
LTU's Diary of Incessant Ramblings

The Diary Of a deity who has long gone insane burdened by the weight of his infinite power he had lost the ability to think rationally whence this dairy is a precursor to the events that transpired before and after his decent into madness. It also holds ideas and half completed worlds and concept the all powerful God was working on before his leash on his sanity slowly eroded so be warned. The contents of this book are not for the light hearted Universe shaking secrets are held within this diary, secrets that threaten the fabric of reality if released to others.

Lieu · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Tracer Test II


Amidst the sterile, cold wall of the hospital room, shadows danced eerily on the face of a man lying nearly motionless on the bed. The man aged beyond his years felt the relentless grip of his disease on him as the harsh fluorescent lights that shone overhead cast a gloomy atmosphere around the room and highlighted the lines etched deeply into his weary face.

"Twenty-one years." he mused bitterly, his voice raspy "Twenty-one years of pointlessness and misery, No goals achieved, nothing to show for my meager existence."

The room held a terribly oppressive silence as the youth reminisced on his memories as his mind went to his first recollection of when this all began. A family is usually a symbol of love and support, one that was meant to be there for you in your time of peril and care for you regardless. His family had never been that; from early on, he had learned you could only rely on one person, which was yourself.

In the face of truly dark times, concepts such as familial bonds, blood ties, and relationships are for naught as they are all destined to crumble away eventually.

"I was 17 when I realized this harsh truth, No one will save you from your misery and despair. You have to climb up despite the odds and save yourself."

As he realized this his outlook on the world changed as he attained a metamorphosis many attain later on in life at such a young age as he fully cast away his naivety.

"Three years later I was struck with a cancer diagnosis" he whispered, his eyes clouded with mixed emotions. 

It was the greatest irony he had instilled within himself the notion that no one could be trusted or relied on except oneself but then he had experienced the greatest biological betrayal. Cancer. Left with no one around him, neither family nor friends, the youth fell into an almost biblical depression as he contemplated his life and questioned whether this was a cruel joke from a higher being.

His hospital room soon became a prison of solitude apart from nurses or doctors he had no contact with anyone as he tried to find pieces of comfort and fondness elsewhere.

A few of his avenues worked and became very fond hobbies of his and a few didn't as he quickly moved on to the next.

'Why am I suddenly thinking of all of this?' the youth questioned as he found himself reminiscing more deeply than he had ever before.

"It seems the end is close." The room echoed with the hollowness of the youth's voice, a bleak loneliness that had become all too familiar to him. "Finally I can rest–" he murmured as his gaze was fixed on the dimly lit room his voice faded and he could feel the strength leaving his body.

In his final moments, the youth's eyes clouded with sadness and pain managed to blink a few tears as the only witness to his end was the silent medical equipment that stood in the corner.





In a place where darkness seemed to stretch for an infinitude. An enigmatic void of space one where direction and other related concepts were meaningless as an amorphous mass with a dull glow floated around aimlessly.

Suddenly the mass noticed a shimmering entity tethering on the borders of its awareness as the being's form danced on the edge of its perception shifting not too dissimilar to an undulating mirage in a desert heat.

The being exuded an enigmatic aura looking within one would see the being as a kaleidoscope of colors as it consistently pulsed with a dark and ominous energy.

The mass took an interest in the being as it felt an odd attraction to it as it aimed to see and understand it... To be one with it.

As the shimmering apparition that is the being looked down upon the amorphous mass, the mass experienced a sudden shape as it twisted and morphed as it looked similar to a potter and a batch of clay.

The previously amorphous mass now in possession of a vaguely human form looked at the being with mixed emotions as it was unsure of what to feel or think.

"Who….Who am I?" the form questioned its voice amounting to naught but a whisper in the seemingly endless void.

The being regarded it with eyes that thrummed with a curious intensity, Its gaze piercing through the surrounding darkness like stars in the night sky. The being spoke. No. Speaking would be too crude of a term to describe the act that took place. The being communicated, not through words but through a resonance that echoed within the core of the being in front of it as it spoke in ripples of energy that carried more understanding and comprehension than words simply could.

"You are but a fragment of what once was" the being responded, its form shifting and morphing. "A remnant of a past life, now left, adrift in the boundless abyss."

The form's features contorted with confusion as it searched within a flicker of recognition lurking within its depths as if trying to grasp something slightly out of reach.

