
From Hell


Damon stood facing the window as he waited for her to come in..The door slowly opened and the lady walked in and stood behind him.....

He felt her ecstasy.,,,

"Damon" she called seductively

She really thinks he doesn't know who she is and why she is here?

He emptied the wine in his glass into his mouth,before turning around to look at her,,,

She was putting on a short flair gown that left her hips and cleavages looking so damn hot...,.

Damon stood still without saying a word and then she came close to him and wrapped her hands round his shoulders,,,nobody gets to be free with him unless someone like her.

She brought her face close and kissed his lips,,,but he didn't reciprocate

"What's your name?" he asked as she made their foreheads touch.

My lord, my name is Tara " she replied with a sweet smile and kissed his lips again and he scoffed

Damon looked at her and said in his thoughts

"she really wants to play along with this?,,well I'll give it to her."

So Damon grabbed her big butts and squeezed them in his hands and she moaned,,she kissed him and he reciprocated and lifted her up from the floor taking her to the bed,,,,he made sure her legs didn't touch the floor as he carried her in his arms and laid her on the bed

She quickly unbuttoned his shirt and rubbed her hands on his bare chest,,,then he made her sit on top of him

"why was it so important for you to see me?he asked in a whisper as she made her butts touch his d*ck

I just wanted to see you"my lord,,you know it has been my outmost desire to satisfy you" she replied in another smile....

She is too dumb to realize that he is not been addressed as Lord here on earth.

So He made her fall back on the bed and got on top of her

Since she was putting on a short dress,it easily exposed her hips and he moved his hands downwards till they got to her pants and she moaned again.....

He placed his face in between her chest and bite her nipple from outside...Then he reached for her pant and moved it aside,,slipping in Two fingers...

"hah"!She gasped a held him tight in ecstasy as she obviously enjoyed it

He made it three fingers and this time around,,she screamed,,it hurt

He kissed her lobe and whisper into it

"why's your p**sy so wide? Thought Christopher was the only one drilling you?

She then opened her eyes wide in shock and stared at him with disbelief

"long time Kaylan" he said with a smirk and that was when she knew she was busted

She quickly brought out the knife from her dress but be was smart enough to grab it from her and threw it to the wall....

Then Damon held her hair and and pushed her out of the bed with a mighty force and she crashed to the floor. He Stood up from the bed and looked at the knife and with his eyes Turing red,,it shattered to pieces immediately

He looked back at her and she already changed into her real form - the real Kaylan.

"Do you actually think that I'm a fool? What are you doing here,,?"he asked calmly.

" i was looking for you,to take you home" she replied panting.

He quietly walked over to the table where a bottle of wine was kept and opened it..

The knife wasn't an ordinary knife,,if she had succeeded in stabbing him,,he would have vanished immediately back to hell

""Why are you guys too dumb to realize I'm never gonna leave without finding her? He asked as he decanted some wine into a glass

"you need to stop this madness,Lucifer,,you've been searching for her for years,,for how long will you keep searching? She asked impatiently..

"for as long as it may take '.

"what if she is dead"?

"No she isn't,,,Harriet is hiding her from me but I'm definitely going to find her.."

"this is madness,,Gerald is the one who hurt you and not her..

"But she has his blood in her veins together with his powers

"But you don't need her powers to survive,,your already the most powerful being in hell,,just let her be. What do you need her for?"

*"to make her feel the pains,,her bastard of a father made me feel,,he said angrily and crushed the glass in his hands,,remembering everything he did to his mom.

"so what??you gonna rape her and kill her or what "? She asked spreading her arms apart...

"exactly,,he replied and drank directly from the bottle.

"seriously Lucifer,you need to stop this madness and come home..

"call me mad again and I'll make you loose your tongue "he told her and she feared him.

"I'm sorry,,she said with a little bow,,but you don't understand..Its important you come home immediately because there is a pressing issue on ground.

Nicklaus has escaped,,,"it sounded like a bombshell and Damon's eye flashed with anger

"what?"he asked beneath his breath...

"Yes Lucifer he's escaped and we think he might be here on earth,,he's after Gerald's daughter as well,,you know he's always had taste for her powers."

Damon felt anger eating him up,,,how the hell did he escaped,,Nicklaus was one of his subjects in the past,,but he betrayed him and had him locked up since then

"you need to come home,,please Lucifer..

"Not until i find Gerald's daughter",,he replied icily

"Nicklaus is after her and her might come for you as well" she said

"He is no match for"he replied

"i wouldn't be sure if i were you,,you haven't seen how powerful he's become..He killed Cain and absorbed his powers."'

"still he's no match for me and you know it'

"Fine! But you still need to come home,,you've left the throne empty for years now,,the kingdom needs a king and the elders will not be happy if i return without you "

"I'll double my efforts and find Gerald's daughter and when I'm done with her,,I'll return home,"he said with rays of hope

"go back now and convey my message "he added while he threw the light at her.

"Lucifer No!!!..She screamed as she vanished away.