
Lucas' meltdown at the party

Your boyfriend Lucas suffers with autism! He gets overwhelmed easyly and he is really sensitive. He normally stays by you. He is very clingy and he loves you. Your his favriote person. One day, you and Lucas where at a party."

Grace_Shali_Shali · Urban
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11 Chs

A perfect day for a wedding

The camera pans in on Lucas and Rose walking down the aisle. They are both wearing their wedding outfits and they are both smiling. The crowd is cheering and applauding them. Lucas is holding Rose's hand and he is showing his affection for her. Rose is smiling and she is showing her affection for him.

They reach the altar and the pastor begins the ceremony. The pastor starts by asking them their names and the date of their wedding. Lucas and Rose both answer in turn and the pastor continues by asking them if they are ready to take the vows. Lucas and Rose both answer in turn and the pastor continues by asking them if they take each other as husband and wife. Lucas and Rose both answer in turn and the pastor continues by asking them to kiss. Lucas and Rose kiss and the pastor announces them as man and wife.

They walk back down the aisle and the crowd is cheering and applauding them. The crowd is showing their happiness and their approval for the wedding. Lucas and Rose are both smiling and they are showing their affection for each other. They walk down the aisle and the crowd is throwing flowers and confetti.

Lucas and Rose arrive at the reception and the dance floor is filled with couples dancing. The music is playing and the crowd is dancing. Lucas and Rose find their seats at the table and they both smile at each other. The pastor and the guests are sitting at the table and they are all smiling and talking. Lucas and Rose are both showing their affection for each other and they are both smiling and they are both talking. The atmosphere is lively and joyful. Lucas and Rose are both happy and they are both showing their love for each other.

The party continues and Lucas and Rose are both dancing. They are dancing to the music and they are both showing their affection for each other. They are both smiling and laughing and they are both showing their joy and happiness. Lucas and Rose are both showing their love for each other and they are both showing their desire for each other. They are both dancing passionately and they are both showing their desire to be close to each other.

They leave the reception and they go to their honeymoon suite. The suite is filled with flowers and candles. The bed is filled with rose petals and the mood is romantic and intimate. Lucas and Rose are both showing their affection for each other and they are both showing their love for each other. The atmosphere is romantic and intimate and they are both showing their desire for each other.

Lucas kisses Rose passionately and she blushes deeply. She is showing her desire for him and she is showing her need for him. She is showing her needs and she is showing her desires. She is showing her desires and she is showing her wants. She is showing her wants and she is showing her needs. She is showing her needs and she is showing her desires. She is showing her desires and she is showing her wants.

The music fades into a soft melody and Lucas and Rose lay in bed together, cuddling. They are both showing their affection for each other and they are both showing their love for each other. They are both showing their desire for each other and they are both showing their passion for each other. They are both showing their needs and they are both showing their wants.

Lucas kisses Rose on the lips and whispers "I love you." He is showing his affection for her and he is showing his love for her. He is showing his desire for her and he is showing his passion for her. He is showing his passion for her and he is showing his needs for her. He is showing his needs for her and he is showing his desires for her. He is showing his desires for her and he is showing his wants for her. He is showing his wants for her and he is showing his needs for her.

Lucas kisses Rose again and again and then he whispers in her ear, "I'll never leave you." He is showing his affection for her and he is showing his love for her. He is showing his desire for her and he is showing his passion for her. He is showing his passion for her and he is showing his needs for her. He is showing his needs for her and he is showing his desires for her. He is showing his desires for her and he is showing his wants for her. He is showing his wants for her and he is showing his needs for her.

Rose smiles and whispers, "I'll never leave you either." She is showing her affection for him and she is showing her love for him. She is showing her desire for him and she is showing her passion for him. She is showing her passion for him and she is showing her needs for him. She is showing her needs for him and she is showing her desires for him. She is showing her desires for him and she is showing her wants for him. She is showing her wants for him and she is showing her needs for him.

The scene changes and the months pass. A baby's cry fills the air and Lucas and Rose both look at the baby with love and affection. They are both showing their affection for the baby and they are both showing their love for the baby. They are both holding the baby and they are both showing their affection for the baby. Lucas and Rose are both happy and they are both showing their affection for the baby. They are both showing their love for the baby and they are both showing their desires for the baby. They are both showing their desires for the baby and they are both showing their needs for the baby.

