
Lucifer's Boyfriend

Get this heavenly collection of Paranormal Angels Romance and An M/M Mpreg Shifter Romance ... before it’s too late! About the Books: Michael, a charismatic college freshman, captivated the campus with his good looks and charm, leaving a trail of admirers in his wake. However, the arrival of the handsome and wealthy Professor Tom turned his world upside down. All the girls he pursued suddenly fell for Tom, leaving Michael bewildered and frustrated. As Michael plotted his next move, a tragic car accident changed everything. He awoke to find himself transformed into a small angelic being with newfound memories of his celestial past—he was an angel. But the surprises didn't end there. In his celestial journey, Michael uncovered memories of his past love, the charismatic Archangel Metatron. This revelation left him stunned and enamored. More shockingly, he discovered that Tom, the captivating professor from Earth, was actually Lucifer, the fallen angel...... Lucifer's boyfriend is a 50k word, steamy MPreg story full of action and romance, set in an exciting,in a place filled with angels and vibrant new shifter world. It is the first book in the Married To Lucifer, and can be read as a standalone novel.

Frank_Yi_1878 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Surviving through Illicit Labor

Life in the heavenly realm was slow-paced and orderly, even the rapid depletion of money followed a predictable pattern. Everything in Heshbon was painfully expensive, and my gold coins quickly dwindled.

Though there were no physical barriers between the different realms, the strict hierarchical system in the heavenly realms subconsciously drew lines between the various ranks of divine beings. Despite living in Heshbon like the four-winged and six-winged angels, there were stark differences in our lifestyles. For instance, due to variations in the number of wings, angels had different clothing sizes. The holes in the clothes reserved for the wings were called wing sleeves, which would adjust accordingly when the wings were folded. Sometimes, the wing sleeves were adorned with metallic or lace edges, referred to as wing protectors. Since wing protectors were expensive, lower-ranking angels usually had empty wing sleeves. So, when shopping, the clothes of lower-ranking angels were displayed like those in a human store, usually in modestly decorated storefronts. On the other hand, the clothes of higher-ranking angels were often displayed in the most luxurious stores, with their wing protectors showcased in full grandeur. Much like the distance between angels, lower-ranking angels wouldn't even enter such stores. They knew that the cost of just one wing protector could sustain them for a year or two.

Hence, living in the same city as higher-ranking angels could be disheartening. After ignoring my explanations for a while, Carlo couldn't stand the loneliness and came to me to vent. He would go on about the lives of the six-winged angels for a long time, only to eventually talk about his own unhappiness. I would usually advise him to find a job, but he would continue complaining, disregarding my words. I found this a bit of a waste of time and stopped engaging with him. Over time, seeing that I wasn't very responsive, he found someone else to confide in.

Though time was tight, I decided to find a job to make ends meet for myself and the picky, extravagant little child I now had to provide for.

What kind of job could an unemployed angel find in Heshbon without any work experience?

Of course, it was an off-the-books job.

According to Heshbon's policy, an adult divine being earned a minimum of one gold coin per hour. I found a job at a restaurant called "Wings of Grace Café," where I earned only three silver coins per hour. There were no benefits, no contracts, just cash payment after each day's work. Though it might sound a bit restrictive, it was also straightforward.

On the sixth day, even the waitstaff at the restaurant, who were responsible for serving dishes, needed to have at least two pairs of beautiful wings. So, with only one pair of wings, I was relegated to the kitchen, operating the dishwasher. I'd take the piles of dirty dishes from the magic circle, place them on the conveyor belt of the dishwasher, and press the button to wash them. That was my entire job, repeated thousands of times every day. The assistant to the chef, who worked beside me, had an even more monotonous job. He would take the cleaned dishes out of the dishwasher, put them in the sterilization machine, and occasionally be called out to serve dishes when they were short-staffed.

Anyone knows that doing this job for too long could drive one insane. In less than two weeks of working at "Wings of Grace Café," the assistant accidentally broke a few plates. After being reprimanded by the manager, he finally exploded. He tore off his uniform with a loud voice, lost his composure, and yelled, "I'm done with Heshbon! I'd rather go back to Pano and get a job making six copper coins an hour. I can eat well and sleep soundly there. What's so great about having four wings? You're just the grandsons of the Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones! I'm going back to get married and have children on the third day. What do I care about Santa Filia and Heshbon? Whether it's four-winged or six-winged, it's none of my damn business. Screw you!" He flew out of the restaurant like a rocket and was never heard from again.

Perhaps this guy's outburst was too intense, as many four-winged angels who worked in the kitchen were inspired by his passionate roar and soon left Heshbon to live in the lower realms. There was also a buddy who patted my shoulder, eyes brimming with tears, and said he was going on a fantastic tour of the Second Heaven. He promised to send me a postcard in a month.

