
123 - Question

---Noah POV---

Hearing what he said, I finally realized what happened. I know that I am getting stronger over time, much stronger than a normal person would be if they just trained. What many took years or decades to achieve, I managed to achieve in just two or three weeks, so at one point, I may have lost some of my common sense, but at that point I was practically unbeatable for certain people with Rank D Blessings.

Even though it's someone like Merc who probably should be at the top of Rank D while I wasn't even officially classified as Rank D on the GBC app, because of the versatility of my skills, and Lilith's help, I got to a level that if I wanted, I could just run away from any situation and beat my opponent in wear and tear. Not to mention the countless possibilities that I had of skills that I still haven't received because I haven't yet leveled up.