
390 - Snake's Tears

"..." Noah slowly opened his eyes, taking a deep breath, feeling rested. In front of his eyes was the now already familiar image of the guest-room he had in Carlos' house, a large bed, and his wardrobe. He sighed, relieved of his tension and accumulated stress, a grin on his mouth. 

"So peaceful..." he muttered to himself looking at the window to see the colors of the sunset peering through the blinds. 'Now that I think of it...' he furrowed his brows, as something felt slightly off. 'it's far too peaceful,' he thought to himself, shaking his feet, which did without any trouble.

'Lilith?!' he gasped, his eyes wandering around the room in a hurry, looking for the ever-present snake that was now missing from the usual suffocating welcome completely missing.

'Did you finally wake up?' her voice rang into his head, calming Noah down, although he himself missed entirely the distressed behavior he showed to only himself.