

(WARNING: In this chapter, the characters are going to be investigating the death of a minor. The descriptions of the injuries will be kind of graphic and there will be talk of sexual assault. If you're sensitive to stuff like that, I suggest you not read this chapter.Readers discretion is advised.)


"So, Jordy. Now that the minor is out of the room, do you fancy telling us what happened?"

Mr. Boucher takes a long sigh.

"Fine. As you know, I was at the Wilshire Serrano many nights ago. I was there because one of my colleagues told me that there are girls there that.... you know?"

The Detective nods.

"When I arrived, I had a chat with a man that calls himself Mendes. He had Tiana, or whatever her name is, show me to a room. Then one thing led to another and we did some things. After that, I told her to get into my suitcase so I could take her home and have so more fun. If I got caught going out with her, I probably wouldn't be here telling this tale. I promised a thousand dollars and she obliged."

"And she was okay with you shoving her into a suitcase?" I ask surprised.

"I'm not sure. Her face was stone cold. She never smiled or anything."

"It's just hard to believe that you didn't have something to do with the murder because the very suitcase you put her in as was the same suitcase she was found dead in," Chloe explains.

"I understand Detective, but before we were able to come back here, a black Cadillac pulled me over. I rolled down the window of my car and a man wearing a jumper and sweatpants comes up to me and points a gun at my head."

Chloe and I look at each other in a mix of shock and confusion.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I promise it's true. I even took a picture of the license plate while they drove past me." Mr. Boucher pauses. "Anyway, the man with the jumper told me to open my trunk, and I did as told from the car. I'm assuming his accomplice took the suitcase with the girl in it because when I checked, it was gone."

The Detective begins to write everything down.

"Do you, by any chance, still have the photo of the license plate?" I ask.


"Oh thank goodness, you're finally good for something." I chuckle, interrupting him.

Chloe glances at me in disapproval and elbows my arm.

"What I was going to say, is yes. I have the photo on my phone if you'll let me get it from my pocket."

Chloe nods in approval.

"Yes, go ahead."

Mr. Boucher cautiously pulls out his phone from the pocket of his slacks. He's on his device for a few seconds, before showing The Detective and I the photo of the license plate. She immediately writes the information down on her notepad.

"Thank you, sir-"

The Detective is interrupted by the sounds of sirens coming from outside the house. Mr. Boucher's face drops, knowing that this might be the last time he'll be in the house.

"You know what happens now, Mr. Boucher." Chloe states.

"Yes, yes I do." He replies. "Can I just say goodbye to my kids first? My daughters are probably in their rooms."

Chloe nods and we follow him to his daughter's room. Once we walk in, I see the younger daughter looking out the window as well as the older one. I'm guessing that we were in the teen's room.

"Dad, why are there police officers outside?" The youngest one asks.

"Girls." He says, coming close to them. "Dad has to away for a bit. Just so you know, everything that the cops say I did, are all true. And I'm-"

The man begins to tear up.

"And I'm so sorry for disappointing you both, Andrew, and Mom. I should've known better instead of doing what I did. I love you guys so much."

The three of them hug each other as if it'd be the last time. He then lets and stands up, walking with us downstairs. Mr. Boucher then goes to his son.

"Andrew. Watch over Mom, Lily, and Evelyn, alright?"

The boy nods.

"You need to be the man of the house now since I'll be gone for a while. I love you, son." He tearfully adieus.

"I love you too dad." The boy replies.

Mr. Boucher pats him on the shoulder. After, he lets the cops detain him.

"Jordy Boucher, we are placing you under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law." The male officer explains before taking him outside.


I stand outside waiting until I see Mr. Boucher being walked out by the officers and put into the backseat of a cop car. Lucifer and Chloe follow behind him as his children look out through their windows.


"He insisted on not killing her," Chloe explains.

I scoff.

"His alibi is that he was pulled over and forced at gunpoint to open the trunk of his car. The two men that threaten him supposedly took off with the suitcase."

"And you actually believe that?" I question.

"I'm not trying to make assumptions yet. We're going to look into what Mr. Boucher said and if nothing turns up, we'll charge him with the murder, on top with all of the rape and assault charges."

I nod, then open the backdoor to Chloe's Mustang and sit down.

Once back at the station, I rush to the forensics lab so I could take Orlando back home. As I open the door, could hear laughter from Ella and Orlando.

"Hey, guys."

"Oh hey Yvi!" Ella exclaims. "Orlando and I have been having a great time while you guys were gone."

"Yeah, she taught me all about forensics and it's very interesting." Orlando smiles.

"That's nice to hear," I state. "But we have to get going. I want to show you where you'll be staying."

Orlando frowns.

"Alright," he gets up from the barstool. "See you later Ella. It was great talking to you."

"Ditto kid. " Ella gets up and hugs Orlando. "Ditto."

After saying our goodbyes to everyone, Orlando and I get on my scooter and I drive to Lux. Once there, I park and we walk into the building, hopping into the elevator that leads to the penthouse. Hearing the elevator ding, we step out and Orlando's mouth drops in awe.

"Wowwww..." He drags. "Look at the view!"

"I know." I giggle.

"It's beautiful, much more pleasant than Hell."

"Isn't that obvious?" I reply.

After staring out the window for a minute or two, I take Orlando to my room.

"This is my room," I introduce. "You'll be sleeping here."

I point to the black velvet couch placed a few feet from my bed. He sits down and moans in satisfaction.

"It's so soft!" He points. "I'm on cloud nine."

"I'm glad you feel that way." I grin. "Before going to bed, I'll put some sheets, blankets, and pillows so it's more like a bed."

"I'm honestly fine with whatever." He says, laying on the couch, pretending that he's asleep while smiling.

"Come on! Let's go get you some more clothes."


Guys..... I'm in so much shock right now. 100 THOUSAND READS!!!! I'm literally in tears right now. Thank you guys so much for all the support on this book. Y'all get me through the day smiling and being proud of my work. You guys deserve to know who the author of this story really is. Do y'all agree? Let me know (hehe).
