
Chapter 1

People from every continent, every country now believe in one system... the Lucid.

Ever since 2145, the great Reform, and technological skyrocketing, people are now aware of something they wanted to remain unclear. That being the existence of God... or well multiple in reality. That's right, and it's called Lucid, which is thought of as a higher realm ascending above the Human's realm which they call Life.

"Make sure to call me when you're free to go!" a girl said "And don't be late like last time!"

"Yeah, yeah okay." said another, male voice.

These two voices are coming from non other than Himari and Asahi, two middle school students who have been friends since kindergarten back in 2138 (today marks the Beginning of 2151). These two have been an unrepeatable, you could say couple, ever since the day they met.

Asahi lives far away from school, while Himari lives fairly close, but the fact is that Asahi arrives sooner every day.

Asahi after getting home, doing his usual chores calls Asahi that he's ready to pick her up and go to their favorite restaurant for dinner. They both live alone, Both of their parents are off to a long business trip to Germany.

"Hey, I'll be there soon so make sure you're ready to go, pack everything you need, I'll be paying for dinner tonight as well." Asahi said.

"Alright, gotcha!" Responded Himari with a soft voice.

After arriving at the restaurant they both order their favorites and they head off to the city for a short walk. On their way they talk about school, and their usual lives, but today's topic was something different.

"Hey, Asahi, did you hear the news last night? You know, about the so called 『Lucid Raid』?" Himari asked.

"Yeah I have, but I personally don't believe in Lucid, it's something the government made up so we can all agree on one religion, if you don't you'll be gone, dead. But even if it's true and they will commence this project,『Lucid Raid』, the government said they won't be recruiting kids, so under the age of what, 18, I assume?" Asahi responded with a noticeably annoyed tone.

"That might be the case but we will be adults by then, the『Lucid Raid』is said to be in 3 years from now, we'll both be 19 by then. So that's why I'm worried about it." Himari said.

"... Well, that's true, but I don't believe in it still, like, let's say those gods do exist somewhere above the universe, or as scientists claim, above the Multiverse now, how could us, mere humans, stand a chance against those who formed who we are, and everything that is surrounding us and that is not? It's simply bullshit if you think about it. Let's get going back, it's getting late, we have school tomorrow as well."

"Alright" Himari nodded.

Tomorrow in school, Asahi was absent, first time in two years, Himari couldn't reach him, He wouldn't pick the phone up or answer any messages. It drove her crazy, to the point where she couldn't focus in class.

For the next 2 years, Asahi was said to be missing and everyone who knew him started forgetting about his physical looks and how he was talking, some distant friends of his and relatives even forgot that he existed in the first place, this excludes Asahi's family and of course Himari, who remembers Asahi like she just saw him yesterday.

And then, it was Himari's 19th birthday, just one month before the selections for『Lucid Raid』, she was in fear that she'll be a participant.

I'll mention it here: this fan-fic novel will not be long, expect short chapters.

Unknowned1234_creators' thoughts