
Lucid: Starting Anew

My reality was dreadfully shaken...In a moment I go from sleeping in my own bed...as myself, to waking up in a world with no knowledge of it, and not...as myself, Lucid is the story of how, in a single night, I lived a lifetime.

AndeWiess · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"I really do have to get some sleep today".

I tell my friends this as I look away from my computer screen at the clock.

It is already so late that i am barely to get any sleep again before I have to be up for work, but with my insomnia, it is a practice I am fairly used to at this stage in my life.

"You really should, we have been at this for a while. Why don't you take a sleep aid? It might help you out".

My best friend pipes up with the same sentence that has probably been said by them more times than I can count at this point.

"They haven't helped before, no reason I should use them now... I will talk to you later".

I mention this again as we say our normal goodbyes with a friendly toned berating only best friends can give.

My mind already wandering on it's own before I turn off my lights, the sun still shining through a poor, little crack between the blinds, reminding me that I sleep when everyone else is wide awake and active.

As my routine always goes, after my lights go off in my bedroom I head into the bathroom, removing my clothes in anticipation for the warm water about to touch my body; showering away what feelings I have for being awake until I am relaxed enough to exit and towel off, only to put on a pair of shorts, which already feels like too much to wear to bed.

After putting them on, Lumbering from tiredness I trudge back to my lovely, dark room, the only visible light, still being from the window, let's me see my bed off in the corner.

Me climbing into it and nestling under the sheets is a wonderful feeling, my pillows are fluffy, my blankets are silky and soft...to me, this was the perfect bedspread, and it was all to myself.

My mind resting on the events of the day, trying as well as I could to push myself into slumber for what felt like an eternal struggle, until I finally meet the sweet embrace of sleep...for only a brief time.

As quickly as I fall asleep, I hear the sounds of what I could only describe as an owl with anger management issues, leaving me to sit up quickly and inspect where it is coming from, only to find my once, comfy castle of a bed has been replaced by the cold, hard ground of a forest floor.

My eyes adjusting to the darkness as well as they could, seeing the walls of my room, my computer desk, all my personal belongings, now replaced by the roots and trunks of trees I am unfamiliar with, blades of overgrown grass tickling my skin while I am still only in my shorts, but something more drastic takes my attention as I attempt to get to my feet...I am lighter than normal and my chest feels heavier in comparison, The shorts which would normally fit on me just right have now slid off of my frame and sit around my ankles.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Exclaiming to myself in disbelief as I take in my surroundings to assure that I am safe enough before inspecting my own person.

Crimson hair falls in my face as I look dow- "Is this my hair?! Why is my hair this long, and red?!".

Continuous questions start raging in my mind, trying to make sense of it, my figure, normally what most would count as average has now became something remarkable to what i can see, I feel taller, my chest now supporting two, very noticeable, pale breasts, "Are these C's...no, D's....what is going on...".

As the minutes pass I grasp onto what my current situation is, and at this point, I am in a state between freaked out, scared, and a dash of pissed off to top the sundae that I currently am trying to stomach while pulling up my shorts, tightening them to the best of my ability to keep them from falling again, my hips have widened out enough that the hem barely holds on...and do I mean BARELY.

"I need to find somewhere to go..."

Saying this to myself as I look into the unfamiliar sky, dotted with stars and constellations I do not recognize. "No moon...great...I guess I just start walking".

Me being the person I am, I can say without a doubt, I was not expecting to wake up like this, but then again, who would? In the middle of an unknown forest, no sign of civilization that you can find, and not even in your own skin, that was the creepiest part besides the sound of the angry owl getting louder.... it's getting louder...and behind me.

I begin to panic, just a smidge, before I pick up the speed at which I walk, but the faster I start moving, the closer it gets.

Nearly jumping into a sprint, my body starts to run.

*Just run*

Thinking this, unsure if I am speaking it out loud in the state I am in, bolting through the trees, the underbrush, begging whatever is on my tail to leave me be until... I am met by 2 massive, grey eyes staring down at me, somehow what was chasing me is now in my path, and it is big.

Now, I study a ton of different things in boredom. Crafts, Arts, Biology, Nature...but what is staring me down is a bird unlike any I have seen before, I assume it's a bird because it has feathers, and is hovering in front of me blocking my escape, so flight, but that is as much as I know. This 'bird' has a broad head, and under these eyes that are scaring the piss out of me (which reminds me to find a stream if I ever live to do so.)

