

(WARNING: In this chapter, the characters are going to be investigating the death of a minor. The descriptions of the injuries will be kind of graphic and there will be talk of sexual assault. If you're sensitive to stuff like that, I suggest you not read this chapter..)

"Sorry, I'm late!" I exclaim, closing the door to the conference room and taking a seat next to Lucifer.

"You're actually right on time. We just start the meeting early most of the time." Chloe says.

I lay out the case folder my father gave to me yesterday on the table. Since I had no time to look over it, I decided that I should probably get to that now:


After reading this information, I shake my head in disappointment at what humanity has come to. It's honestly disgusting how someone can do this to such a young girl. She had her whole life ahead of her, but someone just had to take it away. She was thrown away like garbage. However, I don't think I was prepared to look at the crime scene photos. Seeing her face sent a wave of emotions into my body. Looking at the poor girl's face made me feel as if I knew her. I'm happy though, to know that she's in a better place. I know that she's in Heaven, I can feel it.

"So Yvi, do you have any questions about the case?" Chloe asks.

"Yes." I clear my throat. "Do you guys know what happened to her during those few months. You know, after she when missing?"

"We presumed that she was kidnapped and held hostage," Dan explained.

"Her parents are coming in at any time now to give us any information they have to help find her killer," Chloe adds.

I nod. Chloe walks over to me, kneeling down to get to eye level with me while holding the armrests of the chair for balance.

"I know this case is a lot, especially for your first one. But trust me, nothing is more satisfying than getting justice for a heartbroken family who just wants answers." Chloe reassures.

I smile at her reassuring words as she smiles back at me. She then walks back to where she was standing previously.

"I don't understand," Lucifer comments. "How can the parents let their child go on kidnapped and not call the authorities? Doesn't settle well with me."

"He's right, it's strange," I say.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and-"

Chloe is interrupted by a knock on the glass door. She gestures for the officer to come in.

"Detective Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Flemmings is here to see you about case 2019OP17390."

"Alright, send them to the interrogation room. I'll be right there."

With that, the officer leaves, presumingly following Chloe's orders.

"Alright, Yvi, come with me."

As if Lucifer was going to say something, Chloe immediately interrupts him.

"And Lucifer, behave."

He immediately scoffs in annoyance and Dan and I begin to lightly chuckle as I walk out. Chloe leads me into the interrogation room, immediately seeing a middle-aged couple sitting on metal chairs with worried expressions on their faces.

"Mr. and Mrs. Flemmings," Chloe addresses, "Thank you for coming down to the station on such short notice. I know traveling all the way from Oxnard is a lengthy drive."

"It's no problem Detective Decker, our daughter is worth it all." Mr. Flemmings states.

"Do you mind if I ask you guys a few questions, along with telling you guys the evidence we found?"

Both of them nod as the Detective and I take a seat across from the couple.

"By the way, this is Yvi. She works part-time for the LAPD and will be taking part in helping with the investigation."

I smile, reaching my hand towards the couple. Mrs. Flemmings politely shakes my hand along with Mr. Flemmings.

"Just to let you guys know, I'm very dedicated to helping solve this case and bringing Tia's murderer to justice," I state.

Both of them give me a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you so much, dear. That means everything to us." Mrs. Flemmings speaks.

I nod politely, almost saying 'no problem' with my gesture. As Chloe begins to speak about the evidence collected from the crime scene, I open my case folder to show them. I push it towards the couple.

"Thank you Yvi," Chloe interrupts herself. "So, this is a copy of the forensics report we did on Tia."

Mrs. Flemmings shakes her head in disapproval while reading the case file as Mr. Flemming carefully reads the report.

"I just can't believe the evil that exists in this world. How can someone do this to a teenager? I should've told her to not go out that night. She usually is out with her friends to the park in our neighborhood every Friday. I wanted her to stay home and spend time with me since she was going on a field trip to Washington for a week. When she didn't come home that night, I lost it. Now I have to live with the pain of not having Tia." Mrs. Flemmings tears up.

"Come on, don't do this hun. Be strong for Tia. She wouldn't want us to mope around."

I begin to tear up myself from the sadness of this situation. I could tell Chloe was close to crying as well. She has a daughter too. I bet imagining your child being murdered is a painful thing to think about. If that's painful, it actually happening must be the most dreadful experience of someone's life.

"I'm sorry Detective, go ahead." Mrs. Flemmings states.

"It's okay Mrs. Flemmings," Chloe reassures. "Anyway, you said that Tia went missing over a year ago, correct?"