The departure of these people made my work even busier. I did everything from washing and serving dishes to delivering ingredients. Fortunately, the boss had a little conscience and, seeing me work tirelessly, raised my wage to four silver coins per hour. Consequently, I found myself coming home later and later. Every time I returned, Lucifinil was already fast asleep. I was careful to open the door, afraid of waking him up. But when I finally opened it, I found him sitting upright at the bedside, giving me a superior look of inspection.

"Where did you go?"

"Oh, just went out for a drink with some friends," I yawned and stretched, "You're not asleep yet. Are you hungry?"

Lucifinil's two small, fair hands lay outside the blanket, his big blue eyes slightly squinting. He didn't answer my question.

"You look like you're hungry. I'll make you a late-night snack."

Half an hour later, I placed the Jerusalem-style dish, Baked Scallop Egg, in front of him. I changed into my sleepwear and prepared to go to bed. Lucifinil held the tray, but his eyes were fixed on my shoulder. "What's that?"

I glanced at the spot he was looking at. There was a bandage covering a wound I had accidentally gotten in the kitchen two days ago. It was a bloody scene at the time, but luckily it stopped bleeding and didn't affect the bone.

"I fell at school. It's nothing serious."

Lucifinil stared at me for a while. "Come here, let me heal it." I changed into my pajamas and sat beside him. He swiftly healed my wound.

"Be more careful in the future." The child lowered his voice, trying to sound grown-up.

I patted his head, watching him shove scallops into his little mouth. My stomach twinged with pain.

"Would you like some?" He picked up a few bites and offered them to my lips.

"No need, I ate outside. I'm not hungry."

After saying this, I collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep. However, the scent of food filled the room, making me uncomfortable. Working undercover didn't even include meals, and with expensive ingredients in Heshbon, a single meal could sustain me for a long time... In the past, I could never have imagined that I would reach a point where I couldn't even afford a meal.

After a while, Lucifinil muttered, "I can't eat anymore."

I immediately got up, pinched his little face, and fed him, "Do you have any idea how hard I worked for this? Finish it, finish it!"

The next day, I was called to the same private room to serve dishes again.

As I stood at the doorway, dumbfounded, I saw not only the two angels from the previous day, but another angel with a doll-like face adorned with golden eyes. There were also a bunch of fiery angels without wings. Seated among these superior angels was a man with long, golden hair. His shoulders were broad, his neck was elegantly long, and his face was strangely beautiful. Even if he sat there silently without uttering a word, he undoubtedly shone the brightest.

"Lu... Lucifer, Your Highness!" I stared at him in astonishment. "You've actually come to Heshbon?"

It wasn't until all the angels' gazes were fixed upon me that I realized I was a bit off balance. I lowered my head and went about my work. Soon, they resumed their conversations, and I served them soup one by one. When it was Lucifer's turn, he reached out to stop my hand. "I don't need it, thank you."

It was just a brief touch of our fingertips, yet I heard a buzzing sound in the back of my head, echoing in my ears. Perhaps my movements had momentarily stiffened, as Lucifer lifted his head and glanced at me. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of deep blue, almost surreal in their beauty.

In less than a second, during the subsequent service, I felt a bit uneasy. My eyes involuntarily looked in his direction. However, the awkward part was that every time I glanced at him, he seemed to notice, his gaze meeting mine with cool indifference.

Finally, just as I was finishing up and preparing to leave the room, Lucifer suddenly spoke: "Isar, come here."

"Ah, yes!" I hurried over to him, bowing my head. "Is there anything you need, Your Highness?"

"This is for you." He placed six gold coins in my hand.

"..." I was dumbfounded.

"Haven't you ever received a tip?"

"No, no, thank you!" I vigorously shook my head and nodded, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Go on, there's nothing more for you here."

I earned four silver coins in an hour. He gave me six gold coins in one go. The difference was too staggering, a bit hard to accept. However, six gold coins could buy many things.

As I left the room, contemplating that the weekend was just around the corner, I planned to visit the market early the next morning to see the freshest ingredients. I wanted to prepare a grand meal at home, to gather with the naughty kid, and have a hearty feast... Still in a state of pleasant surprise, I was stopped by the manager who followed me. He fluttered his wings and flew over, extending his hand. "Hand it over."


"The tip you received just now."

I was quite puzzled. "Wait, you knew it was a tip. I was told it was for me. Why..."

"Black workers can't accept tips. Only hourly wages. We explained this to you when you started." The manager bent his four fingers. "Hand it over."

I looked at him with wide-eyed disappointment as he took the six gold coins. Back at home, I was both frustrated and angry, curling up in bed without a word. Lucifinil flew over to sit beside me. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Just encountered some annoying matters."

Lucifinil hesitated for a moment before asking, "Is it annoying matters or annoying people?"

