
Lucifer's Hearthstone

When the devil gets attracted to one particular Woman, he would do anything to claim her as his own. The devil gets what he wants, even if it means killing everyone on his path. What happens when Lucifer leaves his throne to earth just for one woman named Skylar Green? What will happen when Skyler meets the famous billionaire Lucas ? What will happen when she finds out that Lucas was actually Lucifer from hell in disguise and not a human? Will she accept him or be scared of him ? How would Lucifer make her fall for him ? Find out in Lucifer's hearthstone

AuthorZamsii321 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Home Sweet Home

She was finally going home !

Skyler took of her sunglass as she was now inside the car, she quietly ate the hamburger Lucifer had bought for her.

She was still shocked that she hadn't realized that he was the CEO of the Grey's corporation. Why didn't he just tell her.

It explains why he had such a big mansion with several servants working for him, she had saw many cars parked in his garage.

But then, why was he kind to her ?

He had saved her from Williams clutches that night, how did he know she was in danger ?

How did he know where she was and had come to save her ?

She had expected Chris to come with some of their men to her aid, but instead it was an unknown stranger which she later found out who actually was.

He had taken care of her while she was still unconcious as she had realized that she had stayed in his mansion for five days, she had woken up the fourth day.

What did he do to Williams and his men ?

Skyler stared at him , he was usually quiet and focused on the road.

He had bought her clothes and shoes, even food to eat as she was hungry. It was as if he knew her, she remembered the first time she had saw him at the restaurant, but he disappeared before she could fully assess him.

Had he truly disappeared, or was she hallucinating ?

She had seen him in her dreams

Then Skyler's mind returned back to the clothing store, he had asked her to be his girlfriend in front of everyone.

Did he mean what he said ?

Was he serious about it ?

Glancing at him again, she heard him ask " Did you have anything you want to say ".

Maybe she should ask him if he was serious about it " Did you mean what you said at the clothing store "

" What would you do if I said yes I meant every word I said to you " he said still not looking at her.

" Well....I don't know what to say, I mean do we know each other before "

" Does it matter if we knew ourselves "

" Yes, I want to know "

" Would you accept if we knew ourselves "

" I don't know "

" Hmm " Lucifer hummed, its seems it would be hard to make her fall for him.

Skyler didn't ask him anything again as she now stare outside the window biting her lips with her hands holding the vanilla yogurt.

Lucifer glanced at her, he had heard all her thoughts while he was driving. He would have made her fall for him by himself but then he wanted her to open up her heart to him willingly.


Jared had just finished attending the meeting with the boards of directors, after they had left he walked down the hallway going to the elevator.

Where the meeting took place was at the 5th floor, he glanced at his wrist watch and saw the time was 5 in the evening.

Lucifer was not back yet, he had his hands in his pocket. He wore a turtle neck black shirt and black trousers.

His body was well built exposing his hard muscles and chest underneath his clothes. Jared didn't have time for the ladies in the company, but he knew many of them were trying so hard to get his attention.

But as usual he ignored them, he knew he was handsome with his emerald green eyes and shiny black hair.

He knew how charming his smile was, as he walked along the hallway. Opposite him was Kate Hudson, the lady who had come earlier to the office to inform him about the meeting which he just attended to.

He knew she had been trying to get his attention as she was always anywhere he was in the company apart Lucifer's office.

She was coming towards him with a smile etched on her lips, she was holding a file in her hand. He noticed that her skirt which she wore was pulled up exposing a bit of her thighs.

He also noticed she left the top button of her white shirt open exposing her boobs a little, shaking his head internally he scoffed and chuckled.

Only if she knew she was just wasting her time to seduce him, she would have stopped all she was doing and instead work for her money rather than spending her time trying to seduce him.

They were now close to each other now, she greeted him and he nodded his head accepting her greetings. Just when he wanted to pass her by, she did something that he did not expect her to do.

Kate purposely twisted her ankle as she had wore heels, she gasped and then fell on him using his body to surpport herself.

The file she was holding in her hand fell to the ground as she stared wide eyed at him. Jared held her in her waist, he had not expected her to purposely fall on him.

When he realized he was still holding her, he pulled her away from his body so she could stand on her feets.

" Were you not watching were you were going " he said.

" I'm... I'm sorry sir, I twisted my ankle.... I didn't mean to fall on you, it was an accident " Kate said.

' Accident indeed ' Jared said in his mind " Really, are you sure it was an accident " he said raising his left brow up.

" I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again " Kate said.