Is a long, thin beak, almost like a rapier that could peirce through flesh without any resistance, led down by a powerful, slender body with four wings, maybe 5-6ft in length, that are stretched out in the air, causing small gusts to flop my hair around everywhere, all covered in mottled grey and black feathers... But the talons... The talons curled high and resting on its breast, the talons that look like 4 inch daggers, anyone who knows about birds knows two sure things when it comes to talons, they are for predators...and they know how to use them perfectly.

Once my very brief stint of clarity is done examining this avian beast, I fall backwards against an upturned root trying to step away. "Ow! Son of a bitch!"

I yell in frustrated pain from my, now softer, ass hitting the forest floor, my eyes still set on this beautifully dangerous creature that has now landed on the ground in front of me.

"What are you doing in this park so late? It is after visiting hours for the hiking trails."

So of course I am thinking that i did not just hear some burly man voice come from this death-bird's beak, but it looks me over a moment then speaks again.

"Come now, state your intentions for being here before I escort you to the lodging areas."

I gain some composure as I try clearing my throat, still unused to the tone my voice has, making it crack a bit under the pressure. "I-I...I'm not sure...what I am doing here, I was in bed at my home not too long ago...and then I woke up here..."

Birds around my place tend to have a look of skepticism on them, but good fucking lord, this bird took the double-chocolate cheesecake award for skeptic looks as, I could only describe as a 'HE' from the voice, as he hops around me, inspecting my body before coming in front of me again.

"I will need to see your Register so we can contact someone to come take you home, do you have it R.marked or a slate copy?"

Confusing-me-crazy checklist time.

Wake up in a forest, check.

Completely different body than my own, check.

Crazy weird bird dude thingy asking me for, what i assume is I.D. check, check, annnnd check.

"Umm...I have no clue what you're asking for, I don't have anything on me except my shorts, I told you I was in bed and woke up here."

As soon as I say that, next item on the checklist is of course going to be that the crazy weird bird dude thingy begins to contort and twist until he becomes just a crazy weird pretty boy dude, and when I say pretty boy, I mean like, male gorgeousness, and I hardly care for guys in the first place but this guy...

At least 6 feet tall, at the least, his hair is short and well groomed, slicked to the side a bit in a style I don't think I ever seen, clean shaven face with strong yet, feminine lines, and his attire is almost military with a straight, unwrinkled blue jacket that has silver buttons down the front and a symbol that is like a tree surrounded by birds. (Go figure.)

Matching blue pants and black hiking boots that seem almost off from the whole get-up.

Taking me by surprise at this entire scenario, he bends over, reaching out his hand to me. "First let us get you on your feet miss."

Miss...been called quite a few things in my life, never that. I take his hand with the greatest of wariness when suddenly he pulls me onto my feet like I am just a leaf, throwing me off balance before regaining myself to brush off the debris on my ass and legs.

He watches me clean myself of the dirt and leaves, his eyes feel kind of like he is inspecting me, almost like he is checking me out, but I have never had that happen before so I have no clue what that even feels like, afterwards I look at him, definitely over 6 feet tall because I still have to look up to see his face.

"So we can identify you and see about what to do with you, I need you to follow me, my station is not too far from here."

I nod slowly as he pulls some kind of sack around from his back to open it then produces a poncho and hands it to me. "You can cover yourself with this for the time being, we will see about getting you some clothing once we arrive."

Again nodding, I accept the fabric and put it on after a moment of figuring out how, my torso and arms finally safe from the cold night air as he places one of his thin, firm hands on my back to start leading me in the direction of his station.

"I do need to ask you a few questions before we get there, and I expect honest answers, is that clear?"

He states with his commanding tone before I agree to his request.

"What is your name?"

I ponder over it and wonder what i should say considering the situation, but I always feel the need for honest transparency. (Stupid, I know.) But new body, no identity, might as well change a few things just to fit the bill.

"My name is Quinn..."

He looks at me to confirm my words each time I speak.

"That is a weird name to hear, where is it from?"

"It's...uncommon where I am from too..."

"And where might that be?"


His face, looking more skeptical than before seems to be judging me heavily, his hand still resting on my back during our walk.

"I have never heard of it, is it a town in another country?"

"Kind of, yea."

"Well, I am Park Specialist Allona"

My eyes peek up at him for a moment.

"It's....nice to meet you...."

"And you said you have no idea how you got here?"

I shake my head, now looking at the ground, letting my mind to start understanding what might be going on as he then pats my back, almost reassuring me that I am in good hands.

"Once we are at my station, I will make a few contacts through the Cei Network and try to figure this out."

Trying to put myself at ease, I close my eyes and uncharacteristically, as an attempt to relax, i lean against his shoulder for the rest of the walk towards his station, hoping for the best the entire way...