

(WARNING: In this chapter, the characters are going to be investigating the death of a minor. The descriptions of the injuries will be kind of graphic and there will be talk of sexual assault/human trafficking. If you're sensitive to those topics, I suggest you not read Lucifer's POV of this chapter..) 

I step into the penthouse, immediately sighing.  

I suspect that Lucifer isn't home, so I head straight to my room. I open the door and see Orlando laying on 'his' bed, reading a book. 

"What are you reading?" I question. 

"Its called . We're reading this in English and I just can't put it down." 

I smile sitting beside his laying body. 

"Look, I understand what's going on with you now-" 

Orlando looks at me anxiously.

"I understand that Brian and I's relationship upsets you. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but he's my boyfriend and I'm happy." I explain. "Maybe it's best that you find someone, maybe a date to homecoming. It could be a double date!" 

Orlando sighs. 

"Oh," He mutters. "Fine, I will." 

"Now that's the spirit! Now come on, get some sleep. It's pretty late." 

"Alright, goodnight." Orlando calmly says. 

He turns his body over to face the wall. I walk to the bathroom to get myself ready for bed. Once done, I walk back into my room and hop into bed. I roll around on the mattress for about thirty minutes not being able to sleep. Ever since Orlando walked into my human life, nothing has been the same. It's like I've been walking on eggshells lately. All I want to do is pull my hair out every minute. Today has been great and all, with Brian, asking me to be his homecoming date, but I know that Orlando has a problem with that. I'm not clueless, I know that Orlando is in love with me. I'm not sure how to feel about it. I was doing so well with Brian, and then Orlando just shows up, confusing the hell out of me. I love Brian, but Orlando will always have a special place in my heart. He was the first guy I ever was close to. I just don't know if I love Orlando in a brotherly way, or something else. 

I'm awakened by the morning's sun beaming on my face. I rub my eyes, as they are sore from only sleeping for five hours. I sit up and stretch myself as my muscles are tense. 


My eyes shift over to Orlando he's also sat up, massaging his temples. 

"I think it's time to get ready." 

"Unfortunately," I laugh. 

Orlando stays quiet, walking out of the room with a hand full of clothes in his arms.



My eyes slowly open as I'm awakened from my slumber. I rub my lids, not being able to see clearly. I look over to my left to see Yvi standing over me. 

"Orlando, or , and I are going to school. I'll see you later." 

"Alright, goodbye. Have a good day." I groan. 

Yvi smiles, walking out of my room and into the elevator with Orcus. When I hear the elevator doors shut, I sit up, stretching out my sore arms and back. My cell phone begins to ring and I answer it immediately, seeing that it's Chloe. 

"Detective!" I exclaim. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" 

"Good morning Lucifer. I just wanted to call and tell you that last night, Jordan Mendes confessed to having two of his men go out to look for Tia after she was reporting missing, and ended up finding her in a suitcase in the trunk of some middle-aged man's car. So Mr. Boucher's story checks out. We now have to interview Mr. Mendes again so meet me at the station ASAP." 


I'm interrupted by the call ending. I scoff, throwing my phone onto the soft mattress. I go into my bathroom and get ready for the day, brushing my teeth, showering, styling my hair, and so on. Once finished, I change into a white dress shirt with a black matching blazer and slacks. I slip into my (dress shoes) and tie them. Once finished I grab my necessities like my phone, wallet, and flask. After I rush out of the building and into the parking lot. I hop into my Corvette and speed my way to the station. Many honks and running red lights later, I arrive and rushing into the station. I walk down the steps and am faced with Chloe. 

"Hm, on time," She points. "A first in the history of us working together." 

"I take our work very seriously, Detective," I smirk. 

She just rolls her eyes playfully. 

"Come on, Jordan's waiting for us in the interrogation room." 

"Alright. I just need a second to eat, I'm absolutely famished." 

I walk over to the fridge, trying to find something to ease my stomach. My eyes are immediately fixated on the last pudding cup. . Without thinking or doubt in my mind, I grab the treat and a spoon that's in a basket of utensils. I remove the plastic seal from the pudding's container and dig into the thick substance, smiling in delight. In about two minutes, I finish the pudding, throwing the container and spoon into the recycling bin, not before cleaning it with a wet napkin though. , or whatever the kids say these days. I walk over to Chloe who's talking to an officer. She looks at me and excuses herself from her previous conversation. 

"Ready?" The Detective asks. 


She opens the door and I'm faced with Mr. Mendes handcuffed to the table, with a scared expression on his face as he sees me walk into the room. 

"W-What is he doing here?" He stutters. 

"Lucifer's my partner. Would you like him to leave?" Chloe asks. 

I intimidatingly stare at him, waiting for an answer. 

"No, it's fine," Jordan says. 

The Detective and I take a seat across from Mr. Mendes.