"Yet, there is potential within you," the being continued, its words carrying a slightly different tone. "A chance of redemption amidst the suffering of eternity."

With another gesture. The being imbued the form with fragments of its essence once again.

"You must simply find a purpose, One worth living for and dying for." the being intoned cryptically as its form began to flicker like a dying star on the horizon.

"Wait, What are you talking about? Purpose?..... Are these memories mine? Of who I used to be? What is my purpose" The form spoke a sense of urgency in its tone as it repeatedly questioned.

"Accept yourself." the being responded.

The form felt a pang of frustration yet still heeded the being's advice as it began to sift through the fragments of memories within itself searching for clues amidst a cluster of experiences. Flashes of experiences and emotions flickered through the form's mind and face as each piece of the puzzle began to fall into place.

As it delved deeper into the cascading spiral of memories it began to piece together like fragments of a shattered mirror. Faces, places, ideas, thoughts, and opinions all weaving together emerging from the shadows of its subconscious as an uncanny sense of familiarity arose.

With each memory, the form felt a sense of wholeness return to it, A void that it was previously unaware of being filled. As the last fragments of its memories fell into place. The form now aware of its identity and its memories had laid a foundation of the reemergence of itself. With a newfound clarity, it once again spoke to the being.

"I know who I am, or rather who I was. I remember everything from my fifth-grade crush to my last thought before I died. But that still leaves the question of "what are you?"

The being gazed upon the visage of the form its enigmatic aura pulsing with wisdom. 

"I am but a fragment of an old legend shackled by the very consequences of my actions." The being replied cryptically, its voice carrying the weight of countless eons worth of experience.

"What about me? What happens to me now?" the form questioned, its voice tinged with an odd determination. 

The being looked at the form with a knowing smile as its eyes gleamed ominously. "I have an offer for you." the being answered.

"What offer? What does it entail?" the form criticized, with its memories now returning his inherent nature and tendency towards suspicion and distrust began to once again rear its ugly head.

The being's grin widened, acknowledging the forms skeptism."An offer between that benefits us both. You have the chance to be something more, See things you never thought existed." it communicated the offer a tantalizing whisper into the emptiness of the void.

The form felt a shiver of excitement run down its spine at the offer, its existence brimming with curiosity."What kind of things?" it asked, failing to hide the curiosity and eearness in its voice.

"Worlds beyond imagination, infinite possibilities power beyond measure." it replied cryptically. "I can help you achieve all of that and more if you accept.

The forms non-existent heart raced with anticipation, the offer appearing as tantalizing as water to a man lost in the desert.

 "What's your end of the deal, What do you ask for in return." 


The being spoke. As tendrils of darkness began to swirl and coil around the beings form. Wiggling dragging into a cacophony of oddities that shook the void as it begun to twist itself. As the word slithered forth from its depths. The word shook reality as the edges of chaos shook as it begun to fragment as if recoiling in terror from the sheer power contained in the utterance.

The form however stood unpetured its existence unaffected by the destruction ongoing around it as it protected by the being all damage caused seemed to avoid its vicinity similar to how a healthy man would treat an infectious virus.

Looking around the form was shocked at the sheer amount of untold destruction the being caused unable to comprehend how it was even possible. Although shocked by the recent event the form still questioned.

"What do you mean by that" its ethereal form flickering.

"By imbuing you with my Essence I will be a part of you. Able to see what you see, feel what you feel and more. It's a bond between us. A connection that transcends all before it." The being resorting to its previous form of communitated responded as its dark form once again gleamed.

The form listened intently, an odd sense of uneasiness crept into its min. But it pushed it away.

"And you gain what from this exactly?" it asked,its voice a bit more fearful than it previously was.

"As I said before entertainment," It replied its tendrils once again writhing and twisting around its form in a spine-chilling display of power.

"You see, a limiting existence is as good as non existence, it becomes a tedious cycle with boredom aching your very being. As you are trapped in a miserable cycle. But with you as my vessel, I can experience existence once again, unbounded, witness chaos as it unfolds."

Its form reciled slightly, a sense of dread stirred in the pit of the forms as it hoped its speculations on the beings intentions were misguided.

"You want to use me as a tool for your amusement?" its voice whispered a note of distaste tinging its voice.

