Lucas doesn't even spare us a glance " Maria said.

" I don't really care, I just want to keep staring at him " Joan said as they climbed down the stairs.


Chris had been calling Skyler's phone ever since they couldn't find her in Williams mansion. They had searched for her location but they couldn't find her.

" Fuck " Chris cursed closing his eyes as he rested his head against the wall.

" she isn't picking up " Mr Ken asked, he had been worried about Skyler just like Chris, he hadn't sleep well last night. Skyler was like a daughter to him, he had taken care of her since she was little.

If anything were to happen to her... He pray nothing happened to her.

" No, it's like she doesn't want to be found. I've even ask her if she went home but she said she hadn't seen Sky. My guess is that someone took her and did a good job by hiding her " Chris said angrily.

" keep searching till she's found " Kendrick said, Skyler had never failed any mission this was the first time. He had personally trained her himself.




Three days passed and Skyler still didn't wake up, the maids kept on cleaning her and changed her clothes.

On the fourth day, in the afternoon. Skyler's eyes fluttered open but then she closed her eyes back due to the bright light coming from the window.

She opened her eyes again and tried readjusting her eyes with the light, she groaned as she looked around the strange place she was in.

This wasn't her room, this wasn't the SA base then where was she ?. Sitting up on the bed she looked around the room.

The room was screaming of luxury, the bed was incredibly soft, beautiful chandelier hanging on the glass ceiling.

She could see her reflection on the ceiling and then, she saw the clothes she was wearing. She looked at herself, light pink night dress.

Where the hell was she ?

What happened ?

Getting up from the bed, she tried walking up ended up falling to the ground with a loud thud " ahh " she had twisted her ankle.

" Fuck " she cursed as she tried to sit back on the bed, but then she felt pains all over her body.

The door suddenly opened and three servants walked in, they were no other than Natasha, Joan and Maria.

" oh, you're awake " Maria said and they rushed over to where Skyler was sitting on the white marble floor.

Skyler stared at them with confusion, who are these people ? Where was she actually.

" I'm Natasha, and this is Joan and Maria. We are your servants " Natasha introduced.

" servants " Skyler said, her throat felt dry as she hadn't eaten or tasted water for the past four days.

" please drink some water " Joan said trying to nice with their master's new guest.

Skyler accepted the water, and asked for more which they gave to her, after drinking enough water. She tried getting up from the ground but her body was so weak.

The maids helped her up to sit back on the bed " look, I don't have any servants, probably you mistook me for someone else. I'm grateful for your generosity but please can I have my clothes back and be on my way " Skyler said.

" I'm sorry ma'am, but you have to wait for master Lucas to return " Natasha said.

" What ? Are guys kidding me, and who the hell is master Lucas " Skyler said.

" The master of this mansion, he was the one who brought you here. You were badly injured and we had to wash and dress you up " Joan said.

" what ? Where's my phone " Skyler asked already getting annoyed.

" we have no idea ma'am, when master Lucas returns you can ask him for it , I'm sure he will give it to you " Natasha said.

" Shit " Skyler cursed.

" ma'am are you okay " Natasha asked.

" just leave me alone, I want to be alone and when this master of yours comes back let me know " Skyler said laying back on the bed.

" as you wish ma'am rest well, we will be back " Natasha said and they left closing the door.

" she's kind of harsh to us while we're being nice to her " Joan said.

" well, you know she just woke up, let her rest a bit " Maria said.

When Skyler heard the sound of the door closed shut, she turned around to look before getting off the bed. She started searching the room for her clothes and phone.

The room was so big, she limped into the closet and saw different clothes and shoes hanged. There were all men wears, she couldn't find her clothes anywhere.

Biting her lips in frustrated, she searched round the room till she was tried and she gave up. Walking up to the door, she opened it and peeped outside the room but couldn't see anyone in sight.

Everywhere was so quiet and not a single sound, closing the door, she tried to remember what happened. And then she saw flashes of images in her memory.

She was chained in a room when Williams and his men had whipped her hard, she had bit him and he had slapped her so hard.

Walking back to the closet, she checked the mirror to see her face but surprisingly her face was smooth without any mark on it.

She had expected to see a slap mark on her cheek but there was none, she checked her body and almost screamed when she saw red scary marks on her hands and all over her body.

That son of a bitch she will make him pay, going to sit back on the bed. Looks like she will have to wait for this master of the mansion to return back and then she can leave after taking her clothes and phone back.

Glancing at the time, it was 4pm in the evening when will he return back for God sake.

Skyler didn't know when she slept off but when she woke up again it was night time. ' oh God, she had slept off till night while waiting ' she said in her mind and sat up on the bed immediately.

Just as she was about getting off the bed, she noticed someone sitting on a chair close to the bed, it was a man.

No, a beautiful man.

He reminded her of the blue eyed man she had seen at the restaurant and her dream.

Who was he ?

Was he the master of the mansion ?

What was he doing here sitting close to her ?

Was this his room and this was his bed ? Oh God, she was sleeping on a man's bed. What if he... What if he, No, no he wouldn't dare.

Staring at him, he seems to be asleep as he rested his face on his hand with his eyes closed. He looked peaceful, when she saw that he was about waking up Skyler quickly lay back on the bed pretending to be asleep.

Lucifer opened his eyes with a smile on his face, he knew she was staring at him and he pretended to be asleep to know what she will do, but seeing her pretending to be asleep was really cute.

" you can stop pretending, I know you're awake " he said to see her eyes snapped open.

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