
LUCID: Dream Light Fantasy

In a world where the elusive Lord's Labyrinth, hidden within the monstrous Ravenwoods, is deemed a myth, Decimus, a renowned Sword Ki Master, uncovers a path to its rumored treasures (though it's all a façade). His quest stirs the forest and neighboring nations, sparking a fierce battle for power. Shifting alliances and emerging secrets turn the labyrinth into the epicenter of conflict. Its treasures promise both fortune and ruin (shh, don't listen to him, he's lying). In a realm where myths collide with ambition, the Ravenwoods transform into a battleground (no, he forced it to be), and the fate of nations hangs by a thread as the ugly battle escalates toward an unknown destiny. (He...) Will you shut up!! (He didn't even mention that this world is magical and involves various POVs.)

Bestivota123 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


The sky adorns itself in a dark guise, a tapestry of bluish-black that mirrors an endless sea. Stars and clouds remain veiled, mysteries of the nocturnal expanse.

Rain descends, a resolute and unwavering guest from above. Every droplet carries an enigma, a fragment of nature's equilibrium.

In the midst of this aqueous ballet, a trace of sunset lingers, swiftly engulfed by the rain's tender embrace. Day and night blur, a fusion of elemental realms.

In this fleeting moment, where night briefly takes on the appearance of day only to surrender to the rain's rhythmic dance, time itself appears to halt. A meeting of nature's forces, a blending of magic threaded into the ordinary tapestry of life.

A malevolent blanket of water has consumed the entire realm, a liquid abyss swallowing the very vitality of life. The once lively green landscapes, a testament to nature's creativity, now lie submerged, a haunting reminiscence beneath the overwhelming downpour. The fingers of floodwaters advance with relentless purpose, winding around every contour of the land, sparing no sanctuary from their touch.

The grand mountains, once symbols of unyielding might, bow before the unrelenting force of the deluge, their proud summits vanishing beneath the roiling currents. Towering structures, once testaments of human accomplishment, now stand as mere skeletons, their bony frames consumed by the insatiable waters.

The world has transformed into a nightmare of submersion, a scene of terror painted in tones of hopelessness. The anguished cries of drowning creatures reverberate through the water-soaked atmosphere, a chorus of suffering that echoes across the inundated panorama. The once-familiar landscape has become an unfamiliar stretch, a domain where the elegance of nature has contorted into a malicious power.

Amid this deluge of water, an eerie kind of beauty emerges. The moon's pale glow pirouettes upon the rippling surface, casting ghostly reflections that twinkle like faded memories. The flood's ominous hold carries a strange charm, captivating the gaze even as it sends shivers down the spine.

In the relentless torrent of the flood, a lone young boy found precarious sanctuary on a worn wooden platform. His knees were clutched tightly to his chest, arms wrapped around them, as if trying to create a haven of safety amid the turmoil. The floodwaters, hungry and ceaseless, edged ever closer, almost ready to swallow his fragile sanctuary. Yet, in stark contrast to the chaos outside, the boy's expression held an eerie calmness.

His youthful countenance, a mask of pale innocence, betrayed no hint of trepidation as he gazed into the abyss of his surroundings.

Rainwater dripped from his tousled hair and trickled down his exposed skin, a chilling reminder of the world's watery invasion.

Only a tenebrous cloak, ebony like the night itself, offered a modicum of shelter, cascading over his form and pooling on the floor, a stark contrast to his vulnerable nudity.

A quiet silence filled the air, a heavy feeling broken only by the rain's quick beat. Each drop moved in a jerky way on the windows, their strong beat a noisy chorus of nature's anger.

A whimsical impulse seized the boy, his gaze ascending from his sodden sanctuary to the heavens above. "No clouds for me?" his voice, soft and introspective, was a mere whisper lost in the tempest's roar.

It was a question thrown to the tempestuous sky, a wistful inquiry directed at the expanse that remained aloof to his plight.

In that solitary moment, his voice became a fragile bridge between his isolation and the tumultuous world beyond.

"Dies Irae, you say?" A momentary chuckle escaped his lips, a brief glimmer of mirth that mingled with the pitter-patter of the rain. But then, as swiftly as it had emerged, the laughter dissolved into the void, swallowed by the consuming darkness that enveloped the world once more.

The echo of his voice faded, leaving only the relentless cadence of raindrops as companions in this watery abyss.