"Yes, But fear not, You will have full autonomy my dear vessel. I will not control or dictate your action in any manner. My presence will be unoticeable in fact you may even forget I am there as I will merely act as an observer."

As the form processed the being's words it had a small smile as it had seen through the entire deal. It was nothing it was unfamiliar with, as from its memories it had seen several instances of situations like this, while to a lesser scale and more disguised degree they were essentially the same thing. A mutually beneficial relationship.

The form's smile widened, and a glimmer of understanding shone through its eyes.

"As long as I retain my autonomy, I am willing to accept the offer." The form declared,

The being smirked as it displayed its amusement. "Very well my dear vessel" it replied.

The being's form reverberated as its form shifted repetitively as it curled and uncurled as it sent a particular tendril out as the edge shrunk till it formed a pinprick needle.

The form watched with curiosity and apprehension as the needle hovered before it, a single drop of viscous black liquid forming at the tip.

As the drop of liquid fell from the needle's edge, it seemed to defy gravity as it hoovered mid-air before being sent forward as it hit the form's body with a sibilant hiss. 

With each heartbeat, the form felt something within it change and morph, tendrils of power and probability unfurling from its core akin to the petals of a twisted flower.

The being observed with a grin as the form embraced the new power as it sensed a connection between both of them, a sense of euphoria and anticipation overtook it. As with each second, the bond between the two grew stronger.

As the form awoke from its trance, it felt a surge of newfound power coursing through its being…Yet, it did not feel any overwhelming sense of strength it had expected. Instead, there was only a subtle and lingering sense of sublimation, as if its very being had been refined and remodeled by the dark essence that now coursed through its veins.

"I don't feel that different." the form confessed, its voice carrying a note of mistrust.

The Being grinned knowingly. "Your power manifests from your desires." it explained "Essentially it's up to you how your abilities are manifested."

The form furrowed its brow, pondering on the Being's words as it once again looked within itself searching for anything related to its abilities. 

And then, as if stuck by lighting, it saw it–a swirling vortex bearing a multitude of colors as it spun incessantly with each revolution showing something different. 

At times it would be Numbers then Dice then an illusory image of a random world.

"I see it, so this is my ability" the form whispered, its voice tinged in disbelief.


The form understood the nature of its power. As more information flowed into its mind about the exact nature and capabilities of its abilities its reaction turned from one of surprise to ecstasy to overwhelming joy.

"Th–This is simply crazy, the possibilities are virtually endless. Summon items or people from alternate realities, fusing with them, blending them to create stronger traces. It is not an understatement to say I've hit the ability jackpot."

The Being observed with a strange sense of satisfaction, its unseeable eyes gleaming with anticipation with a hint of lust behind them.

"Indeed, It is an ability on the higher end of the spectrum. Now that my side of the deal is done it's your turn." the being communicated, its voice seemingly trembling with glee and anticipation."Now, my dear vessel let the true adventure begin." it said as the darkness around it suddenly began to twist, ready to carry out the next order. But before it could be executed a voice rang out.

"Wait!" The form said hurriedly.

"What now?" the being said a clear hit of annoyance evident in its tone as it sounded displeased at the thought of having to wait another second for its entertainment to begin.

The form hesitated, gathering its thoughts before speaking. "I have two concerns," it began. "First off, how can I be sure that this ability is real and not just something you made me think is real?"

The Being chuckled softly, its body writhing in amusement. "Fair question, my dear vessel," it replied.

"If you want to check the validity of your ability, isn't here the perfect place to test it out? Summon your trace and see for yourself."

The form nodded, focusing its mind on the swirling vortex within itself. With a deep breath, it reached into it and it felt three traces latch onto it from the depths of the @!93&%?<. And in a dazzling light. Three shimmering forms materialized each revealing what had been summoned.< p>

[Shō Kusakabe]

 Star Rank: ★ ★ ★ ★

 Quality Rank: 91q 

Type: Character Trace. 

World of Origin: Fire Forcee 

[Shō Kusakabe Equipment.]

 Star Rank: ★ ★ ★ 

 Quality Rank: 89q 

Type: Item Trace. 

World of Origin: Fire Force 

[Takeshi Hinawa]

 Star Rank: ★ ★ ★ 

 Quality Rank: 82q 

Type: Character Trace. 

World of Origin: Fire Force.

The form looked over the traces, its mind racing with possibilities. As it recognized the names of the traces and all their abilities. A surge of excitement overtook it as it just started to sink in the true extent of its abilities.