"Both." The manager's annoying face flashed in my mind. "I really don't want to see that person again."

Afterward, Lucifinil didn't say anything more. He simply sat at the desk, quietly flapping his little wings and doodling on his architectural sketches.

A few days later, after school, I waited by the shore of Lake Siah for the rehearsal to begin.

The sunlight was bright, and a shallow rainbow arched over the lake. The treetops, imbued with magic, formed a canopy like clouds, their branches and leaves sparse, adorned with vibrant, scattered flowers. They resembled the shattered stars in the sky.

Lucifinil wore a slightly long robe, his short wings fluttering as he danced under the sun, chasing after a group of butterflies. Bathed in the sunlight, his small white robe took on a soft golden glow, merging with his hair into a single shade, making him look like an adorable golden doll.

When he was outside, he always revealed only a pair of wings. Thinking about the fact that he had six wings in total, I couldn't help but ask, "Naughty kid, what are your parents really? I've known you for so long, but you've never mentioned your family."

"... After spending so much time with me, you can't have failed to realize I'm a Seraphim, right?"

Aren't Seraphim supposed to have six golden wings? His wings weren't pure gold, so did the color of a kid's wings differ? But to avoid his disdain, I could only nod honestly, "Of course, I've noticed."

"Seraphim are divided into those born as such and those promoted later. I'm a born Seraphim, born in the radiant morning star of Santa Filia."

"Ah, our naughty kid is indeed amazing!"

Thinking back to what I read in the 'Scripture,' Seraphim couldn't give birth through a womb like female angels. They could only create lower-ranked angels through the beating of their wings. The higher their rank, the higher the level of angel they gave birth to. After clapping loudly, I continued, "So, in the future, you can also create new life by beating your wings?"

"Even now. Do you want me to create an Archangel for you to play with?"

... Are casually created angels all of higher rank than me? It seems that we lowly angels are indeed as numerous as blades of grass... At this moment, I saw a figure flying in from afar. I quickly covered Lucifinil's mouth. "Someone's coming." Lucifinil struggled free and flew away with his wings flapping like a bee.

The newcomer was Metatron, without his glasses or crucifix, appearing even more arrogant. He sat down beside me, kicked off his boots, adopting a casual demeanor. "My birthday is in a few days. Are you coming?"

"Which day? If I'm free, I'll come."

"This weekend."

I pondered for a while, finally deciding to give myself a break and nodded. However, Metatron seemed not to notice, his eyes fixed on the grass. I followed his gaze — a few slender blades of grass held delicate feathers, a mix of pale gold and silver, emanating a burst of precious light.

Metatron extended his index finger and thumb, lightly flicking the feather. "Haven't seen much of you lately."

I picked up the feather, turning it in my hand. "That's because you rarely leave the sanctuary. What have you been busy with lately?"

"Adam and Lilith are both created. I'm busy setting up Eden." Metatron propped his elbow on his knee, his five fingers running through his short hair, creating a remarkably beautiful motion, then returning to their original position.

"Really? So, no Eve?"

Metatron turned slowly to look at me, his eyes narrowing to slits. "Isar, have you been eavesdropping on us? I chose the name Eve, but His Highness Lucifer insisted on naming her Lilith."

At this point, I dared not say another word, fearing I might accidentally alter the entire course of human history, causing my future self to inexplicably vanish from the 21st century. However, Metatron suddenly pulled me into an embrace around my waist. "Speak up, or I won't be polite."

I held my head in my hands. "I didn't eavesdrop!"

Metatron chuckled, his voice magnetic. Then his other hand joined in, holding me firmly. "You rascal, what have you been up to? Why haven't you come to see me?"

I laughed nervously, sweating cold. "Well, Metatron's palace isn't short of company, so one less won't matter, haha."

Where did the naughty kid go? Help me get rid of this adulterer!

"Is that so? But lately, I've missed you a lot." Metatron's brows relaxed, with a trace of inexplicable resentment. Soon, my head was cradled against his chest, his large hand caressing my hair, pulling me even closer. He whispered softly, "Isar, keep your distance from that person."

He gave me goosebumps all over, and I shook my head vigorously. "We'll talk about it on your birthday, I'm too hot right now."

After the stiff rehearsal ended, I hadn't fully recovered from Metatron's affection when I collapsed exhausted on the lawn. Letting the soft breeze play with the feathers, I cried out in despair, "Naughty kid—!"

Lucifinil descended from the tree like a caterpillar, landing on my legs, a miniature Spider-Man. He crawled to my chest, his petal-like face coming close to mine, then slowly tilting down, his beautiful big blue eyes shining like sapphires. I widened my eyes and pushed him gently. He remained still, crawling over my head, subjecting me to this humiliating exposure.