" I hope so " Jared said and started walking close to her and Kate moved back till her back hit the wall behind her, she gulped hard when she saw how close he was to her now.

Jared smirked as he placed his hand on the wall, he leaned close to her such that thier faces were so close. He leaned forward and whispered into her left ear " I knew it wasn't an accident, I knew you purposely twisted your ankle so you can fall on me "

" I knew you have been trying to get my attention everyday, I just want you to know that you should stop trying so hard and instead focus on getting paid or else..."

Jared then back away from her and was staring down at her as he was quite taller than her, he smiled and said " I'll will get you sacked, understood ? "

Kate was shocked to hear all what he said, she gulped hard as he knew all what she had been doing, though it wasn't only her that was trying but most of the ladies too in the company.

She was so shock to move her lips to talk and she heard him repeat his words again " understood " this time no smile on his lips.

She nodded her head " understood sir " she finally said.

" Good, same goes to the other ladies I would like you to pass down the information " Jared said and left her alone in the hallway.

While walking away there was a devilish smirk playing on his lips. He finally got into the elevator going back to the office which was at the top floor.

Kate finally moved her body which were glued to the wall, she released the breath she was holding and breathed out.

Picking up the file on the ground, she stared at the place which Jared just left, she shook her head and continued walking down the hallway.

When Jared got back to the office, he sat on his chair throwing his head back, when his ears caught what a reporter was saying on the TV.

' Lucas Grey, CEO of the Grey's corporation was caught live at MILLICENT CLOTHING STORE with a young girl, some said the young girl was his girlfriend, while some said...... '

Raising his head up, Jared saw Lucifer walking out of the clothing store with a girl which he knew was none other than his other half.

So this was the mysterious girl after all, he couldn't see her face as she had a sunglass over her eyes. He saw crowds of people surrounding them.

But didn't Lucifer told him that his other half was in danger, cause she looked fine to him on the TV, or was it an excuse to escape the meeting to be with her ?

What a nice excuse Lucifer ! Jared said in his mind clicking his tongue in annoyance.




It was late in the night when Skyler got back home, Lucifer parked the car some distance away from her apartment.

" Is this where you live " he asked as if he just knew for the first time.

" Yes, I live here "

" You have a lovely apartment " he said.

" Thank you "

" Which floor did you occupy "

" The sixth floor.... why did you ask "

" Just asking " Lucifer said and finally stared at her and then glanced at the back of the car where the packages were.

" Why don't I help you get your things inside before I leave " he said to see her wave her hands at him and the yogurt she was holding in her hand got spilled on his face.

" Oh my God, I'm so sorry " Skyler gasped as she brought her hands forward to wipe his face when he caught her wrist.

They both stared at each other for some seconds before he finally smiled " don't worry you'll only rub it more on my face " he said releasing her wrist and brought out his handkerchief to wiped his face clean.

" I... I wanted to tell you that I could carry them myself, you don't need to worry yourself " Skyler said.

" I insist to ..... "

" Please let me carry them myself, I'm thankful for what you've done for me for the past five days and even brought me home too, I really appreciate you " Skyler said.

" Hmm, If that's what you want "

" Thank you "

" Good night then " he said

" Good night " Skyler said and unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.

She opened the back seat door and took the packages closing the door back, and started walking to her apartment.

Lucifer stayed back in the car and watched her entered into her apartment and closed the door shut, he sighed " Good night, my angel " he said and finally drove back to his mansion after he knew she was safe.

When Skyler finally got to her room, she dropped the packages on the ground, she removed her sneakers and hoodie leaving her with only her bra and jean.

She had wore a bra and panties when she was at the clothing store, she had only wore Lucifer's shirt with nothing inside.

Skyler discarded the remaining clothes from her body and rushed into her bathroom, she turn on the shower as cold water poured on her body cooling her down.

When she was done bathing, she tied a towel on her body, she walked out of the bathroom to her walk-in closet to put on her pajamas.

After dressing herself and drying her hair, she was tired to start unpacking the packages that she had brought with her, so she decided she would do it tomorrow.

Just as she got to her bedroom to sleep, she almost jumped out in fright when she saw Chris sitting on her bed.

" Oh my God, Chris when did you get in.... " she couldn't finish her line when Chris hugged her so tight that she felt the air leaving her lungs.

Disengaging from the hug, Chris pulled back and scanned her from head to toe " is this really you " he said.

" Is there any other Skyler you know "

" You're alive "

" Of course, I'm alive " Skyler said giggling, she didn't realize how much she had missed him until tonight.

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