


"Kala, Sasha, and I are going to go shop for homecoming dresses, wanna come?" Alisa asks. 

"I'd love to, but I can't leave Orlando alone." 

"He can just come with us." Sasha comments. 

I sigh. 

"I know but-" 

"Orlando seems pretty busy, so I don't think he'll mind you going." 

I look at the girls, who are staring at something behind me. I turn to see Orlando walk out of the school with Audrey. My face is frozen in shock. Orlando seems to notice my presence and walks towards the girls and me. 

"You can leave. I'm going to go hang out with my new friend, Audrey, for a bit. She'll drop me off at Lux later, so don't wait up."  

With that, Orlando turns to go back to Audrey. She gives me a smirk before they walk towards the parking lot together. I feel my blood starting to boil. 

"What was that about? Did you tell him the beef you and Audrey have?" 

"Of course, I did." 

"Then he must be mad at you are something to do such a thing." Alisa states. 

"Well, I know that Orlando is uncomfortable with Brian and I's relationship. I told him yesterday that no matter how he felt, I loved Brian, and I'm happy in the relationship I'm in. I even suggested for him to go out and find a homecoming date." 

"Figures," Sasha says. "I can't believe he would ask Audrey, though." 

"Well, maybe he just wants to be friends with her," Kala adds.

"Kala. Anyone boy that wants to be close with Audrey is just in it for sex or something sexual." 

"Guys, Orlando is not like that. He probably just wants to get back at me or something." I state. 

The girls nod, agreeing with my statement. 

"Well, we better leave now before there's traffic," Alisa says. 

"Alright, I'll meet you guys there." 

About thirty minutes later, we're all in a boutique on this street called. Alisa and I browse the dress aisle while the twins are in the dressing rooms. 

"Have you found anything yet?" Alisa asks. 

"Nope, nothing to my liking." 

"Come on. There are so many cute things here. You're just so picky when it comes to clothes." 

"I know, I know." 

I hear a pair of rushed footsteps heading our direction. I turn to see that it's Sasha and Kala. Sasha is wearing a deep purple satin slip dress, and Kala is wearing a pastel pink flare dress with an exposed back, both of the dresses being above the knee. 

"Wow, you guys look beautiful," I comment. 

"Thanks," Kala blushes. 

"Yeah, you guys look amazing," Alisa adds. 

"Bitch, I know," Sasha states. 

We all laugh at her comment. Sasha the twin that always speaks her mind.

"Have you guys found anything yet?" Sasha questions. 

"I've found a couple of things," Alisa says. "But Yvi told me she hasn't." 

"Come on, Yvi, you gotta look a bit deeper. This place is our go-to, so I got faith in it." 

Sasha lightly pushes me to the side so she can look through the dresses to help me find some. I let her do her work, and in about five minutes, Sasha pulls out this beautiful white dress that I knew I had to try on. My eyes light up, seeing it. 

"See, I'm a miracle worker." 

Sasha hands me the dress, and I take it, rushing to the dressing room to try it on. 

"Hey, can one of you guys come in here to help me zip this up?" 

"Sure!" I hear one of the girls say. 

Kala comes into my dressing room and zips up my dress in a matter of seconds. I turn to face her, and she gasps. 

"What? Is something wrong?" I ask worriedly. 

"No, nothing is wrong. You just look gorgeous." She admits. 

I blush at her comment, and she calls Alisa and Sasha over. 

"Damn Yvi, look at you!" Sasha exclaims. 

"You look stunning." Alisa compliments. 

I thank them all, stepping out of the dressing room and face the enormous mirror at the end of the hall.  

I step closer to the mirror and admire myself in the dress. Old Yvi would've laughed at the thought of that. I can't help but shed a few tears as I continue to look at myself. 

"Awe, don't cry." Kala coos, rushing over to hug me. 

"I'm sorry," I say, wiping away a few tears that are running down my face. "I'm just really happy." 

"That's nothing to cry about. Save those tears for when they're actually needed." She giggles.  

I nod, composing myself. 

"I can't believe that homecoming is this weekend." 

"Well, you best believe it!" Kala exclaims, playfully slapping my shoulder.