Rose said to Lucas, "What shall we name our first baby?" She is showing her affection for the baby and she is showing her love for the baby. She is showing her desire for the baby and she is showing her passion for the baby. She is showing her passion for the baby and she is showing her needs for the baby. She is showing her needs for the baby and she is showing her desires for the baby. She is showing her desires for the baby and she is showing her wants for the baby. She is showing her wants for the baby and she is showing her needs for the baby.

The baby is quiet and Lucas says it's a boy. Rose is showing her affection for the baby and she is showing her love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. They are both showing their affection for the baby and they are both showing their love for the baby. Lucas and Rose both kiss the baby and they both hold the baby. Lucas and Rose both show their affection for the baby and they both show their love for the baby.

Rose said, "I will name him Rayan." Rayan is the name of the baby. Rose and Lucas are both showing their affection for the baby and they both are showing their love for the baby. Lucas and Rose are both showing their affection for each other and they both are showing their love for each other. The family is together and they are both showing their affection and love for each other. The family is together and they are both showing their affection and love for each other.

Rayan looks up at Lucas and smiles. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Rayan is smiling at Lucas and he is showing his affection for Lucas. Lucas is smiling back at Rayan and he is showing his affection for Rayan.

The baby reaches his arm out and Lucas picks him up. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is holding the baby close to him and he is showing his affection for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby.

Lucas holds Rayan close to him and he kisses his head. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is holding the baby close to him and he is showing his affection for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby.

Lucas smiles and he whispers in the baby's ear, "I love you, Rayan." The baby looks at Lucas and smiles. The baby is showing his affection for Lucas and he is showing his love for Lucas. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby.

Lucas gives the baby a bottle of milk. The baby is drinking the milk and he is showing his affection for the milk. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is giving the baby the milk and he is showing his affection for the milk. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is feeding the baby.

The baby sucks on the bottle and then falls asleep in Lucas's arms. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is holding the baby close to him and he is showing his affection for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby.

Rose said, "Aww how cute he looks just like you." Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby.

The baby resembles Lucas and Rose. The baby is demonstrating his fondness for Lucas and is expressing his adoration for him. Lucas, in turn, is showing his affection for the baby and his love for him. Lucas is holding the baby close and is expressing his affection. Lucas is demonstrating his love and affection for the baby.

Rose said, "Lucas you're such a good father to our baby." Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is holding the baby close to him and he is expressing his affection. Lucas is demonstrating his love and affection for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby.

Lucas smiles and he kisses his son's head. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby. Lucas is holding the baby close to him and he is showing his affection. Lucas is demonstrating his love and affection for the baby. Lucas is showing his affection for the baby and he is showing his love for the baby.

The next morning, Lucas and Rose are both awake and they are both showing their affection for each other. They are both showing their love for each other and they are both showing their desire for each other. They are both showing their passion for each other and they are both showing their need for each other.

Lucas has a thought in his mind and Rose can see it in his eyes. He is thinking about something and he is showing his affection for Rose. She is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas.

Lucas has a question for Rose, but he can't seem to find the right words to say it. He is struggling with the words and he is struggling with the thought. He is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. He is struggling to find the right words and he is struggling to express himself. He is struggling to find the right words and he is struggling to express himself. He is struggling to find the right words and he is struggling to express himself.

Rose can sense Lucas's struggle and she can tell that Lucas has a question for her, but he can't seem to find the right words to say it. She is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. She is trying to understand Lucas and she is trying to understand what he is trying to ask her. She is trying to understand Lucas and she is trying to understand what he is trying to ask her. She is trying to understand Lucas and she is trying to understand what he is trying to ask her.

Lucas finally finds the right words to say. He looks at Rose and he says, "Rose, I have a question for you." Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is listening to Lucas and she is showing her affection for Lucas.

Lucas is feeling nervous and he is having trouble getting the words out. He is struggling to get the words out and he is struggling to express himself. Rose is listening to Lucas and she is showing her affection for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas.

Lucas takes a deep breath and he tries to calm himself down before he asks his question. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas.

Lucas takes a deep breath and he asks Rose his question. Rose is showing her affection for Lucas and she is showing her love for Lucas. Rose is listening to Lucas and she is showing her affection for Lucas.

Rose nods and she listens to Lucas's question with a smile. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is expressing his desire for Rose and he is expressing his need for Rose. Lucas is expressing his desires for Rose and he is expressing his needs for Rose. Lucas is expressing his desires for Rose and he is expressing his needs for Rose.

Rose's smile grows wider and she tells Lucas that she loves him too. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose. Lucas is showing his affection for Rose and he is showing his love for Rose.

The end of the story