"...You scoundrel! Lucifinil, come back to me!!" I jumped up, yelling at him, but he had already taken off, flapping his wings.

Originally, I thought it would be fine if he went back, I could just go to the "Wings of Grace Café" to operate the dishwasher. But just as I had started to fly with my books, I noticed that the frequency of wing flapping had increased. So, I slowed down. Yet, the frequency remained just as high. Yes, there was only one person who would produce this kind of bee-like wing-flapping sound.

I turned back, and Lucifinil looked at me with a faint smile. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Heshbon City."

"To see Metatron?"

"Metatron's Highness lives there for six days?"

"You don't even know where his house is, how are you going to his birthday? Besides, his birthday isn't in six days, he'll probably go to the villa in Jerusalem."

"Why? Isn't it better here?"

"He likes passionate women. The women in Jerusalem are all very passionate."

As we flew and chatted along the way, we passed by a group of deep blue buildings. Seeing this special building every day, I couldn't help but ask, "What is that place?"

"That's Uriel's residence. Have you seen the water curtain in front of the residence? Take a look, you might see something amazing."

"Is that the Thunder Mirror?"

"You know about it?"

"I've seen the Wind and Water Mirrors before... Since it's blue, it should be the Thunder Mirror."

"Oh? What do you look like in the Wind Mirror?"

"...No change."

Lucifinil looked casual. "I've looked in the Wind Mirror, there's quite a difference. But I don't believe it."

I didn't believe it either. However, seeing the Thunder Mirror, I couldn't help but fly over with Lucifinil.

The Thunder Mirror can show the person who has the greatest influence on oneself.

Clear water flowed down from the blue stone pillar, the sound ringing out like a crisp harp. Several bolts of lightning struck through the water, swift and dazzling, like shooting stars in a boundless sky.

In the water curtain, I saw a delicate face. Snow-white complexion, a head of tousled curls, short, with some playfully sticking up. This face was all too familiar.

It was me. Or rather, Isar.

However, the angel inside was not wearing any clothes, and his hands seemed to be holding onto something, facing outside the water curtain. Upon closer inspection, he had four wings on his back, and they were ice blue. At this moment, his hair and wings seemed slightly damp, as if he had just emerged from a mist.

Speaking of mist, there seemed to be some around us.

The image became clearer and clearer, like an old film that had been polished.

Electricity danced in front of me, strange and mystical. With every flash, the irregular patterns would bring about a tremor in the heart. Water flowed gently behind Isar, and several crystal curtains floated lightly.

Suddenly, a curtain lifted, revealing a face like a painting. A nose carved from diamonds, eyes like flowing waves, stunning and dazzling beauty pierced through Isar's eyes.

I was shocked and took a step back subconsciously—

What was going on?

This person was... Lucifer?!

Lucifer was only wearing a thin robe, the hem flowing like the eternal smoke of Santa Filia. His pale golden lashes shielded his eyes, his lips lightly pursed, holding a delicate ribbon in his mouth. He gathered his golden locks, smooth strands falling to rest against his chest, tying them with the ribbon. Isar seemed completely unbothered by his own nudity, his wings shifting as he went to tie it for him. Lucifer's eyes curved in a smile, and they never left him again.

Isar's movements were a bit clumsy, and after a few attempts, his face turned red and his neck thickened. Finally managing to finish, he ended up with a tangled mess. Just as he was about to go untie it, Lucifer pulled him into an embrace, tucking him close, their lips meeting.

My God...

The curtain hung like drifting smoke, the long wisps resembling clouds.

Droplets of water traced down both of their cheeks, leaving a faint radiance on the ground.

Hazy and surreal, within the realm of truth and illusion, Lucifer's remaining clothes were removed. Instantly, a halo of divine light enveloped him, and his six wings unfurled slowly, like a butterfly breaking free from its cocoon.

Isar's hands returned to their original position.

Lucifer held onto his waist, entering gently.

Isar suddenly tilted his head back, his eyes half-open, a faint blue light flashing in them.

His waist was slender, easily encircled by Lucifer's arm with room to spare. So when Lucifer entered, Isar's fragile waist seemed like it could snap at any moment. Then, Lucifer gently pressed his knee against Isar's thigh, acting as a support, and ensconced him in his arms. Isar, bewildered, held onto Lucifer's hand tightly, turning back in a state of dazed passion to exchange kisses.

The scene, ink-like, continued as the electricity continued to interlace.

The two entangled in the mist, the blue light and divine light overlapping, their bodies swaying to a rhythm akin to the sunset of Jerusalem, chaotic and nebulous, like misty clouds.

The electricity was like shattered gemstones, stabbing at the eyes.

I was already sitting on the ground, dumbfounded.

Lucifinil stood beside me, watching Isar inside, smiling as if lost in thought. "You actually have quite a nice figure, though it's not very apparent usually."