"Shō Kusakabe," the form muttered, its voice carrying an awe as it recalled and examined everything about the trace. "His abilities are a must-have. Severed Universe is a good ability to have no matter the universe."

Turning its attention towards Shō's equipment, the form's eyes widened further as it looked at the quality and precision of its craftsmanship. "His equipment could help enhance my abilities further.' As the form mused, imaging the sheer destructive potential of just these two traces. 

As it turned its gaze toward the last trace of Takeshi Hinawa, memories of the Fire Force series poured back into its mind, thanks to its past life as a dedicated nerd. It recalled the various abilities of characters and their overall personalities.

As it contemplated its options, with a sense of determination the form made its decision. It reached out toward Shō's trace as it willed it to fuse with itself.

Feeling the rush of energy as their essences intertwined as in an instant the form's appearance shifted taking on the likeness of Shō. This was not all it had inherited from Shō as the form clutched its head as the influx of memories from another being threatened to overwhelm it.

"Haumea.." The form muttered through gritted teeth. As the memories and personalities of two distinct being collided turning into an odd amalgamation. Neither one or the other as the form's body began to curl up as it clutched its head in sheer pain.

"ARGGHHHH." the form screamed sheer pain emanating from its shrieks.

"Makeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstopmakeitstopmakeits,. "it begged as numerous memories jumbled with one another as he recalled training and meeting with the Evangelist as various events entangled themselves in the forms head.

As the form's screams reverberated through the darkness, each cry was a sign of the excruciating torment. Yet despite the overwhelming pain the form clung to a flicker of hope, praying the process would soon be complete. With every ounce of strength left it fought to maintain its sense of self and admit the storm of memories raging within it.

And then, just as it had begun, the pain vanished, leaving the now white-haired form gasping for breath as it trembled with exhaustion. As it looked at its own body and felt the power brimming within. A newfound resolve flickered in its eyes as he felt the ordeal was worth the gains.

"That was truly entertaining to watch. Now it is time for you to get going I have tolerated this appetizer for too long. I want the main dish. As for your second concern you mentioned earlier I will grant you what you ask for. For a price of course."

Without waiting to hear the form response, in an instant the beings's tendrils of darkness enveloped the form, carrying it away to its chosen destination.

『 hAhAhAhAHaHaHahAh 』

The being's laughter filled the void as the echoes seemed to distort reality itself. Waves of malevolent and chaotic energy rippled outward, causing reality within the area to distort and twist.

In the wake of the laughter, strange anomalies began to manifest as shimmering distortions seemed to appear in the darkness. Reality itself threatened to buckle under the weight of the being's amusement, bending and contorting in ways that defied known comprehension.

As the echoes of the being's laughter still reverberated through the void, a sudden disturbance rippled through the darkness. Another entity, vast and powerful, tore through the fabric of reality its presence heralded by a cacophony of whispers and a shower of golden light.

The newcomer loomed over the being, its form shifting and contorting in unsettling ways similar to the being as its eyes blazed with an unnatural light as it surveyed the scene before it.

『What have you done?』the newcomer demanded its voice a chilling whisper that seemed to drop the temperature to absolute zero.

The being chuckled softly in response, its amusement unabated by the newcomer's ominous presence.

『i DoNt KnOw yOu TeLL mE.』

It replied cryptically a mischievous glint in its eyes. The newcomer's frown deepened, its gaze narrowing in suspicion.

『You never change that aggravating nature of yours do you, Nihiloth?』

At the mention of its name, the being now known as Nihiloth's laughter grew louder, echoing through the void with manic glee. The newcomer's eyes widened in disbelief, a sense of unease creeping over it.

『You meddle in things beyond your comprehension, Nihiloth.』it warned, its tone laced with a hint of fear and anger.

『Did you just send that form to an Aleph-Class reality? Just what have you unleashed?』the newcomer asked with a more forceful tone.

But Nihiloth's laughter only grew louder, echoing through the void like the tolling of a funeral bell. Chains of radiant golden light erupted from the newcomer as it ensnared it in a web of light.

As Nihiloth struggled against the chains of golden light, its laughter continued unabated, a sinister symphony that heralded the dawn of a new age of chaos and uncertainty in the multiverse.

Metropolis│18 Months After the Black-0 Event│November 30th 2015│